求 恩雅《水印》歌词

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推荐于2016-05-23 · TA获得超过256个赞

Cursum Perficio
On Your Shore
Storms In Africa
Miss Clare Remembers
Orinoco Flow
Evening Falls...
The Longships
Na Laetha Geal M`Óige
Storms In Africa (II)*

Cursum Perficio
Cursum perficio.
Verbum sapienti:
Quo plus habent,
Eo plus cupiunt.
Post nubila, Phoebus

I finish the course.
A word to the wise:
The more people have,
The more they want.
After the clouds, Phoebus
On Your Shore
Strange how my heart beats
To find myself upon your shore.
Strange how I still feel
My loss of comfort gone before.

Cool waves wash over
And drift away with dreams of youth
So time is stolen
I cannot hold you long enough.

And so this is where I should be now
Days and nights falling by
Days and nights falling by me.
I know of a dream I should be holding
Days and nights falling by
Days and nights falling by me.

Soft blue horizons
Reach far into my childhood days

As you are rising
To bring me my forgotten ways.

Strange how I falter
To find I'm standing in deep water
Strange how my heart beats
To find I'm standing on your shore.
Storms In Africa
Cá fhad é ó
Cá fhad é ó
Siúl trí na stoirmeacha
Gabh trí na stoirmeacha

Cá fhad é ó
Tús na stoirm
Cá fhad é
Ó tús go deireadh

Tóg do chroí
Siúl trí na stoirmeacha
Tóg do chroísa
Gabh trí na stoirmeacha

Turas mór
Trom trí na Stoirmeacha

Turas fada
Amharc trí na stoirmeacha.

How long is it since
How long is it since
Walk through the storms
Go through the storms

How long is it since
The start of the storm
How long is it
From beginning to end

Lift your heart
Walk through the storms
Lift your heart!
Go through the storms

Great Journey
Heavy, through the storms

Long Journey
Look through the storms
Cold as the northern winds
In December mornings,
Cold is the cry that rings
From this far distant shore.

Winter has come too late
Too close beside me.
How can I chase away
All these fears deep inside?

I'll wait the signs to come.
I'll find a way
I will wait the time to come.
I'll find a way home.

My light shall be the moon
And my path - the ocean.
My guide the morning star
As I sail home to you.

Who then can warm my soul?

Who can quell my passion?
Out of these dreams - a boat
I will sail home to you.

Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)
Let me sail, let me sail,
let the orinoco flow,
Let me reach, let me beach
On the shores of Tripoli.
Let me sail, let me sail,
Let me crash upon your shore,
Let me reach, let me beach
Far beyond the Yellow Sea.

From Bissau to Palau - in the shade of Avalon,
From Fiji to Tiree and the Isles of Ebony,
From Peru to Cebu hear the power of Babylon,
From Bali to Cali - far beneath the Coral Sea.

From the North to the South,
Ebudæ into Khartoum,
From the deep sea of Clouds

To the island of the moon,
Carry me on the waves
To the lands I've never been,
Carry me on the waves
To the lands I've never seen.

We can sail, we can sail…
We can steer, we can near
With Rob Dickins at the wheel,
We can sigh, say goodbye
Ross and his dependencies
We can sail, we can sail…

Evening Falls
When the evening falls
And the daylight is fading,
From within me calls
Could it be I am sleeping?
For a moment I stray,
Then it holds me completely
Close to home - I cannot say
Close to home feeling so far away

As I walk the room there before me a shadow
From another world, where no other can follow
Carry me to my own, to where I can cross over
Close to home - I cannot say
Close to home feeling so far away

Forever searching; never right,
I am lost in oceans of night.

Forever hoping I can find memories
Those memories I left behind

Even though I leave will I go on believing
That this time is real - am I lost in this feeling?
Like a child passing through,
Never knowing the reason
I am home - I know the way
I am home - feeling oh, so far away

The Longships

Hoireann is oro
Tá muid beo
Him oro ho
Go Deo na ndeor

We are alive

Forever and ever

Na Laetha Geal M'Óige
Ag amharc trí m'óige
Sé mé bhí sámh
Gan eolas marbh
Bhí mé óg gan am

Anois táim buartha
'S fad ar shiúl an lá
Ochón is ochón ó

Na laetha geal m'óige
Bhí siad lán de dhóchas
An bealach mó a bhí romhan ansin
Bhí sé i ndán dom go mbeadh mé slán

The Great Days Of My Youth
Looking back at my youth
I was content
Without dead knowledge
I was young, without time

Now I'm sorrowful
Those days are long past

Sadness and loss

The great days of my youth
They were full of expectation
The great journey that was before me then
Happiness was in store for me
Storms In Africa (II)
Though I walk through
Warm sands in Africa
Winds will grow soon
To storms in Africa.

How far to go
I cannot say.
How many more
Will journey this way?

Dark skies fall on
Black earth and ivory.
Far from your sun
Clouds now close over me

How far to go
I cannot say.
How many more
Will journey this way?

Storms have come!
Rains wash the earth away
Dark skies fall down
Into another day.
Rains have now come
From storms in Africa
Time will go on
Through Storms in Africa
Cursum perficio.(I am making an end to my course.)
Cursum perficio.(I am making an end to my course.)
Verbum sapienti:(A word to the wise:)
Verbum sapienti:(A word to the wise:)
Verbum sapienti:(A word to the wise:)
uo plus habent,(The more [people] have)
Eo plus cupiunt.(The more they want.)
Post nubila, phoebus(After the clouds, phoebus)
Eo plus cupiunt.(The more they want.)
Post nubila, phoebus(After the clouds, phoebus)
uo plus habent,(The more [people] have)
uo plus habent,(The more [people] have)
Eo plus cupiunt.(The more they want.)
Post nubila, phoebus(After the clouds, phoebus)
Cursum perficio.(I am making an end to my course.)
Verbum sapienti:(A word to the wise:)
uo plus habent,(The more [people] have)
Eo plus cupiunt.(The more they want.)
Post nubila, phoebus(After the clouds, phoebus)
Iternum(Over and over again)
Iternum(Over and over again)
Iternum(Over and over again)
Iternum(Over and over again)

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