高人帮忙翻译一下(尽量翻译 谢谢)

数学在我生命中占有很大的分量,从小就沉迷于数学的我在A-LEVE课程中仍然选择了学习数学。数学的丰富多彩体现在大自然中。因此我视数学为一种神奇的存在。经过了AS阶段对do... 数学在我生命中占有很大的分量,从小就沉迷于数学的我在A-LEVE课程中仍然选择了学习数学。数学的丰富多彩体现在大自然中。因此我视数学为一种神奇的存在。经过了AS阶段对double mathematics 的学习和了解。我更加肯定了对数学的喜爱。 poincare曾经说过:“数学是一种语言,我们不能用这种语言表达不精确或含混不请的思想。”通过学习数学和高数。我懂得了poincare的话。虽然公式内容表述的简单,但具有哲学趣味和清晰性。是一种表达所有合理思想的简洁方式,是形成所有合理思想的基础。因此通过学习数学,让我在事情处理上,变得更加严谨,更加讲求效率,更加讲究方法。这也是我高数老师所希望我懂得的数学思想。他经常会给我讲一些数学家的故事。让我在学习数学的过程中,更深深的体会到数学家那种坚持不懈的推理精神。让我爱上推论的感觉。每一道数学题目对于我来说都是一种新鲜的挑战。数学的学习里面也包括了机械数学和统计学。因为我学习物理。所以也很喜欢机械数学。它把数学模型淋漓尽致的体现在现实生活中。让我体会到了数学存在的实际意义。统计学结合了社会的发展。把社会经济生活具体的用数字来衡量。这说明数学能与经济与管理很好的结合。这对于将来的我在大学所念的科目无非不是一个优势。
物理把数学模型变成了实际问题。学习物理的我,对数学有着更深刻的了解。我相信真理的存在。也永远记得达尔文的话:“科学就是整理事实。以便从中得出普遍的规律式结论。”在我AS阶段,做了很多物理实验。从实验中的不断探究到最终得到结论的过程。说明了达尔文的话。要得出物理结论很大程度上要用到数学理论。所以第二年的A-LEVE 学习中我还会继续学习物理。并尽力将它学好。

我出生在一个经济个体户家庭里面。父母都是成功的商人。他们对我的成长有着很大的影响。这使我对经济管理以及金融业充满兴趣。在我的父母口中获得许多经商之道。我还得知,父母因为缺乏专业知识对公司管理很头疼。所以我迫切希望利用自己所学到的东西(double mathematics 和 physics)去学习这方面的专业知识。正因为父母忙于经商,我从小就被送到了boarding school就读。在那里的五年时间里。我有了很好的自理能力和自学能力。也对为人处事有了很好的应变能力。这也是父母送我去boarding school 的主要目的。处于这个原因,我来英国也很快的适应了这里生活和学习。我相信这些能力对于我走进一个新的团体有很大的帮助。所以我希望自己可以快快走进大学(那个我期待已久的地方、哪个可以获得知识的地方)希望在那里获得更多更专业的知识。让我在今后的人生路上充满精彩的冒险经历。在梦想的事业中大获成功,在日益竞争激烈的社会中立于不败之地。
 我来答
2009-10-14 · TA获得超过574个赞
Mathematics in my life account for a large quantity of a child, I was obsessed with mathematics A-LEVE course still choose to study mathematics. Variety of mathematics is reflected in nature. Therefore, I regard mathematics as a kind of magic exists. After the AS stage of double mathematics learning and understanding. I am even more sure that the love of mathematics. poincare once said: "Mathematics is a language, we can not use this language does not imprecise or vague ideas please." Through the study of mathematics and a high number. I know the poincare words. Although expressed in the formula simple, but with a philosophical interest and clarity. Is a succinct expression of ideas that all reasonable way forward is to form the basis for all reasonable ideas. Therefore, by learning mathematics, let me deal with the matter and become more rigorous, more efficiency, more methodical. This is also a high number of teacher I wish I know the mathematical ideas. He often would I tell the story of a number of mathematicians. Let me the process of learning mathematics more deeply appreciate the mathematician's reasoning that the spirit of perseverance. I love the feeling of inference. Every math problem for me is a kind of new challenges. Mathematics learning which also includes the mechanical mathematics and statistics. Because I am studying physics. Therefore, mathematics is also very fond of machinery. It is the most vividly reflected in the mathematical model of real life. I understand the mathematical existence of practical significance. Statistical combination of social development. The social and economic life of specific figures in mind. This shows that mathematical economics and management with a good combination. This is the future I have studied the subjects at the university is simply not an advantage.
It is worth mentioning that, I had to use summer vacation time to work in a barber shop and half a month. It helped me grow a lot. Immersive experience to me difficult to do business. This is a multiplayer cooperative groups. Let me also deeply appreciate the importance of the spirit of cooperation. It affects the shops inside the working atmosphere and good environment. Also felt the management of an individual or company's significant impacts.
Into a mathematical model of physics to practical problems. I study physics, mathematics has a more profound understanding. I believe that truth exists. Also always remember Darwin's words: "Science is the order the facts. In order to draw general conclusions of law of style." In my AS stage, doing a lot of physics experiments. From the experiment in the constant exploration to the final process to reach a conclusion. Illustrates Darwin's words. Physical conclusions to be drawn to a large extent to the mathematical theory of use. Therefore, the second year of A-LEVE study, I will continue to study physics. And to try to learn it.

