谁能帮我翻译一下下面这篇演讲稿啊!请教高人,急救!急~急~急~谢谢了哦! 30

我的青春我做主不同的人对未来有不同的看法,不同的人选择不同的人生方式。但不管如何不同,四年之后我们将面对同样的问题——工作!大学是一个自由的天堂,我们的青春得到绽放。但我... 我的青春我做主
 我来答
2010-12-09 · TA获得超过285个赞
My youth I make decision

Different people have different opinions about the future, different people choose a different way of life. But no matter how different, four years later we will be facing the same problem - work! The university is a free of heaven, our youth get bloom. But we cannot lose way in this place, to prepare for the future.

Between the ideal and the reality a gap, god does not unprovoked carefor you unless you have made the effort. Opportunities will only for those who are ready for it!

First you must learn to plan their life, want to know their future want to become what, so you don't know what to do now. College is not an end, but you smoothly into society to achieve their goals in life of a transition phase, charging period. Second, during the university, study the most important still. But study in the books the things just half, eventually to into society, towards life. So you need more mastery is some social life skills, want to have the sense of competition, cultivate strain capacity, organizational ability, improving unity consciousness, train dedication. So you want to take part in more social activities, to take part in a part-time internship opportunities. Finally, this is an age of information, must learn to search for information, use of resources. On the one hand, you have to know oneself. Know their own advantages and disadvantages to more sober know yourself. On the other hand, want to understand the world, familiar with your work, you have to understand the future work ability more smoothly toward their goals.

If a man will not see grasp now,

If a man can not grasp now can't see into the future.

For a better future, seize today!
My youth I call the shots
Different people have different views on the future, different people choose different ways of life. But no matter how different in four years we will be facing the same problem - work! University is a paradise of freedom, our youth are blooming. But we can not lose the direction in this place, to prepare for the future.
Exists between the ideal and the reality gap, God cares for you for no reason unless you do not make the effort. Opportunities only for those who are prepared!
First you must learn to plan their own life, to know what the future want to be, so you just know what needs to be done now. University is not the end, but you well into society to achieve their goals in life as a transitional phase, the charging period. Second, the university, learning, or the most important. But learning is only half of what the books will still be toward society and life. So you need to master some skills of social life, there must be competition, resilience training, organizational capacity, enhance the sense of solidarity and cultivate devotion. So you want to take part in more social activities, take part in part-time internships. Finally, it is an information age, to learn to search for information, use of resources. On the one hand, you have to understand itself. Know their own strengths and weaknesses can be more clear understanding of their own. On the other hand, to understand the social, familiar with their work, only work to better understand the future direction of their goals successfully.
If one can not see in the future to take now,
If one could not grasp now to see the future,
For a better future, seize today!
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My youth is at my disposal!

Different people have different idea about the future .Different people choose different life style.But no matter how different,we will face a same problem four years later-job!University is a free paradise,our youth got a chance to burst into bloom.We,however,can't lost here,and we have to prepare for our future!

Distance exist between dream and reality.God would not help you otherwise you have made an efforts.For oppotunity just leave to those who have prepared!

First of all,you have to plan your life,and know what you want to become in the future .So you should know what you should do now.To go to university is not a pursose ,while it is transitonal stage and study period that you go towards the society and fulfill your life goal.

Secondly,study also is very important during the four years.But,the knowledge in the book is secondary,finally you have to go towards society ,go towards life.Therefore ,you have to master the skill of social life.You should have competent conciousness,and you have to cultivate strain capacity and ability of organize ,improveing team conciousness,and cultivate spirit of devotion.So you should take some social activity ,and take part-time internship more.

Finally,this is an information age.You should learn to search information and make use of resource.On the one hand,you should know yourself.You could't know yourself until you know your own advantage and disadvantage .On the other hand,you should know the society and your owner job.You could't fulfill your own goal untill you know future job.

