求英语达人们 翻译一段话,用英语。很急,在线等~~~~~~ 谢绝网上翻译软件,辛苦了 15
人格也称个性,这个概念源于希腊语Persona,原来主要是指演员在舞台上戴的面具,类似于中国京剧中的脸谱,后来心理学借用这个术语用来说明:在人生的大舞台上,人也会根据社会角色的不同来换面具,这些面具就是人格的外在表现。面具后面还有一个实实在在的真我,即真实的人格,它可能和外在的面具截然不同,所谓健全的人格,分为:1. 体育,2.智育,3. 德育,4. 美育,这是4种类型。人格是指一个整体精神面貌,是具有一定倾向性和比较稳定的心里特征的总和。人格是法律上做人的资格,是自然,人,法上的概念。是自然,人,主体性要素的总称。
所以得知。人格和性格,它们是被定义在两个完全不同的领域上面的。 展开
人格也称个性,这个概念源于希腊语Persona,原来主要是指演员在舞台上戴的面具,类似于中国京剧中的脸谱,后来心理学借用这个术语用来说明:在人生的大舞台上,人也会根据社会角色的不同来换面具,这些面具就是人格的外在表现。面具后面还有一个实实在在的真我,即真实的人格,它可能和外在的面具截然不同,所谓健全的人格,分为:1. 体育,2.智育,3. 德育,4. 美育,这是4种类型。人格是指一个整体精神面貌,是具有一定倾向性和比较稳定的心里特征的总和。人格是法律上做人的资格,是自然,人,法上的概念。是自然,人,主体性要素的总称。
所以得知。人格和性格,它们是被定义在两个完全不同的领域上面的。 展开
1. The definition of personality:
Personality also says the concept of individual character, from Greek Persona, original is mainly refers to actor on the stage of a mask, similar in China in Beijing Opera masks, use that term used to later psychology explanation: the on the stage of life, according to the social role of different to change the mask, the mask is personality of the external performance. Behind the mask and a real true, that is, the real personality I, it may and external mask entirely different, the so-called sound personality, is divided into: 1. Sports, 2. Intellectual education, 3. The moral education, 4. This is the aesthetic education, and four kinds of types. Personality is to point to a whole spirit, is a certain tendentiousness and relatively stable characteristics of the sum total of the heart. The personality is a legal person qualification, is natural, people, the concept of law. Is a natural person, subjectivity, the floorboard of the elements.
2. Personality and character difference and in common
The difference between personality and character
The personality is a man's way of being, is personal biological genetic quality and environment interaction of the product. The personality of temperament is innate, is physical and genetic natural performance, very difficult to change, no good or bad points; But the personality of the character is acquired, is the social and cultural patterns of signet, it is possible to change, have good points
Personality, refers to a person's personality, temperament, and so on, character, treat people stay content features.
Character, it is to point to to people and things attitude and behavior shown on the psychological characteristics, such as: you may open and bright, be strong, weak, rough, and so on.
So informed. Personality and character, they are defined in two completely different fields of the above.
Personality also says the concept of individual character, from Greek Persona, original is mainly refers to actor on the stage of a mask, similar in China in Beijing Opera masks, use that term used to later psychology explanation: the on the stage of life, according to the social role of different to change the mask, the mask is personality of the external performance. Behind the mask and a real true, that is, the real personality I, it may and external mask entirely different, the so-called sound personality, is divided into: 1. Sports, 2. Intellectual education, 3. The moral education, 4. This is the aesthetic education, and four kinds of types. Personality is to point to a whole spirit, is a certain tendentiousness and relatively stable characteristics of the sum total of the heart. The personality is a legal person qualification, is natural, people, the concept of law. Is a natural person, subjectivity, the floorboard of the elements.
2. Personality and character difference and in common
The difference between personality and character
The personality is a man's way of being, is personal biological genetic quality and environment interaction of the product. The personality of temperament is innate, is physical and genetic natural performance, very difficult to change, no good or bad points; But the personality of the character is acquired, is the social and cultural patterns of signet, it is possible to change, have good points
Personality, refers to a person's personality, temperament, and so on, character, treat people stay content features.
Character, it is to point to to people and things attitude and behavior shown on the psychological characteristics, such as: you may open and bright, be strong, weak, rough, and so on.
So informed. Personality and character, they are defined in two completely different fields of the above.
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1. The definition of personality:
Personality also says the concept of individual character, from Greek Persona, original is mainly refers to actor on the stage of a mask, similar in China in Beijing Opera masks, use that term used to later psychology explanation: the on the stage of life, according to the social role of different to change the mask, the mask is personality of the external performance. Behind the mask and a real true, that is, the real personality I, it may and external mask entirely different, the so-called sound personality, is divided into: 1. Sports, 2. Intellectual education, 3. The moral education, 4. This is the aesthetic education, and four kinds of types. Personality is to point to a whole spirit, is a certain tendentiousness and relatively stable characteristics of the sum total of the heart. The personality is a legal person qualification, is natural, people, the concept of law. Is a natural person, subjectivity, the floorboard of the elements.
Personality also says the concept of individual character, from Greek Persona, original is mainly refers to actor on the stage of a mask, similar in China in Beijing Opera masks, use that term used to later psychology explanation: the on the stage of life, according to the social role of different to change the mask, the mask is personality of the external performance. Behind the mask and a real true, that is, the real personality I, it may and external mask entirely different, the so-called sound personality, is divided into: 1. Sports, 2. Intellectual education, 3. The moral education, 4. This is the aesthetic education, and four kinds of types. Personality is to point to a whole spirit, is a certain tendentiousness and relatively stable characteristics of the sum total of the heart. The personality is a legal person qualification, is natural, people, the concept of law. Is a natural person, subjectivity, the floorboard of the elements.
1. The definition of personality: Personality also says the concept of individual character, from Greek Persona, original is mainly refers to actor on the stage of a mask, similar in China in Beijing Opera masks, use that term used to later psychology explanation: the on the stage of life, according to the social role of different to change the mask, the mask is personality of the external performance. Behind the mask and a real true, that is, the real personality I, it may and external mask entirely different, the so-called sound personality, is divided into: 1. Sports, 2. Intellectual education, 3. The moral education, 4. This is the aesthetic education, and four kinds of types. Personality is to point to a whole spirit, is a certain tendentiousness and relatively stable characteristics of the sum total of the heart. The personality is a legal person qualification, is natural, people, the concept of law. Is a natural person, subjectivity, the floorboard of the elements. 2. Personality and character difference and in common The difference between personality and character The personality is a man's way of being, is personal biological genetic quality and environment interaction of the product. The personality of temperament is innate, is physical and genetic natural performance, very difficult to change, no good or bad points; But the personality of the character is acquired, is the social and cultural patterns of signet, it is possible to change, have good points Personality, refers to a person's personality, temperament, and so on, character, treat people stay content features. Character, it is to point to to people and things attitude and behavior shown on the psychological characteristics, such as: you may open and bright, be strong, weak, rough, and so on. So informed. Personality and character, they are defined in two completely different fields of the above.