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随着年龄的增长,我慢慢长大了,懂事了,开始锁定人生第一个目标,考上美术学院,经过不懈努力,我终于走进了鲁迅美术学院的大门,专业是平面设计,一,我发现自己终于找到了真正属于自己的世界,平面设计中各种元素,符号,语言,形式都让我对这个领域充满好奇、激情兴奋不已,从大一到大四,这四年的学习中,我不放弃任何机会 ,认真地对待每一项课程,比如:素描、色彩、静物、人物、字体设计、标志设计、排版、国画、民间传统图案、书籍设计、VI设计、展示设计、插画、招贴设计、包装设计等等。从这些课程中我不断学习,充实自己,使自己的专业水平一步步不断提高,更重要的是这四年的专业学习,锻炼,我养成了观察事物的另一种习惯,学会从不同角度、方式来感受事物,视觉感受更全面。比如:色彩对比,统一、构成形式、黑白灰对比、又比如对事物的感受,清新的、热情的、冷漠的、轻松的、紧张的、淡雅的、浓重的、优美的、美好的、悲伤的。。。。。。

在大学期间所学专业是平面设计Graphic Design

 我来答
2009-08-05 · TA获得超过5.9万个赞
As a person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, I like to fantasize since I was very young; I was very interested in colorful objects and figures. Whenever I watched a figure, my mind would come up with some other graphics, and my mind will be full of these beautiful drawings all day. This was my happy colorful childhood.
I grew up with the age and cut my wisdom teeth, I started to aim for the first target of my life, to enter the academy of fine arts. After my relentless efforts, I finally gained entrance to the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in graphic design. I discovered that finally I had found a world that was really mine, the various elements, symbols, languages and forms of graphic design made me full of curiosity, passion and excitement. From freshman to senior, I did not give up any opportunity during these four years, I treated every course seriously. For example, sketches, colors, still life, people, character design, logo, typeset, traditional Chinese painting, folk traditional drawings, book design, VI design, display design, illustrations, poster design, packaging design, etc. I tried to learn and enrich myself from all these courses to enhance my professional level step by step. More importantly, these four years of professional study and training had enabled me to observe things differently; learning how to feel objects from different angles and ways, and attaining more comprehensive visual sensibility. For instance, the comparison, consolidation, composition and form of colors; the comparison of black and white, as well as the feelings of things, refreshing, passionate, cold, relaxing, uptight, lightly elegant, heavy and strong, graceful, nice, sad……….
Through these four years of study, I am more inspired towards designing, fascinated by this profession, more self confidence and determined to pursue designing to the end with confidence, because I am deeply attracted by this profession. So, I am going to indulge in designing work, I want to be a designer who can bring satisfaction, convenience and happy mood to people, let them enjoy my works.
My major in the academy was Graphic Design, from my learning experience I have come to realize that this is an unbounded learning. You need a bit of talent to be a good graphic designer, but what needed more is deep reflection and persistent practice. When you have a little understanding of a profession, you tend to be desirous of more knowledge, which is why I always wish to design. Graphic design is the foundation of other designs; no design can do without the three basic subjects of graphic composition, structure and three-dimensional formation. As far as home textile is concerned, dress designing integrates the fine design of process and technique; very often it is an extension and development of graphic design. Therefore, I am very fond of this industry.
Initially, I thought my involvement in the designing business is accidental; but these years of reading, learning and understanding, I found myself really love designing.
After the entrance exam, I went to Shandong Academy of Fine Arts to start learning designing. Gradually, I began to feel interested in new things, attracted by some of the innovations, and I got interested in designing.
“Design originates from living and serves living”; all the paraphernalia in our living are meticulously designed by human. Designs beautifies our lives, creates visual aesthetics. I also want to design something that lasts, adding colors to our livings.
“All the heavenly creations are unique”; working on designs can widen one’s knowledge, create a life of personality, give play to imagination limitlessly and freely to express the feelings inside, this is one of the reasons why I want to pursue the work of designing.
The study of design has changed my way of thinking, enhanced my aesthetic appreciation and made my life full of joy. Whatever my future may be, I hope to go on persistently, maybe I am destined to be involved in designing work.
2009-08-04 · 超过11用户采纳过TA的回答
Pisces I've love fantasy, when I was on the colourful, graphics are very interested to see a figure head will show some other associations, the graphics are all full head, full of beautiful pictures, this is my happy young age full color
Along with the growth of the age, I grew up, sensible, began to lock life first goal, passed through unremitting efforts, academy, I finally entered the door, lu xun's academy is a professional design, plane, I found myself finally found the real world of my own, graphic design elements, symbol, language, form of this field, let me curious passion and excitement, from one to four, the four years of study, I don't give up any opportunity, seriously each course, such as: the sketch, color, still life, characters, typeface design, logo design, layout, traditional Chinese painting, folk traditional pattern, books, and design, VI design, display design, illustration, poster design, packaging design, etc. From these courses I constantly learning, enrich himself, to improve the professional level step by step, more important is the four years of study, exercise, I got everything another habit, learn from different angles, and ways to experience more comprehensive, visual perception. Example: color contrast, unity, form, black and white ash contrast, for instance, the feeling of things fresh, warm, cold, relaxed, tense, quietly elegant, graceful, strong and beautiful and sad...
Through the years, I learn to design more comprehension, more fascinated by the industry, more confident, confident, decide what to do, because I design has been designed to be attracted deeply. So I want to be engaged in design work, I think is a name can bring people meet, convenient and happy mood of stylist, let people enjoy my work.