One can't hold presedent if he can't see the future!
One can't see the future if he can't hold the presedent!
Please seize now for the better future!
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2010-12-09 · TA获得超过246个赞
My youth I call the shots
Different people have different views on the future, different people choose different ways of life. But no matter how different in four years we will be facing the same problem - work! University is a paradise of freedom, our youth are blooming. But we can not lose the direction in this place, to prepare for the future.
Exists between the ideal and the reality gap, God cares for you for no reason unless you do not make the effort. Opportunities only for those who are prepared!
First you must learn to plan their own life, to know what the future want to be, so you just know what needs to be done now. University is not the end, but you well into society to achieve their goals in life as a transitional phase, the charging period. Second, the university, learning, or the most important. But learning is only half of what the books will still be toward society and life. So you need to master some skills of social life, there must be competition, resilience training, organizational capacity, enhance the sense of solidarity and cultivate devotion. So you want to take part in more social activities, take part in part-time internships. Finally, it is an information age, to learn to search for information, use of resources. On the one hand, you have to understand itself. Know their own strengths and weaknesses can be more clear understanding of their own. On the other hand, to understand the social, familiar with their work, only work to better understand the future direction of their goals successfully.
If one can not see in the future to take now,
If one could not grasp now to see the future,
For a better future, seize today!
Meine Jugend habe ich das Sagen
Unterschiedliche Menschen haben unterschiedliche Ansichten über die Zukunft, verschiedene Menschen verschiedene Wege des Lebens zu w?hlen. Aber egal, wie unterschiedlich in vier Jahren gegenübersehen werden wir das gleiche Problem - Arbeit! Universit?t ist ein Paradies der Freiheit sind unsere Jugend zu blühen. Aber wir k?nnen nicht verlieren, die Richtung an diesem Ort, um für die Zukunft vorzubereiten.
Besteht zwischen dem Ideal und der Realit?t Lücke, kümmert sich Gott für Sie kein Grund, es sei denn Sie nicht die Mühe machen. Chancen nur für diejenigen, die bereit sind!
Zun?chst müssen Sie lernen, ihre eigenen Leben zu planen, zu wissen, was die Zukunft sein wollen, so dass Sie nur wissen, was nun zu tun ist. Universit?t ist nicht das Ende, aber man gut in die Gesellschaft, ihre Ziele im Leben erreichen als übergangsphase, die Ladezeit. Zweitens, die Universit?t, Lernen, oder das wichtigste. Lernen ist aber nur die H?lfte dessen, was die Bücher werden immer noch gegenüber der Gesellschaft und Leben sein. So k?nnen einige F?higkeiten des sozialen Lebens meistern müssen, muss es Konkurrenz, Belastbarkeit Ausbildung, organisatorische Kapazit?ten werden, erh?hen das Gefühl der Solidarit?t und pflegen Hingabe. Sie wollen also an mehr sozialen Aktivit?ten zu beteiligen, nehmen an Teilzeit-Praktika. Schlie?lich ist es ein Informations-Zeitalter, zu lernen, Informationen zu suchen, Nutzung der Ressourcen. Auf der einen Seite haben Sie sich selbst zu verstehen. Kennen ihre eigenen St?rken und Schw?chen k?nnen mehr Klarheit über ihre eigenen. Auf der anderen Seite, zu verstehen, die soziale, vertraut mit ihrer Arbeit, nur Arbeit zum besseren Verst?ndnis der künftigen Ausrichtung ihrer Ziele erfolgreich.
Wenn man nicht in die Zukunft sehen kann nun,
Wenn man jetzt nicht begreifen, die Zukunft zu sehen,
Für eine bessere Zukunft, zu beschlagnahmen heute!
La mia giovinezza che io chiamo i colpi
Diverse persone hanno opinioni diverse sul futuro, persone diverse scegliere diversi stili di vita. Ma non importa quanto differenti, in quattro anni ci troveremo di fronte lo stesso problema - lavoro! Università è un paradiso di libertà, i nostri giovani sono in fiore. Ma non possiamo perdere la direzione in questo luogo, per prepararsi al futuro.
Esiste tra l'ideale e il divario realtà, Dio ha cura di voi per nessun motivo a meno che non fai lo sforzo. Opportunità solo per coloro che sono pronti!
Prima devi imparare a pianificare la propria vita, per sapere cosa il futuro vuole essere, quindi bisogna solo sapere cosa deve essere fatto ora. Università non è la fine, ma è bene nella società e di raggiungere i propri obiettivi nella vita come una fase di transizione, il periodo di carica. In secondo luogo, l'università, l'apprendimento, o il più importante. Ma l'apprendimento è solo la metà di quello che i libri saranno ancora nei confronti della società e della vita. Quindi è necessario per padroneggiare alcune abilità della vita sociale, ci deve essere concorrenza, la formazione resilienza, capacità organizzativa, accrescere il senso di solidarietà e coltivano la devozione. Così si vuole prendere parte a più attività sociali, partecipare a stage part-time. Infine, è un'età informazioni, per imparare a cercare informazioni, uso delle risorse. Da un lato, si deve capire se stessa. Conoscere i loro punti di forza e di debolezza può essere comprensione più chiara dei loro propri. D'altra parte, per capire il sociale, familiare con il loro lavoro, solo lavoro per meglio comprendere la direzione futura dei loro obiettivi con successo.
Se non si può vedere in futuro a prendere ora,
Se non si poteva immaginare adesso di vedere il futuro,
Per un futuro migliore, sequestrare oggi!
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