
 罗密欧与朱丽叶可以说是千古佳话,他们本是应该享受爱情和纯洁快乐天真生活的年龄,可是因为家族的仇恨而牺牲了各自年轻的生命。小说中的语句是那么的动人与甜美,特别是...  罗密欧与朱丽叶可以说是千古佳话,他们本是应该享受爱情和纯洁快乐天真生活的年龄,可是因为家族的仇恨而牺牲了各自年轻的生命。小说中的语句是那么的动人与甜美,特别是他们之间爱情表白的方式是那么地直接,在众多人听来是那么的肉麻与让人心动,没错他们的表白虽是肉麻但每个人都希望听到爱人对自己说一些甜言蜜语,可是我们并不能真正地听到这些经典的对白呀!更何况这只是书本上的对白罢了。现实生活毕竟是现实生活,没有书中的故事那么动人与甜蜜,也没有书中的世界那么地温馨和可怕,生活中能够说得出这种肉麻的甜言蜜语来的会让人感到是那么的可怕,蜜里藏刀让人躲闪不及在无形中、不知不觉中成为爱的奴隶,成为爱的牺牲品。我们可以想象甜言蜜语,可以享受书中、电视剧中、电影中的甜言蜜语,可以和主人公们共同分享他们甜蜜的爱情生活,可是现实中并不让我们拥有着太多的甜蜜生活,只会让我们在刚尝到甜头的时候,在你不注意的时候再加上酸甜苦辣或其他的味道,让你不知所措,甚至是迷失在爱的港湾,成为一只孤独飘泊的小舟,也或许正是因为这些混杂的味道才能让我们更加地感受到爱的甜美吧!    故事中的罗密欧对朱丽叶是忠贞的,为了自己的爱人、为了自己的誓言本想放下自己内心的仇恨,用爱、用心去面对自己的仇人,可是老天爷并不让他拥有美好甜蜜的未来,不想让他享受爱情的滋味。爱人的表兄杀害了自己的亲密好友,他因好友的死而愤怒,自己被怒气冲昏了头杀害了自己爱人的表兄,因为自己的一时之怒气而为自己的爱情、生命和爱人生命的铺上了一条通向死亡的大道。爱本身是纯洁美丽的,可是当它遇到怒与恨的时候往往只会让爱消失,让爱成为它们的阶下囚。    罗密欧、朱丽叶和父母间的关系可以看出子女与父母之间的沟通是那么的淡薄与欠缺,父母为了仇恨,为了自己的利益欲望而随意、主张地安排着子女的生活,说是为了女子的将来幸福着想,可是他们有没有真正地替自己的女子想过。子女也是同样,自己遇到事情总是先斩后奏,只知道平时父母严厉无理的一面,却不曾想过父母也有更多温存的一面,如果他们能够用心去和父母沟通,用自己的真心来打动父母的话也就不至于到如此地步。    他们的爱情虽然非常真挚感人,也确实至死都忠诚于对方。可是,他们当初相互之间并不了解,只是单凭一张美丽的容颜,便轻易将爱情抛洒。这种草率的态度,即便他们最终有了完美的结局,能否幸福到永远,也还是一个未知数。     就如童话故事一样,公主和王子总是在结合在一起后,嘎然而止,是同一个道理。爱情,浪漫和美丽,总是经受不住平淡生活的考验,故事如果继续下去,恐怕会令所有的人都为之失望和意外。     罗密欧和朱丽叶的悲剧,跟他们的不够冷静,过于冲动,缺乏生活的阅历,脱不开干系。倘若他们不是那么急于殉情,不是那么急切地想要相伴终身,一切都将是另外一个结局。    《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这部伟大的戏剧呈现给我的不仅是凄美悲伤恋歌与各种精湛的艺术手法,还让我了解到宽容是那么重要。或许宽广的心胸才能开拓更多的可行之路,而斤斤计较,心怀仇恨只能终日饱受煎熬,似一道厚重的墙挡在前进的路上。   展开
2012-02-23 · TA获得超过5600个赞
Romeo and Juliet can be said to be the eternal much-told tale, they are originally ages enjoying love and pure happy innocent life, but has sacrificed each young life because of hatred of the family . The sentence in the novel is so moving and sweet, especially the way in which the love is explained between them is so direct , in numerous people it sounds to be so sickening making people to be aroused in interest, go wrong explaination of them although sickening everybody is it hear lover say some honeyed words to oneself to hope, but we can not really hear these classical dialogue ! Still more this is only dialogue on books. Actual life is the actual life after all, not as moving and happy as story in the book, warm and terrible as world in the book either, the ones that can be taken such sickening honeyed words out of the mouth will be felt it is so terrible by people in life, honey hide knife let people dodge as in virtually , become slave of love unconsciously, become the victim of love. We can imagine the honeyed words , can enjoy the honeyed words in the book , in the TV play , in the film , can share their happy love life with the protagonists together , but does not allow us to have too much happy life in reality, will only let us combine with the life's joys and sorrows or other taste when while just tasting good benefits , do not take care of you, make you at a loss, even lose it at the harbour that love, become a lonely small boat that drifted, perhaps just because these taste mixed let us experience that love is