
1.Pleaseillustratewithtwoexamplestheuseofcollectivenounsthatcouldbesingularorpluralfo... 1.Please illustrate with two examples the use of collective nouns that could be singular or plural forms.

2.Could you expiain the subjective-verb agreement for the existential sentence?

3.how do you understand the concept of double genitive?

4.What is the difference between anaphoric specific reference and cataphoric specific reference?

5.How do you achieve the pronoun agreement in a discourse?

6.Please explain the use of the reflexive pronoun as an object in a sentence.

7.What is the difference between the past progressive aspect and simple past tense?

8.What is the difference between present perfect aspect and simple past tense?

9.Please list at least five ways to express future time

10.Please explain three ways toexpress the be-type subjective mood.

11.Could you summrise the basic principle of spistemic use of moda; auxiliary?

12.Could you please illustrate the use of absolute construction?

2010-07-05 · TA获得超过506个赞
1.Please illustrate with two examples the use of collective nouns that could be singular or

plural forms.
Example 1: My family is a large one.
Example 2: My family are all workers.

2.Could you expiain the subjective-verb agreement for the existential sentence?
Sentence 1: there is an apple on the table.
Sentence 2: there are many apples on the table.
Note: in Sentence 1, as there exists only "one single" apple(the real subject in single form),

so the verb "be"should be in single form; while in Sentence 2, there exists more than one

apple(the real subject in single form),so the verb shoud be in plural form.
we call this subject-verb agreement in the existential sentences.

3.how do you understand the concept of double genitive?
We call this format "[one/a/an]+[noun]+[of]+[noun]'s(this "noun" could be single or

plural)" double genitive.
when we change the above format to "[one/a/an]+[noun1]+[of]+[noun2]'s(this "noun"

could be single or plural)+[noun1]", the concept will be much easier to be understood.
to make it clearer, here are examples for refference:
EXAMPLE 1: LEON, a friend of my father's===>LEON, a friend of my father's friends.
this means stress on the "QUANTITY" of noun 2's belongings: "my father" has many friends,

LEON is only one of them.
EXAMPLE 2: LEON, a friend of my father.
this stress the "MEANING" of noun 2's belongings: "my father" has a friendship with LEON.

4.What is the difference between anaphoric specific reference and cataphoric specific


5.How do you achieve the pronoun agreement in a discourse?

6.Please explain the use of the reflexive pronoun as an object in a sentence.
in some sentences, the predicate verbs need reflexive pronoun to indicate the exact

meaning of itself, these verbs are like: absent, bathe, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt,

introduce, behave and so on.
let's see two examples:
EXAMPLE 1: We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.
EXAMPLE 2: Please help yourself to some fish.

7.What is the difference between the past progressive aspect and simple past tense?
the past progressive aspect indicates that the activity occured in the past time and it did not

end then. while simple past tense indicates that the activity occured in the past time but it

8.What is the difference between present perfect aspect and simple past tense?
there are mainly two differences between present perfect aspect and simple past tense :
first, the emphasis is different.
present perfect aspect emphasizes on the influence of the activity on the present time;while
simple past tense emphasizes on the status of past time after the activity.

second, adverbials of time between the past progressive aspect and simple past tense are

the past progressive aspect often appears together with adverbials like "already, yet, just,

ever, never, before",or "for+a period of time", and "since+a period of past

time/Subordinate Clause";
while simple past tense often appears together with words or phrases like "just now",""a

period of time+ago", "last week" and so on.

9.Please list at least five ways to express future time
1. you will do it for me.
2.are you going to do it for me?
3.you are to do it for.
4.what are you about to do for me?
5.i believe you will be doing it for me.

10.Please explain three ways to express the be-type subjective mood.
1.Be he rich or poor, i will mary hime all the same.
2.my father suggested that i be sent home at once.
3.If the rumor be true, everything is possible

11.Could you summrise the basic principle of spistemic use of moda; auxiliary?

12.Could you please illustrate the use of absolute construction?
一、 独立主格结构的含义和实质
“独立主格结构”(absolute construction)又叫“独立结构”,是带有自己主语的非谓语动词分句和




二、 独立主格结构的基本形式和功能



1. 名词/代词+ 现在分词
例 The man lay there, his hands trembling.
So many students being absent, the meeting had to be put off.
His homework having been done, Tom went to sleep.
注:“独立结构”中的being或 having been 有时可以省去,这样就成了无动词分句或过去分词分句。
2. 名词/代词+过去分词
例 The boy lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.
The job not finished, we couldn’t see the film.
Her shirt caught on a nail, she could not move.
后面两个句子也可以看成省略掉了having been,being。如果加上,这两个句子就又变成了现在分词分

3. 名词/代词+不定式
例He suggested going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food.
These are the first two books, the third one to come out next month.
We shall get together at 7:30, the procession(游行) to start moving at 8 sharp.
4. 名词/代词+名词
例 Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children.
He fought the tiger,a stick his only weapon.
5. 名词/代词+形容词短语
例The floor wet and slippery, we had to stay outside for a while.
I heard that she got injured in the accident, my heart full of sorry.
6. 名词/代词+副词
例 The meeting over, we all went home.
Nobody in, he left a message on the board.
He sat at the table, head down.
7. 名词/代词+介词短语
例 The teacher came in, a book under his arm.
The hunter entered the forest, gun in hand.
Nobody at home, the thief took a lot of things away.
8. with引导的复合结构, 也可以认为是一种独立主格结构
例 A woman got on the bus with a baby around her arms.
The teacher came in with several students following behind.
With a lot of things to deal with, he will have a difficult time.
With the work done, he went out to eat.
He left the office with the lights on.
Mary rushed out of the house with the door open.
三、 学习独立主格结构应注意的一些问题
1. 独立主格结构中分句和主句的主语不一致

例 (1) Hearing the news, he was very excited.
(2) Winter coming, it gets colder and colder.
在这两个句子里,第一个句子,前后的主语是一致的,都是he, 也就是说动词hear的动作发出者是主语

he , 因此它是一个现在分词短语作状语表示原因的句子;而第二个句子,我们可以发现,有两个主语,第

一个是动词come 的逻辑主语winter, 而第二个主语是句子真正的主语it,非谓语动词coming 和it 之间没

2. 在独立主格结构中,动词是用现在分词还是过去分词
一般来说如果逻辑主语和动词之间是主谓关系,用现在分词。如:Time permitting, we will go out

to play.一句中,time 和 permit 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系--- “时间允许”,因此用现在分词。 如

果逻辑主语和动词之间是动宾关系,并且有被动的意思,用过去分词。如:“More time given,we

should have done it better. ”一句中,time 和give 之间的关系是动宾关系,有被动的意思---“如果

3. 独立主格结构相当于一个状语从句

例 Work done, John went home.相当于一个表示时间的状语从句:When the work has been

done, John went home.
例There being no buses, we had to walk home.相当于一个表示原因的状语从句:Because there

are no buses, we had to walk home.
4. 完成时态的运用

done, 根据情况确定是用主动还是被动。
例The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.
His wallet having been stolen, he didn’t know what to do next.

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