Is it with the “little box” , with just two or three counters , that Alphonse Kahn opened in January 1894, on the corner of the rue Lafayette and the rue de la Chaussee-d’Antin ,to sell frills and flounces , trinkets and ribbons ,violets and haberdashery ?
Or should we start with the office of one of his distant heirs, third in the unusual line of sons-in-law who arrived to run the business , an heir who decide ,when he took over in 1998,that it was time to reinvent the brand and the image4 of this place?
Perhaps we should start with the advertising agency whose creatives strive to make these great institutional machines stand out from each other , working on targeted campaigns adapted to the exact needs of each client?
Or in the note books and sketchpads in which Jean-Paul Goude collects tiny drawings and multi-layered collages that become his treasure chest ,a whole set of forms for his towering monuments?
Perhaps we should go all the way back to the little shops like Le Petit Dunkerque,the French draper’s stores of the 18th century-or perhaps a less elitist and therefore more fitting choice would be the general stores , like Mr Johnson’s universal shop ’in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford(1853),whose proprietor lived above his premises and “ranged the trades form grocer and cheesemonger to man-milliner ,as occasion required.
Alison Adburgham (shops and shopping 1800-1914,London,1964) dates the appearance of this new mode of distribution and sale of goods to 1815,as an indirect consequence of the industrial Revolution and the new methods of production that followed.(The invention of the jacquard loom and machine-made lace date from the same period;as another reference point,the move from handmade to mass-produced shoes occurred between 1850 and 1870)
Retailers began to bring their goods together in a single space that was more reminiscent of an Eastern bazaar (the model that Alphonse Kahn and theophile Bader followed in their early years) than a modern store. The Galerie de Boufflers on the Grands-Boulevards, destroyed by a fire on 26march 1829 , included a menagerie and a salon de curiosites ; at the Palais Bonne Nouvelle and the Bazar de I’Industrie,explains Paul Jarry (Les magasins de nouveaute,Paris, 1948), “every new invention is an opportunity to open a new department’within a space that was bu definition impossible to extend,and therefor increasingly chaotic;the Pantechnicon bazaar that opened in London in the 1830s offered a range of goods that rivalled the impossible Chinese encyclopedia described by Jorge Luis Borges.
However diverse in location and surroundings, these places shared a common determining factor:they were completely different from the basic and enclosed boutiques on the street.
这个翻好了还有一段,今天能帮我翻好的再加分哦!!不要那种直接电脑翻译了复制给我的!语句完全不通顺的 展开
Or should we start with the office of one of his distant heirs, third in the unusual line of sons-in-law who arrived to run the business , an heir who decide ,when he took over in 1998,that it was time to reinvent the brand and the image4 of this place?
Perhaps we should start with the advertising agency whose creatives strive to make these great institutional machines stand out from each other , working on targeted campaigns adapted to the exact needs of each client?
Or in the note books and sketchpads in which Jean-Paul Goude collects tiny drawings and multi-layered collages that become his treasure chest ,a whole set of forms for his towering monuments?
Perhaps we should go all the way back to the little shops like Le Petit Dunkerque,the French draper’s stores of the 18th century-or perhaps a less elitist and therefore more fitting choice would be the general stores , like Mr Johnson’s universal shop ’in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford(1853),whose proprietor lived above his premises and “ranged the trades form grocer and cheesemonger to man-milliner ,as occasion required.
Alison Adburgham (shops and shopping 1800-1914,London,1964) dates the appearance of this new mode of distribution and sale of goods to 1815,as an indirect consequence of the industrial Revolution and the new methods of production that followed.(The invention of the jacquard loom and machine-made lace date from the same period;as another reference point,the move from handmade to mass-produced shoes occurred between 1850 and 1870)
Retailers began to bring their goods together in a single space that was more reminiscent of an Eastern bazaar (the model that Alphonse Kahn and theophile Bader followed in their early years) than a modern store. The Galerie de Boufflers on the Grands-Boulevards, destroyed by a fire on 26march 1829 , included a menagerie and a salon de curiosites ; at the Palais Bonne Nouvelle and the Bazar de I’Industrie,explains Paul Jarry (Les magasins de nouveaute,Paris, 1948), “every new invention is an opportunity to open a new department’within a space that was bu definition impossible to extend,and therefor increasingly chaotic;the Pantechnicon bazaar that opened in London in the 1830s offered a range of goods that rivalled the impossible Chinese encyclopedia described by Jorge Luis Borges.
However diverse in location and surroundings, these places shared a common determining factor:they were completely different from the basic and enclosed boutiques on the street.
这个翻好了还有一段,今天能帮我翻好的再加分哦!!不要那种直接电脑翻译了复制给我的!语句完全不通顺的 展开
是否,在1894年一月开张的坐落于Lafayette街和Chaussee-d’Antin街的Alphonse Kahn,其时店里只有一个“小箱子”和两至三个柜台,就开始卖起了绉边、裙上的荷边装饰、小装饰物、缎带、紫罗兰以及男子服饰用品?
