1、To buy less of something than what is wanted or needed.买少购买少于所要或所需的东西。
2、Of less than normal or sufficient size.小于正常的或足够的尺寸的。
3、Maybe he still did not seem an authentic camel-driver, but at least he was less like a deserter.他知道这还不十分像拉骆驼的,可是至少也不完全像个逃兵了。
4、They went to the piazza, where the crowd was rather less riotous than before.他们到了广场,广场的人群不再象以前那样奔放不羁了。
5、Now I play to a 9 or 10 handicap on a shorter, less difficult course.现在我在较短而不那么困难的球道上遇到9到10个障碍。
6、I imagine this is how new mothers feel, only they're probably less smitten.我想这就是新任妈妈们的感觉吧,只是她们陶醉的程度或许不如时下的我。