翻译 或者很正式,或者很口语化。
1淡马锡 2鱼尾狮 3狮城 4花园城市 5新加坡国立大学成立于20世纪初叶,是新加坡历史最悠久且最赋声望的大学,也是亚洲首屈一指的高等学府。 6南洋理工大学是一所科研密集型大学,凭借科学与工程领域的坚实基础与强大优势享誉国际。 7Majulah Singapura怎么发音?有音标最好,没有请告诉我重音在哪里?
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1. 淡马锡 = Temasek (马来文)
2) 鱼尾狮 = Merlion (这算是新加坡的一个象征了,楼主可去搜索图片,看了就明白了)
3) 狮城 = Lion City (新加坡的别称,因为英文国名Singapore源自Singapura, 马来语中的意思就是“狮栖之地”)
4) 花园城市 = Garden City (新加坡的另一个别称--新加坡在城市美化方面下的努力可真不少)
5) The National University of Singapore (NUS) was founded in 1905, is clearly the leader among all universities in Singapore with the longest history and a strong reputation. NUS has a sterling global reputation as one of the finest educational institutes in Asia.
6) Nanyang Technological University is a research-intensive university which has established an international reputation with a research output ranks among the top four in the world.
7) Majulah Singapura -- 汉语里较相近的读音是“马朱啦,新嘎部啦 ”,是新加坡国歌歌名,意思是“前进吧,新加坡”
2) 鱼尾狮 = Merlion (这算是新加坡的一个象征了,楼主可去搜索图片,看了就明白了)
3) 狮城 = Lion City (新加坡的别称,因为英文国名Singapore源自Singapura, 马来语中的意思就是“狮栖之地”)
4) 花园城市 = Garden City (新加坡的另一个别称--新加坡在城市美化方面下的努力可真不少)
5) The National University of Singapore (NUS) was founded in 1905, is clearly the leader among all universities in Singapore with the longest history and a strong reputation. NUS has a sterling global reputation as one of the finest educational institutes in Asia.
6) Nanyang Technological University is a research-intensive university which has established an international reputation with a research output ranks among the top four in the world.
7) Majulah Singapura -- 汉语里较相近的读音是“马朱啦,新嘎部啦 ”,是新加坡国歌歌名,意思是“前进吧,新加坡”