I was born in an economic self-employed family inside. His parents, both successful businessmen. They told me have a great influence on the growth. This brings me to the economic management as well as great interest in the financial sector. In my mouth by many parents of doing business. I also learned that the parents because of the lack of professional knowledge management is a headache. Therefore, I urgently want to use what they learn (double mathematics and physics) to learn this area of expertise. It is precisely because parents are busy doing business, I grew up was sent to boarding school student. Where the five-year period. I have a good self-care ability and self-learning ability. Personal behavior also has a good adaptability. This is for parents to send me to boarding school's main purpose. Is for this reason that I came to the United Kingdom quickly adapted to live here and study. I believe that the ability for me into a new group of great help. So I hope that they can quickly entered the University (that I have been expecting for a long time where access to knowledge, which places) want to get more a more professional knowledge. Let me in the future life on the road is full of exciting adventures. In the dream the cause of a great success, in an increasingly competitive society in an invincible position.
Mathematics in my life account for a large quantity of a child, I was obsessed with mathematics A-LEVE course still choose to study mathematics. Variety of mathematics is reflected in nature. Therefore, I regard mathematics as a kind of magic exists. After the AS stage of double mathematics learning and understanding. I am even more sure that the love of mathematics. poincare once said: "Mathematics is a language, we can not use this language does not imprecise or vague ideas please." Through the study of mathematics and a high number. I know the poincare words. Although expressed in the formula simple, but with a philosophical interest and clarity.
Is a succinct expression of ideas that all reasonable way forward is to form the basis for all reasonable ideas. Therefore, by learning mathematics, let me deal with the matter and become more rigorous, more efficiency, more methodical. This is also a high number of teacher I wish I know the mathematical ideas. He often would I tell the story of a number of mathematicians. Let me the process of learning mathematics more deeply appreciate the mathematician's reasoning that the spirit of perseverance. I love the feeling of inference. Every math problem for me is a kind of new challenges. Mathematics learning which also includes the mechanical mathematics and statistics. Because
I have studied physics. Therefore, mathematics is also very fond of machinery. It is the most vividly reflected in the mathematical model of real life. I understand the mathematical existence of practical significance. Statistical combination of social development. The social and economic life of specific figures in mind. This shows that mathematical economics and management with a good combination. This is the future I have studied the subjects at the university is simply not an advantage.
It is worth mentioning that, I had to use summer vacation time to work in a barber shop and half a month. It helped me grow a lot. Immersive experience to me difficult to do business. This is a multiplayer cooperative groups. Let me also deeply appreciate the importance of the spirit of cooperation. It affects the shops inside the working atmosphere and good environment. Also felt the management of an individual or company's significant impacts.
Into a mathematical model of physics to practical problems. I study physics, mathematics has a more profound understanding. I believe that truth exists. Also always remember Darwin's words: "Science is the order the facts. In order to draw general conclusions of law of style." In my AS stage, doing a lot of physics experiments. From the experiment in the constant exploration to the final process to reach a conclusion. Illustrates Darwin's words. Physical conclusions to be drawn to a large extent to the mathematical theory of use. Therefore, the second year of A-LEVE study, I will continue to study physics. And to try to learn it.
I was born in an economic self-employed family inside. His parents, both successful businessmen. They told me have a great influence on the growth. This brings me to the economic management as well as great interest in the financial sector. In my mouth by many parents of doing business. I also learned that the parents because of the lack of professional knowledge management is a headache. Therefore, I urgently want to use what they learn (double mathematics and physics) to learn this area of expertise. It is precisely because parents are busy doing business, I grew up was sent to boarding school student. Where the five-year period.
I have a good self-care ability and self-learning ability. Personal behavior also has a good adaptability. This is for parents to send me to boarding school's main purpose. Is for this reason that I came to the United Kingdom quickly adapted to live here and study. I believe that the ability for me into a new group of great help. So I hope that they can quickly entered the University (that I have been expecting for a long time where access to knowledge, which places) want to get more a more professional knowledge. Let me in the future life on the road is full of exciting adventures. In the dream the cause of a great success, in an increasingly competitive society in an invincible position.