又或者,从Jean-Paul Goude收集满小巧图画和多层拼贴画成为他的宝箱的笔记本和写生簿谈起?而这一整套东西正构成了他高耸的纪念碑。
也许,我们应该从诸如 Le Petit Dunkerque的法国18世纪小布店或者像Johnson先生1853年在Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford的不那么杰出但更加适合的这里所谈及的话题的通用商店谈起,而这家商店的主人就住在商店之上,并且还在适当的时候将商店的经营项目由杂货变成干酪以及女帽。
Alison Adburgham(记载于1964年伦敦出版的书籍"shops and shopping 1800-1914")估计出了这一新的销售和货物买卖模式于1815年出现,作为工业革命和拜其所赐的新生产方式所造成非直接影响。(此时期花布织机即将发明,机制花边的起源也要追溯到这一时期;作为另一个相关点的是,由手工制鞋到大规模机械制鞋的转变发生于1850年至1870年)
零售商们开始将他们的货物集中于单一的一个地方进行销售,这种销售方式更像是中东的集市(正如Alphonse Kahn以及ophile Bader在其经营的早年所遵循的模式)而非现代商店。在1829年3月26日的一场大火中烧毁的坐落于Grands-Boulevards街上的Galerie de Boufflers商店,还拥有一座小型动物园和珍品展示沙龙;在Palais Bonne Nouvelle和Bazar de I’Industrie,Paul Jarry(Les magasins de nouveaute,Paris, 1948)(这几个都是法语词,不会翻)的话语“每一项新发明都是开拓新领域的机会”便得到了解释。(后面一句有bu这个莫名其妙的词的话不会翻);在伦敦1830年代营业的家具市场提供了众多与Jorge Luis Borges所描述的不可能的中国百科全书相媲美的货物。(不知其隐喻何物,只能这样直译了)
是否,在1894年一月开张的坐落于Lafayette街和Chaussee-d’Antin街的Alphonse Kahn,其时店里只有一个“小箱子”和两至三个柜台,就开始卖起了绉边、裙上的荷边装饰、小装饰物、缎带、紫罗兰以及男子服饰用品?
又或者,从Jean-Paul Goude收集满小巧图画和多层拼贴画成为他的宝箱的笔记本和写生簿谈起?而这一整套东西正构成了他高耸的纪念碑。
也许,我们应该从诸如 Le Petit Dunkerque的法国18世纪小布店或者像Johnson先生1853年在Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford的不那么杰出但更加适合的这里所谈及的话题的通用商店谈起,而这家商店的主人就住在商店之上,并且还在适当的时候将商店的经营项目由杂货变成干酪以及女帽。
Alison Adburgham(记载于1964年伦敦出版的书籍"shops and shopping 1800-1914")估计出了这一新的销售和货物买卖模式于1815年出现,作为工业革命和拜其所赐的新生产方式所造成非直接影响。(此时期花布织机即将发明,机制花边的起源也要追溯到这一时期;作为另一个相关点的是,由手工制鞋到大规模机械制鞋的转变发生于1850年至1870年)
零售商们开始将他们的货物集中于单一的一个地方进行销售,这种销售方式更像是中东的集市(正如Alphonse Kahn以及ophile Bader在其经营的早年所遵循的模式)而非现代商店。在1829年3月26日的一场大火中烧毁的坐落于Grands-Boulevards街上的Galerie de Boufflers商店,还拥有一座小型动物园和珍品展示沙龙;在Palais Bonne Nouvelle和Bazar de I’Industrie,Paul Jarry(Les magasins de nouveaute,Paris, 1948)(这几个都是法语词,不会翻)的话语“每一项新发明都是开拓新领域的机会”便得到了解释。(后面一句有bu这个莫名其妙的词的话不会翻);在伦敦1830年代营业的家具市场提供了众多与Jorge Luis Borges所描述的不可能的中国百科全书相媲美的货物。(不知其隐喻何物,只能这样直译了)
与“小盒子”吧,只有两三个柜台,即阿方卡恩在1894年1月开放对拉法叶街的拐角处和Rue德拉Chaussee - d'Antin,出售廉价和荷叶边,小饰物,并色带,紫罗兰及洋杂?还是应该先从远处的继承人之一,他的办公室,在儿子媳妇不寻常的路线抵达谁经营企业,谁的继承人决定,当他在1998年超过三分之一,即现在是时候重塑品牌和这个地方的image4?也许我们应该从广告公司的广告力争使这些伟大的体制机互相脱颖而出,在适应每个客户的具体需求有针对性的宣传工作?或者在笔记本和sketchpads中让保Goude收集微小的图纸和多层次的拼贴画是成为他的宝藏,他的形式纪念碑高耸整套?也许我们应该去所有的方式回到喜欢的Le Petit敦刻尔克的小商店,法国德雷珀的商店在18世纪或者较少的精英,因此更恰当的选择将是一般用品,如约翰逊先生的普遍店伊丽莎白盖斯凯尔的克兰(1853年),其东主住他的上述场所和“形式的行业范围杂货商和cheesemonger到人为女帽,作为场合需要。艾莉森Adburgham(商店和购物中心1800-1914年,伦敦,1964年)开始了这种商品的分配和销售新模式的出现到1815年,作为工业革命的间接后果,随之而来的生产新方法。(本发明提花织机的和机器制造的花边从同一时期的日期;作为另一个参考点,从手工到大规模生产的鞋将发生在1850年和1870年)等零售商开始把在一个单一的空间,更让人联想到他们的商品一起一个中东集市比现代商店(阿方的模型卡恩和Theophile的贝德在早年跟随)。该画廊德Boufflers大奖赛上,林荫大道,以火焰销毁26march 1829年,包括动物园和德curiosites沙龙;宫博讷中篇小说和巴扎尔德I'Industrie解释保罗Jarry(德nouveaute,巴黎莱斯magasins ,1948),“每一个新发明是一个机会,打开一个新的department'within一个空间,是不可能补的定义扩大,并为此越来越混乱;的Pantechnicon集市,揭开了19世纪30年代在伦敦提供的商品范围媲美不可能的中文百科所描述的豪尔赫路易斯博尔赫斯。然而,在不同的地点和环境,这些地方有着共同的决定因素:它们完全与大街上的基本和封闭式精品店不同。