sweet too! Romeo in the story is loyal and steadfast to Juliet, for one's own lover, in order to promise to originally want to put down the hatred of one's own heart one's own, with the love, face one's own personal enemy diligently, but God does not allow him to have bright and happy future, do not want to let him enjoy the flavour of the love . The lover's cousin has murdered one's own intimate good friend, he is angry because of death of the good friend, oneself has been dizzied the head and murdered one's own lover's cousin by anger , for spreading a main road to death of one's own love , the life and lover's life because of anger at one's own one o'clock. Love itself pure a beautiful one , can is it is it disappear to love to let only often when it meets anger and hates, make it easy to become their prisoner. Children and communication among parents are so thin and is deficient that the relation among Romeo , Juliet and parents can be found out, parents are for hatred , but arranging children's life for one's own interests desire at will, maintaining, say that thought about the woman's future happily , but they really thought for one's own woman . Children are equally too, always act first and report afterwards to meet the thing by oneself, only know the severe and unreasonable side of parents at ordinary times , but has never thought that parents have more attentive sides , if they can go to communicate with parents diligently , move the getting unlikely such stage of parents' words with one's own sincerity. Though their love is very sincere and touching, really loyal to the other side till death . But, they did not understand each other originally, just only according to a beautiful appearance, relieve oneself easily the love shed. Such careless attitude, even if they have a perfect final result finally, could be getting happy and eternal, it is still uncertain too. If the children's story is the same, the princess and the prince , always after conbining together, bad-tempered but stop, it is the same reason. Love, romantic and beautiful, always stand the test of dull life, if story continue, is it can make all people for it disappointed unexpected to I'm afraid. The tragedies of Romeo and Juliet, one that is with they is not calm enough, too excited, lack the experience of life , take off and does not hold the responsibility . If they are not so eager to sacrifice life for the feeling , it is not to want to accompany all the life so eagerly , everything will be another final result . It is not merely sadly beautiful sad love song and artistic tactics of different exquisiteness that " Romeo and Juliet " present this great drama to me, still let me know tolerantly that it is so important. Perhaps the broad ambition could open up more feasible ways , and worry about petty gain or loss , harbouring hatred can only endure suffering to the fullest extent all day , is like a deep and serious wall to block on the way of advancing .