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2009-10-14 · TA获得超过206个赞
靠 一楼就用字典来个全句翻译 不会翻译就不要这么敷衍回答好不好

我帮你看了看然后把字典翻译的改了50%左右 虽然翻译的不好 但是减少了很多错误 翻译的更正常 时间有限 翻译的不好 但是比字典机器要好 鄙视 拿字典敷衍的人

Mathematics in my life account for a large quantity of a child,
I was obsessed with mathematics A-LEVE course still choose
mathematics. Variety of mathematics is reflected in nature.
Therefore, I regard mathematics as a kind of magic area.
After the AS period of double mathematics learning and
understanding. I am even more sure that the love of
mathematics. poincare once said: "Mathematics is a language,
we can not use this language to express imprecise or vague ideas ."
Through the study of mathematics and a Advanced Mathematics.
I know the poincare`s words. Although expressed in the formula is
simple, but with a philosophical interest and clarity.
Is a succinct expression of ideas that all reasonable way forward
is to form the basis for all reasonable ideas.
Therefore, by learning mathematics,
i am becomeing more rigorous to handle any problem and
more efficiency, more methodical. This is what one of my math
teacher`s goal.
He awlays tell us some story about different mathematicians in order
to let us know more about the spirit about math that makes me
love the feeling of inference.
Every math problem for me is a kind of new challenges.
Mathematics learning which also includes the mechanical
mathematics and statistics. Because I am studying physics.
so, i also like machinery mathematics.
It is the most vividly reflected in the
model of real life.It makes me realize how important is the
mathematical . Statistical combination of
social development. The social and economic life of specific
figures in mind. This shows that mathematical
economics and management with a good combination.
This is a advantage I am going to study the subjects at the university

   It is worth mentioning that, I used to work in a barber shop for half a month during
the summer vacation and it helped me a lot and makes me know
how difficult to manager a business.
This is a multiplayer cooperative groups. Let me also deeply
appreciate the importance of the spirit of cooperation.
It affects the feeling of this shop and environment.
on the other hand i also feel management is very important
to an individual or company.

     Into a mathematical model of physics to practical problems.
After I study physics,i has a more profound
understanding to mathematics. I believe that truth exists.
Also always remember Darwin's words: "Science is the truth
In order to draw general conclusions of law of style."
In my AS pierod of time,i have done a lot of physics experiments.
From the process of experiment in the constant exploration
to reach a conclusion that Illustrates Darwin's words.
Physical conclusions to be drawn due to the mathematical
theory of use. Therefore, the second year of A-LEVE study,
I will continue to study physics And try my best to get a good result

