希望好心人帮忙翻译下,哪怕只翻译几句也行。不要翻译工具直译那种,不胜感激。 30
向那些正在远去的老手艺道歉,我没能看过一场真正的皮影戏,没能找一个老木匠做一个碗柜,没能找老裁缝做一个袍子,没能找一个“剃头担子”剃一次头……向美好的旧日时光道歉,因为我甚至没有时间怀念,连梦都被挤占了。 展开
向那些正在远去的老手艺道歉,我没能看过一场真正的皮影戏,没能找一个老木匠做一个碗柜,没能找老裁缝做一个袍子,没能找一个“剃头担子”剃一次头……向美好的旧日时光道歉,因为我甚至没有时间怀念,连梦都被挤占了。 展开
the great beautiful ancient time-on my manuscript paper, represents suspension points which make us feel void; on my bookshelves, represents poetrys which are beautifully designed and bound but covered with dust; in my drawer, represents photoes which include everyone's smile; in my dream, represents names which I shout out unconscious; in my pocket, represents gnomes which are most close to my heart-is gradually away from me.
now, I am sitting, in the deep autumn, in the cane chair. the ancient time is like the falling leaves. I want to hold it; do not wanna it falls down such heavlily, because of the long time trip to the earth. this is the only way that i can apologize to the ancient time.
i will apologize to the friends leaving me in succession. I don't know how to put pen to letter and how to end the letter. yet, i don't know how to process the letter word by word.
i will apologize to each heart which is obtained but lost again. i didn't cherish you; just hope the god will favor me. hope each lost honest heart will be obtained again.
i will apologize to the ancient crafts which are leaving us farther and farther. i never watch shadow play veriestly for one time; never found an old squareman to make a cupboard; never found a needleman to make a robe; never found a "剃头担子"(barber) to deal with the hair... i will apologize to the becautiful ancient time, for i even have no time to yearn it and dream it.
now, I am sitting, in the deep autumn, in the cane chair. the ancient time is like the falling leaves. I want to hold it; do not wanna it falls down such heavlily, because of the long time trip to the earth. this is the only way that i can apologize to the ancient time.
i will apologize to the friends leaving me in succession. I don't know how to put pen to letter and how to end the letter. yet, i don't know how to process the letter word by word.
i will apologize to each heart which is obtained but lost again. i didn't cherish you; just hope the god will favor me. hope each lost honest heart will be obtained again.
i will apologize to the ancient crafts which are leaving us farther and farther. i never watch shadow play veriestly for one time; never found an old squareman to make a cupboard; never found a needleman to make a robe; never found a "剃头担子"(barber) to deal with the hair... i will apologize to the becautiful ancient time, for i even have no time to yearn it and dream it.