family name和first name有什么区别
family name不同于first name,family name是指姓,family name就是指一个家族的第一个字,通常一个家族的姓是相同的,所以,family name是姓。
first name 是什么意思
牛津词典中对“first name”的解释是“first name is a name that was given to you when you were born, that comes before your family name”,first name是指在你出生时给你起的名字,放在姓氏之前。
大家都知道,西方人的英文名字和我们中国人正好相反,他们喜欢把姓氏放在最后,名字放在最前面,因此,first name从字面上来看,就是“第一个名字”也就是放在首位的名字(这里不包含姓氏)。
We use Mr., Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name.
His name is Tom Green. His first name is Tom and his surname is Green.
family name是什么意思
amily name相当于中国的姓,first name相当于名。
family name
[英][ˈfæmili neim][美][ˈfæməli nem]
复数:family names
1.In mongolia, the given name is more important than the family name, and commonlyused.
2.In western countries, people don't usually talk about "given names" and "family name."
family name=last name=surname=姓 first name=名 middle name中国人没有 例:猪八戒 last name=Zhu, first name=Bajie Bajie Zhu or Zhu,Bajie
2023-08-29 广告