During the university majored in Graphic Design is too flat
Through the four-year university study realized profoundly graphic design is a broad knowledge. To make a graphic designer needs a little talent, need more in-depth thinking and practice. When you are on a door have a bit of a professional awareness, will want to know more, so I have the desire to do design.
Graphic design is the basis of other design. Any design is inseparable from the plane composition, structure, the three basic task three-dimensional construction, in general, the lesson in textile clothing design is a combination of technology, technical good shape design. Many times is the extension and development of graphic design.
So I'm interested to industry

Just to hear the questions, feel oneself is engaged in design work just a coincidence. But he found reading this years, through continuous learning and understanding, feel oneself is really like to do.
Through the university entrance exam, I entered shandong academy of fine arts, formally began to study design, gradually began to some fresh things, some of them are interested in something very interesting creative, attractive, so interested in design.
"Design from life and design service life" we little drops of life is the human elaborate design, design to beautify the life, to create a visual aesthetic feeling. I also want to let oneself design can be left for life, add a colour.
"Alone" (in Chinese), through the design can enrich their knowledge, make full of individual life, can make people have a free space to exert oneself imagination, express themselves, this is the emotion I will work in the design of a cause.
Study design, changed my way of thinking, aesthetic level, make my life is full of fun, so no matter how would later road, hope oneself can clinging go, perhaps is destined to me to work in design.
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2009-08-04 · TA获得超过612个赞
Because of his hard enough, when not enter a key high rise, face the pressure to study fine arts entrance. Although I don't hate beginning in painting arts, but just those deceptively simple sketch, have become my headache, interest and passion are all is the irony of the language, I was getting tired of not learning painting, that want to do a painter dream comes from no longer in my mind, heart boredom from day to day, I began to go...
But, regardless of class or art teacher are concerned about me, they give me support in the teacher's professional guidance and special help, I began to introduction to my satisfaction, as one of the works in their own hands, when I was gradually became interested in art, also a lot more than a year earlier than I learned my classmate, with surprising speed. So I successfully passed the sichuan normal university, and the institute of clothing clothing design study.
In the four years in college, I from the students from all over the world and deep-seated stunt teacher that learned a lot. Our college life fruitfully also very relaxed, in music, and every time spent in music, shows and design in my life become an indispensable part of. Every time at international well-known master designs and clothing conference, I want to cry, every time such that they moved with the fastest speed and simple line drawing pictures, but the birth of each work all lifelike live on stage, the rich contents, lasting deeply, let me deeply admire, I always love with clothing, more deeply in love with design, I hope one day, I also can have moved to all the works born...
Facing the stress of employment, family left no stone unturned to give oneself search, but I still don't give up in the design of the dream. In plane, advertising, textile or clothing design, I have no complaints, as long as there is hope near the stage of design, I would try to pay all my efforts, even some of the things I would need to learn.
It's passions and interests to let me think engaged in designing, give all my efforts and hard, for their own dreams, and to cultivate my parents and hard work are all I care and support of the people.

Firstly, according to the study, four years has a certain design ability, reaches a certain level of design, formed a design concept, and by constantly learning, cultivate the interest of design.
Secondly, as a major in four years of effort, the price, the high school and university to practice to examine the theoretical knowledge. Only in the design work, can play their expertise, can have very good personal development space.
Finally, compared with overseas Chinese design is not mature, has the very big development space and broad development prospects. Say so, design is a very promising career.
Anyhow, interest and professional advantages in design work is my main reasons.

Engaged in the design is my life be the biggest of choice. My hobbies, interests, I prefer to explore new things, new ideas, and given when I feel my every brain development, each in the brain cells for this new things and new ideas are exciting. Meanwhile, I would like to show me to various forms of inner thoughts and ideas fu novel design concept. Therefore, in addition to design a better choice. I have?
Let life full of originality and wonderful, is my ideal and goal.
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