To perform its process-management functions, the operating system must maintain addescription of each process.Each process is represented by a process imag,which includes the address space within which the process executes and a precess control block. the latter contains all the infermation that is required by the operating system to manage the process,including its current state,resources allocated to it,priority and other relevant data.
during its lifetime,a process moves among a number of states.The most important of these are Ready,Running,and Blocked.A Ready process is one that is not currently executing but that is ready to be executed as soon as the operating system dispatches it.The Running process is that process which is currently being executed by the processor. In a multiple-processor system,more than one process can be in this state.A Blocked process is waiting for the completion of some event,such as an I/O operation.
A Running process is interrupted either by an interrupt,which is an event that occurs outside the process and which is recognized by the precessor ,or by executing a supervisor call to the operating system,In either case,the processor performs a context switch,transferring control to an operating-system routine.After it has completed necessary work,the operating system may resume the interrupted process or switch to some other process. 展开
during its lifetime,a process moves among a number of states.The most important of these are Ready,Running,and Blocked.A Ready process is one that is not currently executing but that is ready to be executed as soon as the operating system dispatches it.The Running process is that process which is currently being executed by the processor. In a multiple-processor system,more than one process can be in this state.A Blocked process is waiting for the completion of some event,such as an I/O operation.
A Running process is interrupted either by an interrupt,which is an event that occurs outside the process and which is recognized by the precessor ,or by executing a supervisor call to the operating system,In either case,the processor performs a context switch,transferring control to an operating-system routine.After it has completed necessary work,the operating system may resume the interrupted process or switch to some other process. 展开
在其生命周期内,进程在几种状态之间变化。这些状态中最重要的有: 就绪状态、运行状态和阻塞状态。就绪状态是指进程当前没有被执行,但它已经准备就绪,一旦被操作系统调度就可以执行。运行状态的进程是指正在被处理器执行的进程。在多处理器的系统中,可以有多个进程处于运行状态。处于阻塞状态的进程在等待一些事件的结束,如输入/输出操作。
在其生命周期内,进程在几种状态之间变化。这些状态中最重要的有: 就绪状态、运行状态和阻塞状态。就绪状态是指进程当前没有被执行,但它已经准备就绪,一旦被操作系统调度就可以执行。运行状态的进程是指正在被处理器执行的进程。在多处理器的系统中,可以有多个进程处于运行状态。处于阻塞状态的进程在等待一些事件的结束,如输入/输出操作。
履行过程管理功能,操作系统必须保持addescription各工序的. 每道工艺间imag出过一个过程,包括在此的地址空间和产品执行过程控制策略。后者包含了所有infermation所需要操作系统管理过程,包括我国境外加工贸易的发展现状、资源分配给它,优先级和其他有关资料。
在其生命周期中流动,这一过程一系列的状态其中最重要的一种都准备好了,跑啊跑,堵住了现成的过程是指不当前运行的,但是那是准备执行操作系统一旦它。运行过程中的的过程中,正在执行,由处理器。在multiple-processor系统,超过一个过程可以在这个状态进程等待堵塞完成一些事件,比如一个I / O操作。
在其生命周期中流动,这一过程一系列的状态其中最重要的一种都准备好了,跑啊跑,堵住了现成的过程是指不当前运行的,但是那是准备执行操作系统一旦它。运行过程中的的过程中,正在执行,由处理器。在multiple-processor系统,超过一个过程可以在这个状态进程等待堵塞完成一些事件,比如一个I / O操作。