
有20几句中翻英哦。翻的好我会加分的~~不要用翻译工具直译,要有语法规则。。谢谢了!注意翻译时要用到括号里的词~1、我想把这本书推荐给你们读一下。(recommend)2... 有20几句中翻英哦。翻的好我会加分的~~不要用翻译工具直译,要有语法规则。。谢谢了!注意翻译时要用到括号里的词~ 1、我想把这本书推荐给你们读一下。(recommend)2、医生说要不了很久他就会康复的。(recover)3、她谈到她的教学经验时提及了她的老师。(refer)4、他把这张画视为他最珍贵的财产。(regard)5、我做过的事从不后悔。(regret)6、新放映的那部电影吸引了大批年轻人。(release)7、这药会缓解他的头疼吗?(relieve)8、在得到别人帮助的同时每个人必须主要依靠自己的努力。(rely)9、尽管你作了解释,但问题仍然有待解决。(remain)10、听了他的话,在场的人都被感动了。(remark)11、秘书提醒经理说公司的电脑系统突然出现故障了。(remind)12、为什么你从不回答我问你的事情?(reply)13、高三学生在高考前都必须接受一次体检。(require)14、消息传来,水灾地区所有的受害者都得救了。(rescue)15、直到她去世前,她的那个秘密才透露出来。(reveal)16、我不想你因为我而冒丢掉这份工作的风险。(risk)17、父母亲作出很多牺牲,为的是他们的子女将来能生活的好一些。(sacrifice)18、一位教师很难使班上所有的学生都满意。(satisfy)19、 警方搜查了凶犯居住过的房子。(search)20、英吉利海峡把英国和其他欧洲国家分开了。(separate)21、许多大学生志愿充当国际会议的口译员。(serve)22、退休以后他回到家乡,在他出生的村子里安居下来。(settle)23、她努力镇定下来不把激动的情绪流露出来。(show)24、你对流行音乐的兴趣和我相似。(similar)25、这道数学题太难,一般学生解不出来。(solve)26、他的建议听起来很好,但我认为并不实际。(sound)27、他很忙,可能腾不出时间来参加明天的讨论了。(spare)28、他在大学里度过的这几年是他一生中最愉快的时间。(spend)29、据报道,科学家已经发现了一种方法能治愈这种由苍蝇传播的疾病。(spread) 拜托大家啦~谢谢~ 展开
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2011-10-01 · TA获得超过5771个赞
1, I'd like to recommend this book you read. (recommend) 2, the doctor said before long he will recover. (recover) 3, she talked about her teaching experience at the mention of her teacher. (refer) 4, and he had the picture as his most precious possession. (regard) 5, I did never regret. (regret) 6, new screening of the film that attract a lot of young people. (release) 7, the medicine will relieve his headache? (relieve) 8, in get others at the same time help each person must mainly rely on our own efforts. (rely) 9, although your explanations, but the question still remains to be solved. (remain) 10, heard his words, the people present were moved. (remark) 11, secretary remind the manager said the company's computer system suddenly broken. (remind) 12, why you never answer I ask you that? (reply) 13, three students in the university entrance exam before they have to accept a physical examination. (require) 14, news came that the flooded area all of the victims were saved. (rescue) until 15, before she died, her the secret to reveal. (reveal) 16, I don't want you because I and risked losing the job of risk. (risk) 17, a lot of parents sacrifice, so their children can live better in the future. (sacrifice) 18, a teacher in the class is difficult to make all of the students are satisfied. (satisfy) 19, the police searched the house lived. (search) 20, the English channel Britain and other European countries separated. (separate) 21, many college students volunteer act as international conference interpreters. (serve) 22, after retirement he return to his hometown, he was born in the village settled down. (settle) 23, she tried to calm down and not to reveal the excitement of the. (show) 24, for pop music interest in you and I similar. (similar) 25, the maths problem is so difficult that the average student solution not out. (solve) 26, his suggestion sounds good, but I think that is not practical. (sound) 27, he is busy, may those who have no time to attend tomorrow in the discussion. (spare) 28, he spent at college of these a few years of his life is the most pleasant time. (spend) 29, according to reports, scientists have found a way to cure the disease spread by the flies. (spread)

1、I’d like to recommend this book for your reading.2、He’ll recover soon per the doctor said.3、She referred to her teacher when she was talking about her teaching experience. 4、He regards this drawing as his most precious possession. 5、I never regret what’s been done. 6、The newly released film attracted numerous young audience. 7、Will this medicine be able to relieve his headache? 8、You have to rely on your own endeavor while you attaining help from others. 9、Despite of your explanation, the issue remained to be solved. 10、All the people presented were moved by his remarks. 11. The secretary reminded the manager that the company computer system had a sudden break down.12、Why is that you never reply the questions I asked? 13、The senior students are required to take a physical check up before the College Entrance Examination. 14、News came that all the victims afflicted by the flood were rescued. 15. It was not until her death that her secret was revealed.
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2011-10-01 · TA获得超过1530个赞
1, I would like to recommend to you to read this book. (The recommend) 2, doctors say have long he'll '. (Recover) 3, when she spoke of her experience in teaching refers to her teacher. (Refer) 4, he sees the picture as his most precious possession. (Regard) 5, never regret what I did. (Regret) 6, the new show of the film has attracted a lot of young people. (Release) 7, this medicine will alleviate his headaches, please? (Relieve) 8 and, with the help of others at the same time everyone must rely primarily on their own efforts. (Rely) 9, all your explanations, but problems still remain to be solved. (Remain) 10, listen to his words, the people present were moved. (Remark) 11, the secretariat reminded the managers that the company's computer system has suddenly failed. (Remind) 12, why you never answered my question you thing? (Reply) 13, students must be given a medical examination before the college entrance examination. (Require) 14, news of flooded areas all the victims were saved. (Rescue) 15, until her death, she only disclosed the secret. (Reveal) 16, I don't want you because I take the risk of losing the job. (A risk) 17, parents make many sacrifices to their children could live better. (Sacrifice) 18, a teacher is hard to make all the students in the class are satisfied. (Satisfy) 19, police raided the perpetrators lived in the House. (Search) 20, across the United Kingdom and other European countries did. (Separate) 21, many University graduated volunteers act as interpreter of the International Conference. (Serve) 22, after retirement he returned to his hometown, where he was born in the village to live down. (Settle) 23, she tries to calm down and not emotion excited breaks out. (Show) 24, your interest and I like to pop music. (Similar) 25, the maths is too difficult for students to work out. (Solve) 26, his suggestion sounds good, but I think this is not practical. (Sound) 27, he was busy, cannot find the time to participate in the discussion tomorrow. (Spare) 28, he spent the past few years in College was the most enjoyable time of his life. (Spend) 29, it was reported that scientists have found a way to cure the diseases transmitted by flies. (Spread) Hello everyone ~ thank you ~ 呼——累死我也
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