他们是这样的一群:头发五颜六色,颈项上也许还戴着项圈,耳朵上串着耳环,低胸上贴着hello kitty,手腕上缠着念珠,身上挂着各式各样的小饰物;通常,他们爱玩新式的滑板,喜欢蹦迪和泡吧,爱用玩具式的手机,身穿黑色的或各种亮丽色彩的背心和工装裤,裤管肥大得将厚底的松糕鞋遮得只露出一个圆圆的鞋头……
他们都很年轻,大多生于70至80年代,他们通晓各种计算机技术,习惯用OICQ或MAIL在虚拟的世界里与人交流,通过互联网知道的信息远比他们的父辈们要多得多;他们稚嫩的脸上流露出自信,我行我素——一种很酷的表情。他们总是处在比他们年长的人的怀疑和不解的眼光的包围中。有人称他们为“新新人类”。 展开
他们都很年轻,大多生于70至80年代,他们通晓各种计算机技术,习惯用OICQ或MAIL在虚拟的世界里与人交流,通过互联网知道的信息远比他们的父辈们要多得多;他们稚嫩的脸上流露出自信,我行我素——一种很酷的表情。他们总是处在比他们年长的人的怀疑和不解的眼光的包围中。有人称他们为“新新人类”。 展开
They are such a group: hair colors, perhaps wearing a neck collar, ear string of earrings, low-cut bears hello kitty, wrist rosary wrapped around his body hanging from a variety of small accessories; usually playing their new skateboard, like disco and clubbing, love-style phone with a toy, a black vest or a variety of bright colors and overalls, pants and platform shoes mast may be thick crust cover was only exposed a round toe ... ...
They are young, mostly 70 to 80 years born, they speak in every computer technology, the practice of using OICQ or MAIL in a virtual world with people and information through the Internet to know their fathers than the much more; showing confidence in their tender faces its own way - a cool look. They are always in older people than they understand the vision of doubt and surrounded. Some people call them "the younger generation."
They are young, mostly 70 to 80 years born, they speak in every computer technology, the practice of using OICQ or MAIL in a virtual world with people and information through the Internet to know their fathers than the much more; showing confidence in their tender faces its own way - a cool look. They are always in older people than they understand the vision of doubt and surrounded. Some people call them "the younger generation."