   I was born in an self-employed entrepreneurs family .
My parents both are successful entrepreneurs.
They influence me a lot and i have learn a lot from them .
I also know that my parents got many troubles
because of the lack of
professional knowledge management
Therefore, I urgently want to use what i had learn
(double mathematics and physics) to learn this area of expertise.
It is precisely because parents are busy doing business,
I was sent to boarding school .
During that five years time I have a good self-care ability
and self-learning ability. Personal behavior also has a good
adaptability. This is my parents` main purpose to send me
to boarding school. for this reason that
at the United Kingdom. I adapted to live
here and study quickly . I believe that the ability of mine is helpful
for into a new group .So I hope that ican quickly
entered the University (that I have been expecting for a long
time where i can gain the knowledge)in order to
get more professional knowledge.
I am expecting more in the future life with full of exciting
adventures. and have a bright carrer,
in an increasingly competitive society in an invincible position.
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2009-10-15 · 超过23用户采纳过TA的回答
The following text was whritten by myself.May be there will be some mistakes.So I should say sorry for them firstly.
I hope that it will be helpful for you.

mathematics works an impotant part in my life.As i was infatuated to mathematics when I was in my chidhood,I still choosed to
study mathemastics in A-LEVE class.Beacause of the variety of mathemastics was expressed in nature,i took mathemastics as a
miraculousness.Through the stage of AS which i had learned,I was even more sure that I liked mathemastics.As the saying of
Poicare,"Mathemastics is an language,we can't use it to express the imprecise or ambiguous thought."Through learning Higher
Mathemastics,I had understanded the words of Poincare.Even though things were simplely expressed in the formular, they had philosophical interest and clarity.It's a simple way to express all the rational ideas,and it's also a basic to all the rational ideas.So because of learning mathemastics,I had learned that how to deal with issues more rigorously,more efficiently and more mathodically.These also were the thoughts which my teacher of Higher Mathemastics wanted me to know.He often told me some mathematicians' stories which had made me learned deeply the spirit of the persistence to infer during the period of learning mathemastics.And it also made me prefered to infering.Every math subject to me was a fresh challenge.In mathemastics,Mechanical Mathematics and Statistics included.Since I haced learned Physics,I liked Mechanical Mathematics,too.It had vividly reflected the mathematical model in real life and made me wuderstanded the meaning of Mathemastics in reality. Statistics had combined with the development of society,and it descriped the social economic life by figures.That showed the mathemastics had a good combination with economy and management.So there was no doubt that there would be an advantage for me to learn the subjects which I'd choosed in the college in my future.
It is worth mentioning my summer holidays.During the time,I worked for a barbershop for half a month.It made me grow up a lot. There I found the difficulty to business.There,people works as a cooperative groups, which had also made me deeply appreciate the importance of the spirit of cooperation.It had an great effect on the work atmosphere and the good environment for working.At the same time,I had learned that Management had an important influence to an individual and a company.Physics changes the mathemastics model into practical problems.I,who is learning Physics, have a better understanding of Mathemastic.I trust the truth and believe the saying of Darwin,"Society is to finish the truth,in oder to draw general
conclusions of law of style."When I was in AS,I had done many experiments.The progress with exploring constantly and then
finally got the conclusions in the experiments was the witness of Darwin'saying.To a large extent,to get the physical conclusion often needs the mathemastic theories.So the second year in the study of A-leve,I will learn Physics continually and I will try my best to learn it well.
I was born in an economic self-employed family.Both of my parents were successful businessmen.They all had a great infulence on my growth.That made me be interest in the economic management and the finance.From my parents,I had learned many skills to do business.As I knew that my parents was confused to how to manage a company,I was longing to use what I had learned to study the knowledge in that area. Because my parents were so busy in there business,I was sent to boarding school.After 5-years learning there,I had the abilities of self-learning and self-care.Apart from them,I also had a good
adaptability to deal with the relations with others.I think that's the reason for why my parents to sent me there. So I think I can adapt to the life-style here quickly.I believe these sbilities will be helpful when I join in a big group.So I so eagerto go into the college,which is a dearm I have looked forward to for a long time and a place I can learn more.I hope I can learn more professional knowledge there.And what I have learned will lead me to a life which is full of adventages and challenges,and then I can be successful in my career and be one of the highlights in the increasinly competitive society.
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