Although同in spite of有咩分别
Although与in spite of的意思很相似,用法上却有分别。Although是连接词conjunction,in spite of是介词prepositions。所以在用法上,会因应以下英语逻辑: Although + clause In spite of + noun 例一: Although it was raining heavily
we finished the basketball game.(红字为clause) We finished the basketball game in spite of the heavy rain.(蓝字为noun) 例二: Although he had a strong Mandarin accent
we understood what he was saying.(红字为clause) In spite of his strong Mandarin accent
we understood what he was saying.(蓝字为noun)
参考: slot
In spite of
despite and although are all used to show a contrast but there are differences in the structures used with them. 003 is more close to a perfect wer. The concept of 004 is wrong. Don't follow her!
Although - 虽然... Although it rains/ed
we do/did not cancel the hiking trip. 虽然下雨,我们没有取消远足行程。 虽然有一种情况,理论上应该是某结果,但是表达另一样结果。 In spite of - 即使/纵使 In spite of the rain
we still go/went hiking. 纵使下雨,我们仍去远足(行山)。 不论前因如何,也不会改变计划/决心。 特登用两句意思相近的作例子: 微妙之处在于in spite of是表达不论处境如何
I think you know the difference of the meaning from it. And the biggest difference is Although follows with sentence
in spite of + noun. E.g. Although she was hungry
she didn't buy anything from the supermarket E.g. He continued to singin spite of people's objection
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we finished the basketball game.(红字为clause) We finished the basketball game in spite of the heavy rain.(蓝字为noun) 例二: Although he had a strong Mandarin accent
we understood what he was saying.(红字为clause) In spite of his strong Mandarin accent
we understood what he was saying.(蓝字为noun)
参考: slot
In spite of
despite and although are all used to show a contrast but there are differences in the structures used with them. 003 is more close to a perfect wer. The concept of 004 is wrong. Don't follow her!
Although - 虽然... Although it rains/ed
we do/did not cancel the hiking trip. 虽然下雨,我们没有取消远足行程。 虽然有一种情况,理论上应该是某结果,但是表达另一样结果。 In spite of - 即使/纵使 In spite of the rain
we still go/went hiking. 纵使下雨,我们仍去远足(行山)。 不论前因如何,也不会改变计划/决心。 特登用两句意思相近的作例子: 微妙之处在于in spite of是表达不论处境如何
I think you know the difference of the meaning from it. And the biggest difference is Although follows with sentence
in spite of + noun. E.g. Although she was hungry
she didn't buy anything from the supermarket E.g. He continued to singin spite of people's objection
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