
这个阶段的海斯特一面继续着与清教社会和现实生的反抗,一面却开始慢慢展现出对她所反抗的一切的妥协反抗与妥协逐渐纠结,形成了第二个阶段的“迷失的斗士象”。海斯特生下珠儿后便与... 这个阶段的海斯特一面继续着与清教社会和现实生的反抗,一面却开始慢慢展现出对她所反抗的一切的妥协反抗与妥协逐渐纠结,形成了第二个阶段的“迷失的斗士象”。海斯特生下珠儿后便与孩子在海边开始了她们相依命的日子,在她们的生活中没有男权意识的涉足。柏拉图经探讨过一种神秘的、无形的、类似子宫的空间(ehora),且认为这个空间存在于一切思想产生前。法国女权主义者朱莉娅•克里斯蒂娃将其重新定位,认为它存在于每个身上,是母性的、前俄狄浦斯的冲动,是孩子与母亲共享的问。海斯特与珠儿两母女之间存在的这种相互的认同关正是否定父权制度的一种象征。为了保证这一空间的继存在,所以当世俗和权威欲夺取珠儿的抚养权时,海斯特敢地向教会和世俗统治者公开挑战,在贝灵汉的总督府里出了自己“狂野而独特的吁请”,誓死保护她抚养女儿权利。但是面对珠儿一次又一次对红字的触摸及质问,她会有无限痛苦与罪恶涌上心头。海斯特渐渐用围绕着她权意识价值和衡量自己,开始觉得自己犯了错,成了一个得患失的负罪形象。这种强烈的罪恶感甚至会让她觉得前的不是自己的女儿,而是“像有一个邪恶的精灵附在了子身上”,以至于语气严厉威胁珠儿说“别缠我了,要我就将你荚进橱柜里去了”。另一方面,我们看到海斯特在离群索居的日子里靠的针线女红来维持生计。她用自己精巧的手工为A镶上金边为珠儿缝制最显眼精美的衣服。很多学者认为海斯特将个代表着自己耻辱的标志如此修饰,使它更加醒目,这是斯特反抗清教道德、顽强表现个人欲望的标志。此处的女意象能够让人联想到法国女权主义者埃莱娜•西苏的“女写作”理论。西苏认为,在男权主义社会里,女性在二元对的关系中处于劣势,权利被压制甚至是被剥夺。 展开
2011-03-10 · 超过18用户采纳过TA的回答
Hester side of the stage with the Puritan society and the continued resistance of real life, but slowly began to show a side of her rebellion against all compromise and compromise gradually entangled, forming a second phase of the "lost fighters like. " Pearl, Hester gave birth to the beach with the children after their dependent life began the day in their life without awareness of male involvement. Plato explored by a mysterious, invisible, similar to the womb of space (ehora), and that all ideas exist in this space have before. • French feminist Julia Kristeva to re-locate, that it is present in every body, is the maternal, the first impulse of Oedipus, is shared with the mother asked the child. Hester and Pearl, mother and daughter exists between the two mutual recognition of such relations is a symbol of patriarchy denied. To ensure the existence of this space, following, so when the authority of the secular and right want to win custody of Pearl, Hester dare to openly challenge the Church and secular rulers in the Governor Bellingham himself in a "wild and unique call, "the right to fight to the death to protect her raising her daughter. But time and time again on the face of Pearl The Scarlet Letter touch and asked that she be full of grief and sin in my heart. Hester slowly around her with a sense of value and measure their own right, began to feel that they made a mistake, has become one of them was suffering from loss of guilt image. This strong sense of guilt or even not make her feel that her daughter before, but "like an evil spirit attached to the sub-body," Pearl said that the threat severe tone, "Do not tease me, and asked me to pod will you go out into the cabinet. " On the other hand, we see Hester days in solitary female red by the needle and thread to make a living. With her delicate hand to Phnom Penh for the Pearl bordered A sewing beautiful clothes, the most prominent. Many scholars believe that Hester will be a sign of shame on behalf of their own so modified to make it more eye-catching, this is against the Puritan moral Lancaster, indomitable symbol of the performance of individual desire. Images of women here that are reminiscent of the French feminist Helene Cixous • "Women Writing". West of that in patriarchal society, women in the binary at a disadvantage on the relationship, rights, suppressed or even denied.
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2011-03-12 · TA获得超过341个赞
This stage of hyster side continued with the Puritan social and realistic born revolt, side but began slowly to show her for rebellion against all compromise with compromise gradually entanglements, formed the second stage, the "lost fighter like". Hyster gave birth to pearl after it was with child begin their dependency on the seashore life day, in their life without a male consciousness involved. Plato via discussed a mysterious, invisible, similar uterine space (ehora), and think this space exist in all thoughts produced before. French feminist Julia, Christian Eva redirect positioning, think it exists in every body, is maternal, former Oedipus impulse, is the child and the mother of sharing of ask. Hyster and pearl two icsw between the mutual recognition shut it is negative patriarchal system of a kind of symbol. In order to ensure that the space of the following the existence, so when the secular and authority to seize pearl of bringing up the option, hyster dare to church and secular rulers publicly challenge, in the spirit of the government-general of bayesian han out their "wild and unique appealed to", pledges to protect her raise her daughter rights. But in the face of scarlet pearl again and again the touch and query, she will have unlimited pain with SINS into my mind. Hyster China gradually with revolves around her right consciousness value and measure yourself, began to feel you've made a mistake, and became a with microexpressions guilt image. This kind of intense feelings of guilt may even let her feel not before his daughter, but "like one evil spirit supplied on child body" that harsh tone threat pearl said "don't entangled me, I will restore you pods into ambry went". On the other hand, we see hyster in solitary days by needle sewing to make ends meet. She used her exquisite handiwork as A embroidered with gold for pearl sewing the most conspicuous fine clothes. Many scholars believe that hyster China will be a symbol of representing myself shame so decorate, make it much more striking, this is the sandhust Puritan ethics and stubborn resistance performance personal desire logo. Here the female image can reminiscent of French feminist Evans, Lena Helene's "female writing" theory. Helene thinks, in the patriarchal socialist society, women in binary to relationship disadvantage, rights be suppressed even deprived.
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