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我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析前言:电子商务源于英文ELECTRONICCOMMERCE,简写为EC。顾名思义,其内容包含两方面,一是电子方式,二是商贸活动。一般来说是指... 我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析
电子商务源于英文ELECTRONIC COMMERCE,简写为EC。顾名思义,其内容包含两方面,一是电子方式,二是商贸活动。一般来说是指利用电子信息网络等电子化手段进行的商务活动,是指商务活动的电子化、网络化。广义而言,电子商务还包括政府机构、企事业单位各种内部业务的电子化。电子商务可被看作是一种现代化的商业和行政作业方法,这种方法通过改善产品和服务质量、提高服务传递速度,满足政府组织、厂商和消费者的降低成本的需求,并通过计算机网络加快信息交流以支持决策。电子商务可以包括通过电子方式进行的各项社会活动。随着信息技术的发展,电子商务的内涵和外延也在不断充实和扩展,并不断被赋予新的含义,开拓出更广阔的应用空间。
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2007-03-24 · TA获得超过5217个赞
Our country electronic commerce development present condition and trend analysis
The electronic commerce come from English ELECTRONIC COMMERCE and Jian3 Xie3 is for the EC.Elfevident, its contents include both side, on being an electronics way, two is the company's Mao activity.Generally speaking is make use of an electronics information a network etc. the electronical means carry on of business activity, is business activity of electronical, the network turn.Broad sense but speech, the electronic commerce still include government organ, Qi business unit various inner part business of electronical.The electronic commerce can be see make business and administration homework method which is a kind of modernization, this kind of method pass an improvement product kimono duty quality, exaltation service to deliver speed, satisfy the low cost need of the decline of the government organization, manufacturer and consumer, and pass a calculator network speed information exchanges with support decision.The electronic commerce can include to pass the each item society activity that the electronics way carry on.Along with information technique of development, the content of electronic commerce and outside postpone also at continuously enrichment with expand, and drive continuously give new of meaning, expand more vast of application space.
The electronic commerce will become for 21 centuries, the core of mankind information world be also a network application of development direction, have can't estimate of growth foreground.The electronic commerce return and will construct new for 21 centuries economy trade frame.Strongly development electronic commerce, for nation with information-based arouse industrialization of strategy, realization cross over type development, strengthen nation competition ability, have very importance of strategy meaning.
2007-03-24 · 超过13用户采纳过TA的回答
The electronic commerce source to English ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, thesimple form is EC. As the name suggests, its content contains twoaspects, one is the electronic way, two is business trade activity.Generally speaking refers to the commercial activity which usingelectron method and so on electronic information network carries on,is refers to the commercial activity the electron, the network.Generally says, the electronic commerce also includes the governmentapparatus, business unit each kind of interior service electron. Theelectronic commerce may regard as is one kind of modernized commercialand the administrative work method, this method through theimprovement product and the grade of service, the enhancement servicetransmission speed, satisfies the official organization, the merchantand the consumer reduces the cost the demand, and speeds up theinformation exchange through the computer network to support thedecision-making. The electronic commerce may include each socialactivity which carries on through the electronic way. Along with theinformation technology development, the electronic commerceconnotation and the extension also unceasingly is enriching and theexpansion, and unceasingly entrusts with the recent meaning, developsthe broader application space. The electronic commerce will become the 21st century humanitiesinformation world the core, also will be the network applicationdevelopment direction, has growth prospect which will be unable toforecast. The electronic commerce also will construct the 21st centurynew economical trades frame. Vigorously develops the electroniccommerce, regarding the country by the information impetusindustrialization strategy, the realization surmounts the typedevelopment, the enhancement country competitive ability, has theextremely important strategic sense.
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2007-03-24 · TA获得超过864个赞
China's e-commerce development and trend analysis Foreword : E-commerce from English ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, abbreviated as EC. By definition, encompasses two aspects : First, electronic, commercial and trade activities. Generally refers to the use of electronic means of the Internet and other electronic information business activities refer to the electronic commerce activities. network. Broadly speaking, e-commerce, including government agencies, business enterprises and internal electronics. E-commerce can be seen as a modern business and administrative practices. This method to improve the quality of their products and services, increase service velocity, meet governmental organizations, lowering the cost of production and consumer demand, and to accelerate the exchange of information through computer networks to support decision-making. E-commerce can be conducted through electronic means, including the various social activities. With the development of information technology, e-commerce is to continuously enrich the connotation and extension and expansion and constantly being given new meaning to open up an even broader application of space. E-commerce will become the core of mankind in the 21st century world of information and network application development. with unpredictable growth prospects. E-commerce will also build a new economic and trade framework for the 21st century. Vigorously develop e-commerce for the state to use information technology to promote industrialization strategy and development by leaps and bounds. enhancing the competitiveness of a country is of great strategic significance.
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