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2012-03-05 · TA获得超过133个赞
Romeo and Juliet can say is historic anecdotes, they should enjoy the love and the purity of life happy innocent age, but because the family hatred in their respective sacrifice the lives of young. The novel is so moving statement with sweet, especially between the way they love expression is so directly, in many sound is so disgusting and makes a person enchanted, yes they isolation is the disgusting but everyone wants to hear lover said to myself some sweet words, but we can't really hear these classic dialogue! Besides, this is just the books the dialogue just. Real life, after all, is a real life, not the story in the book so moving and sweet, and no book of the world so sweet and terrible, life can be said to draw this disgusting to the sweet words can let a person feel is so terrible, honey to dodge the Tibetan dao than in virtually, unconsciously become the slaves of love, become the victim of the love. We can imagine sweet words, can enjoy books, TV, movies of the sweet, can the hero and share their sweet love life, but in reality does not let we have with too many sweet life will only let us in just taste blood, you don't pay attention to in the sweet and bitter experiences plus or other taste, make you at a loss and even lost in the bay of love, become a lonely wandering the tiny boat, and perhaps it is for these mixed taste can we get more to feel love sweet! In the story of the faithful Juliet is romeo, for your own lover, in order to carry this want to put down his hatred of the heart with love, work hard to face your own personal enemy, but god does not let him have the future of good sweetness, don't want him to enjoy the taste of love. Lover's cousin murdered his close friends and friends of the dead and he was angry, and his anger was carried away by murdered his lover's cousin, because his own a moment's anger and for his love, life, and love of life on the shop a the path to death road. Love itself is pure and beautiful, but when it meets the anger and hatred often will only make love disappear, let love be they of the gang. Romeo and Juliet and the relations between the parents can see the communication between children and parents is so thin and short of, parents to hatred, for their own interest desire and optional, claims to arrange a children's life, said it was to women's future happiness to think, but they have really for his woman thought. Their children also is same, you've things are always XianZhanHouZou, only that parents are a tough at ordinary times, but never thought parents also have more attentive side, if they can work hard to communicate with their parents, with his heart to impress my parents not to the point. They love although very sincere and moving, and indeed to death, loyalty to the other party. But they did not understand each other, but only by a beautiful appearance, then love will easily throwing. This hasty attitude, even when they finally have the perfect ending, whether happiness forever, also is still a mystery. As the fairy tale story, the princess and the prince is always in together, to a grinding halt, is the same reason. Love, romance and beautiful, always cannot undergo the test of normal life, the story if it continues, I'm afraid I will make all the people of the disappointment and accident. Romeo and Juliet's tragedy, with their not enough dispassion, too impulsive, lack of life experience, to take off the don't open involvement. If they are not so anxious to XunQing, not so eager to concomitant life, everything will be another end. "Romeo and Juliet" the great drama present to me is not only beautiful and sad love all kinds of exquisite artistic techniques, also let me understand that tolerance is so important. Perhaps the broad mind to open more feasible road, and haggle over every ounce, hatred can only be all day long suffering from, like a heavy walls stand in the way.
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2012-02-23 · TA获得超过1.1万个赞
Romeo and Juliet can be said to be eternal story, they should enjoy the love and pure happy innocent life age, but because the family hatred at the expense of their young lives. In the novel the statement is so charming and sweet, especially their love express way is very direct, in numerous sound is so disgusting and lets the human heartbeat, yes they express are fulsome but everyone wants to hear a lover to myself that some speak sugared words, but we didn't really hear these classical dialogue! Not to mention this is book dialogue. Real life is the reality of life, not the story in the book so lovely and sweet, no book in the world so warm and horrible, life can say this disgusting speak sugared words to make people feel is so terrible, honey Lane Tibetan people dodge imperceptibly imperceptibly, make love slaves, be the victim of love. We can imagine speak sugared words, can enjoy the book, TV series, movies in the speak sugared words, and the heroes can share their sweet love life, but the reality is not that we have too many sweet life, will only let us in just to taste the sweetness of the time, when you pay no attention to add sour, sweet, bitter, hot or other flavor, let you be at a loss what to do, or even lost in the harbor of love, become a lonely drifting boat, perhaps it is because of these mixed