在我读大学时曾经在一家建筑设计公司有过一段实习经历,所以我相信自己能够很快的融入一个新的工作团队. I believe I am capable of working confidently with a new team as I have had past work experience at an architectural firm while I was at college (或者university - 按照自己情况而定). 我拥有认真严谨的工作态度,我相信我的加入能够使贵公司变的更加年轻,富有激情以及获得更多的进取心. I also believe that with my addition to the team, I am able to help your company to achieve a younger, passionate and successful culture, as I take my work seriously and creatively ('creatively' 是我自己加的 - 因为如果是要让公司更加的年亲,仅仅认真是不够的,活力与创意也是很重要的哦,而且如果对工作只有认真-别人或许会觉得你是死板-不过要看公司本身而定). 我迫切希望能够加入贵公司,因为这能使我面对更大的挑战,并锻炼和提高自己的工作能力. I understand that there will be challenges, but I hope that by becoming a part of your team, I am able to improve my abilities and overcome all the difficulties that may be present in the future. 参考资料:自己:在澳大利亚10年了