第一个问题:It is not unusual to witness that an increasing number of children are accompanied by parents on their first day in college. I declare in no uncertain terms that it will end up with the children’s lack of independence.
特别是这句 it will end up with the children’s lack of independence.不能理解,第一天由父母陪伴上大学的现象会以孩子缺乏独立而结束吗?我哪里理解错了啊?求指点!
第二个问题:In such a world full of fierce competition, being independent becomes essential for successful.
请看这句话,being independent becomes essential for successful.这里应该用success,还是successful啊,为什么。还有,being independent becomes essential for a would-be success.这种说法句子又是什么意思啊,would-be 该怎么解释啊?
第三个问题:parents should raise children in a free-range way instead of being “helicopter” parents, who always seem to hover over their children.
这句话该怎么翻译啊,这里的raise, a free-range way , hover over 分别该 怎样解释啊,谢谢各位了 展开
特别是这句 it will end up with the children’s lack of independence.不能理解,第一天由父母陪伴上大学的现象会以孩子缺乏独立而结束吗?我哪里理解错了啊?求指点!
第二个问题:In such a world full of fierce competition, being independent becomes essential for successful.
请看这句话,being independent becomes essential for successful.这里应该用success,还是successful啊,为什么。还有,being independent becomes essential for a would-be success.这种说法句子又是什么意思啊,would-be 该怎么解释啊?
第三个问题:parents should raise children in a free-range way instead of being “helicopter” parents, who always seem to hover over their children.
这句话该怎么翻译啊,这里的raise, a free-range way , hover over 分别该 怎样解释啊,谢谢各位了 展开
1. 应该是说明这种现象最终会导致孩子缺乏独立
2. 应该用success,介词for后面自然加名词success
would-be是形容词 用来形容success,表示潜在的成功或即将的成功
3 raise children里的raise就是养育,抚养等意思
free-range简单点说就是放养的意思,in a free-range way就是说以自由放养的这种方式养育小孩
hover+over是盘旋的意思,加上上文的直升机式家长,盘旋在小孩头上引申过来就是管的面面俱 到
2. 应该用success,介词for后面自然加名词success
would-be是形容词 用来形容success,表示潜在的成功或即将的成功
3 raise children里的raise就是养育,抚养等意思
free-range简单点说就是放养的意思,in a free-range way就是说以自由放养的这种方式养育小孩
hover+over是盘旋的意思,加上上文的直升机式家长,盘旋在小孩头上引申过来就是管的面面俱 到
第一个问题的答覆: I declare in no uncertain terms, 这句话的意思是, 我心无二念的不承认这句 it will end up with the children’s lack of independence. 也就是说是相反的意思.
第二个问题的答覆: success 是名词, successful 是形容词 也就是说只有形容词才能放在这里, 吓一个问题, would-be 的意思是 必要 也就是说:"独立在成功的道路上是必要的''
第三个问题的答覆: 这题够简单, raise 的意思是扶养, a free-range way 是广过的发展空间, hover 是一种声音的英文词 也就是说 hover over 就像一个直升机一样, 整天在你身边翁翁叫.
第二个问题的答覆: success 是名词, successful 是形容词 也就是说只有形容词才能放在这里, 吓一个问题, would-be 的意思是 必要 也就是说:"独立在成功的道路上是必要的''
第三个问题的答覆: 这题够简单, raise 的意思是扶养, a free-range way 是广过的发展空间, hover 是一种声音的英文词 也就是说 hover over 就像一个直升机一样, 整天在你身边翁翁叫.