
这个故事发生在十九世纪的法国巴黎,传说曾经有个颇具音乐以及建筑天赋的奇才,可惜从小就被毁了容。后来他亲手设计了法国巴黎歌剧院,包括底下繁复的地宫,然后他便长年深居在地宫里... 这个故事发生在十九世纪的法国巴黎,传说曾经有个颇具音乐以及建筑天赋的奇才,可惜从小就被毁了容。后来他亲手设计了法国巴黎歌剧院,包括底下繁复的地宫,然后他便长年深居在地宫里;多年来他时常戴着面具在歌剧院里神出鬼没,以个人喜好干涉剧院的演出,人们都称他是“魅影”。直到有一天,魅影发现一位住在剧院里接受训练和驻演的小牌女歌手克里斯汀拥有十分出色的歌喉,可惜总唱不好高音,便决心要扶持她成为最优秀的女高音。不知不觉,欣赏萌生了爱情,转而变成强烈的占有欲,魅影不仅扫除了一切有碍克里斯汀事业的人,当他发现剧院的投资人劳尔爱上了克里斯汀时,更是越发地疯狂和冲动,克里斯汀对他也渐渐产生了恐惧,还有一丝怜悯,此时劳尔和克里斯汀表示将保护她不受“魅影”干涉。后来,克里斯汀和劳尔秘密订婚了;知晓此事的魅影怒不可遏,痛苦的魅影强迫歌剧院上演他谱写的《唐璜》,并点名要克里斯汀担任女主角。在《唐璜》首演的那天,魅影杀死了男主角,由自己亲自上阵,演到高潮时,克里斯汀摘下了魅影的面具,魅影割断水晶灯,拐走了克里斯汀,二人瞬间在众目睽睽下消失。追赶而来的劳尔也被魅影用绳索囚禁。魅影将克里斯汀拐到地下迷宫后,魅影痛苦地诉说着自己因为丑陋的面庞而扭曲的炽烈的爱情,克里斯汀深受触动,上前亲吻了魅影。被克里斯汀的善良所震撼的魅影终于崩溃,释放了克里斯汀和劳尔,要求他们离开了。从此,魅影就消失了,谁也不知道他去了哪里。直到多年以后,克里斯汀去世,有一天年迈的劳尔带着拍卖来的音乐盒前去克里斯汀的坟前,却在克里斯汀的坟前发现了一朵系有墨绿色丝带的玫瑰花,上面套着一枚钻戒,劳尔往四周张望,有个斗篷的影子瞬间消失了…… 展开
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2015-12-13 · TA获得超过252个赞
This story took place in nineteenth Century in Paris, France, the legend of a very musical and architectural talent, but also destroyed the contents of the small. Later, he personally designed the The Paris Opera House in France, including under the complicated Palace of the Earth, then he stayed indoors for many years in Palace of the Earth for many years; he often wears a mask at the opera and theatre productions interference on personal preferences, he was called "the phantom of the opera". Until one day, found in a phantom theatre training and played in the small female singer Kristen has a very good voice, but always can't sing treble, decided to help her become the most outstanding soprano. Imperceptibly, appreciate the initiation of love, become strong possessive, the phantom of the opera not only wiped out all impede Kristen's career, when he found the theatre investor Raul fell in love with Kristen, even more crazy and impulsive, Kristen gradually he had a fear and pity, then Raul and Kristen will to protect her from "the phantom of the opera" interference. Later, Kristen and Raul secretly engaged; know the anger, pain the phantom of the opera he forced wrote "Don Juan", and named Kristen as the female lead. In "Don Juan" premiere day, the phantom killed the hero battle himself, played to a climax when Kristen took off the mask, the cut crystal lamp, abducted Kristen, two people in a moment under the watchful eyes of the people. Raul was chased by the phantom with a rope trap. The Kristen turned into the underground maze, the phantom pain to tell his ugly face and distorted because of strong love, Kristen deeply touched and kissed the phantom. Kristen was shocked by the kind of phantom finally collapse, the release of Kristen and Raul, asking them to leave. Since then, the phantom disappeared, who did not know where he went. Until many years later, Kristen died in a music box one day old Raul took to the auction to Kristen's grave, but a dark green ribbon with roses found in Kristen's grave, which set a diamond ring, Raul looked around, a shadow cloak disappeared......
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