英语~中译英 谢谢
(背景:漫画作文 漫画中有一个守门员正与一个进攻队员对峙)
人生就像一场球赛 ,我们就好像图中的守门员或进攻者一样 , 只有充满自信,正确评价自己 , 才能最终赢得这场“比赛 ”
(大概这类话,主要是将图与实际生活联系起来 我们就像图中的.....此类~~)
谢绝googling以及各种复制,谢谢 展开
人生就像一场球赛 ,我们就好像图中的守门员或进攻者一样 , 只有充满自信,正确评价自己 , 才能最终赢得这场“比赛 ”
(大概这类话,主要是将图与实际生活联系起来 我们就像图中的.....此类~~)
谢绝googling以及各种复制,谢谢 展开
Well, I like football and this image got me to thinking.
In many ways, the game of life is a lot like the game of football. Just as in football, simply being selected to be a player on the field already makes you a winner. It means that you have made the cut...you've made it. You are in the game. And that a bad choice doesn't have to mean your destiny. And so, there's hope
The game is on. Now it's time to show your stuff!
The Game Always Starts At The Beginning
Everyone starts with no score on the board. We each have our own goal line that we are striving for and there are an infinite number of routes that can get us there.
Everyone gets there one step at a time...one foot in front of the other. It's a daily process of doing what needs to be done that day. You can't cram in a year's worth of effort into one day, one week or even one month.
Like football, life is a team sport,everyone should play together.The game is played with a TEAM. No one goes out onto the field alone.
There is a crazy myth out there that there is such a thing as a self made person. No one can achieve anything of greatness on their own. It is impossible, so why even try. In fact it is actually a delusion.
Surround yourself with like minded people and then help each other. Become a cohesive group. You can move down the field much farther and faster together with much less struggle.
When you get tackled your teammates are usually right there offering their hand to help you up off of the ground...if you'll let them. Take their hand. Offer your hand to any of them to help out when you can.
Good sportsmanlike conduct is in order on the field as well as in life. Penalties aren't always assessed instantaneously...there are makeup calls that are made down the line so play with that in mind. Don't be the cause of the game losing penalty. Treat everyone with the respect that you desire also...even those that oppose you.
Try new things,test out different positions
There are many different positions on the team. We all have our own position that suits us best.
During the season, almost everyone has some opportunities to act as though they are playing another position.
A defensive lineman or the quarterback occasionally score a touchdown, the safety might sack the opposing quarterback, or the punter runs for a first down.
A team does what is necessary in any given situation. Be prepared to take your place on the field and then be ready for your chance to make a difference. You must always remember that without the other players and their special abilities, you would have no hope of winning.
Errors are part of the game.Don't Sweat The Small Stuff
Everyone starts at the bottom...at level one. Achievers know that it's okay to make mistakes and to possibly even look like a fool for a while until they have mastered the skills needed to take them to the next level.
Even at the top, there are still times when mistakes are made (think fumbles, sacks and interceptions).
Everyone who has reached any level of excellence (or even just proficiency) has given themselves permission to fail over and over until they get it right. They do what others aren't willing to do...putting in time and effort.
In many ways, the game of life is a lot like the game of football. Just as in football, simply being selected to be a player on the field already makes you a winner. It means that you have made the cut...you've made it. You are in the game. And that a bad choice doesn't have to mean your destiny. And so, there's hope
The game is on. Now it's time to show your stuff!
The Game Always Starts At The Beginning
Everyone starts with no score on the board. We each have our own goal line that we are striving for and there are an infinite number of routes that can get us there.
Everyone gets there one step at a time...one foot in front of the other. It's a daily process of doing what needs to be done that day. You can't cram in a year's worth of effort into one day, one week or even one month.
Like football, life is a team sport,everyone should play together.The game is played with a TEAM. No one goes out onto the field alone.
There is a crazy myth out there that there is such a thing as a self made person. No one can achieve anything of greatness on their own. It is impossible, so why even try. In fact it is actually a delusion.
Surround yourself with like minded people and then help each other. Become a cohesive group. You can move down the field much farther and faster together with much less struggle.
When you get tackled your teammates are usually right there offering their hand to help you up off of the ground...if you'll let them. Take their hand. Offer your hand to any of them to help out when you can.
Good sportsmanlike conduct is in order on the field as well as in life. Penalties aren't always assessed instantaneously...there are makeup calls that are made down the line so play with that in mind. Don't be the cause of the game losing penalty. Treat everyone with the respect that you desire also...even those that oppose you.
Try new things,test out different positions
There are many different positions on the team. We all have our own position that suits us best.
During the season, almost everyone has some opportunities to act as though they are playing another position.
A defensive lineman or the quarterback occasionally score a touchdown, the safety might sack the opposing quarterback, or the punter runs for a first down.
A team does what is necessary in any given situation. Be prepared to take your place on the field and then be ready for your chance to make a difference. You must always remember that without the other players and their special abilities, you would have no hope of winning.
Errors are part of the game.Don't Sweat The Small Stuff
Everyone starts at the bottom...at level one. Achievers know that it's okay to make mistakes and to possibly even look like a fool for a while until they have mastered the skills needed to take them to the next level.
Even at the top, there are still times when mistakes are made (think fumbles, sacks and interceptions).
Everyone who has reached any level of excellence (or even just proficiency) has given themselves permission to fail over and over until they get it right. They do what others aren't willing to do...putting in time and effort.
Life is like a match, and in which it seems as if we just act as “keeper” or “attacker”, only with the confidence and have a correct estimate of ourselves, can we finally win the match.
Life is like a game, it was as if we graph of the same, only goalkeeper or attacker confident, correct evaluation of their own, can eventually win the "game"
(this kind of words, probably is mainly will figure and practical life connected we as figure of such ~ ~).
Sentence more beautiful better, thank you
(this kind of words, probably is mainly will figure and practical life connected we as figure of such ~ ~).
Sentence more beautiful better, thank you
Life is like a game. we seem to be the keeper or offensive, only self-confidence and correct his own opinion, could finally win the game 。
life is just like a game in which we play as keepers or attactors. only with the confidence and an honest evaluation,can we win it