taste can let us feel the sweetness of love! The story of Romeo Juliet is loyal, to his lover, to his oath to set aside their hatred, love, heart to face their enemy, but God does not let him have a wonderful future, do not want to let him enjoy the taste of love. Love's cousin killed her close friends, because of his friend 's death by rage anger, his head killed his lover's cousin, because their momentary anger for his love, life and love life with a road leading to the death road. Love is pure and beautiful, but when it encounters the anger and hate often will only let love disappear, let love become their prisoner. Romeo, Juliet and the relationship between the parents can see their children and parents of communication between is very thin and short, parents in order to hatred, for their own interests, desires at assertively arrangement with their children's lives, said to her future happiness sake, but they have no real for his woman thought. Children also is same, encountered in their own things always does, only know your parents strict unreasonable side, but never thought your parents also have a more tender side, if they can be hard to communicate with their parents, their own true moved to parents is not to the point. They love although very impressive, indeed died faithful to each other. But, they mutual between not understand, just with a beautiful face, then easily will love mode. This rash attitude, even if they have the perfect ending, can happy forever, also be an unknown. Just like in fairy tales, the princess and the prince are always combined together, this is the same truth. Love, romantic and beautiful, always withstand insipid life test, if the story to continue, I will make all the people are disappointed and accident. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, with their cool enough, too impulsive, lack of life experience, will not get off the hook. If they are not so eager to love, not so eager to want the rest of my life, everything will be another ending. " Romeo and Juliet" the great drama presented to me is not only a beautiful sad love songs and a variety of exquisite artistic, also let I learned tolerance is so important. Perhaps the broad mind to develop more feasible road, and square accounts in every detail, hate have to suffer, like a thick wall along the way.
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2012-02-23 · TA获得超过331个赞
Romeo and Juliet can be said to be eternal story, they should enjoy the love and pure happy innocent life age, but because the family hatred at the expense of their young lives. In the novel the statement is so charming and sweet, especially their love express way is very direct, in numerous sound is so disgusting and lets the human heartbeat, yes they express are fulsome but everyone wants to hear a lover to myself that some speak sugared words, but we didn't really hear these classical dialogue! Not to mention this is book dialogue. Real life is the reality of life, not the story in the book so lovely and sweet, no book in the world so warm and horrible, life can say this disgusting speak sugared words to make people feel is so terrible, honey Lane Tibetan people dodge imperceptibly imperceptibly, make love slaves, be the victim of love. We can imagine speak sugared words, can enjoy the book, TV series, movies in the speak sugared words, and the heroes can share their sweet love life, but the reality is not that we have too many sweet life, will only let us in just to taste the sweetness of the time, when you pay no attention to add sour, sweet, bitter, hot or other flavor, let you be at a loss what to do, or even lost in the harbor of love, become a lonely drifting boat, perhaps it is because of these mixed taste can let us feel the sweetness of love! The story of Romeo Juliet is loyal, to his lover, to his oath to set aside their hatred, love, heart to face their enemy, but God does not let him have a wonderful future, do not want to let him enjoy the taste of love. Love's cousin killed her close friends, because of his friend 's death by rage anger, his head killed his lover's cousin, because their momentary anger for his love, life and love life with a road leading to the death road. Love is pure and beautiful, but when it encounters the anger and hate often will only let love disappear, let love become their prisoner. Romeo, Juliet and the relationship between the parents can see their children and parents of communication between is very thin and short, parents in order to hatred, for their own interests, desires at assertively arrangement with their children's lives, said to her future happiness sake, but they have no real for his woman thought. Children also is same, encountered in their own things always does, only know your parents strict unreasonable side, but never thought your parents also have a more tender side, if they can be hard to communicate with their parents, their own true moved to parents is not to the point. They love although very impressive, indeed died faithful to each other. But, they mutual between not understand, just with a beautiful face, then easily will love mode. This rash attitude, even if they have the perfect ending, can happy forever, also be an unknown. Just like in fairy tales, the princess and the prince are always combined together, this is the same truth. Love, romantic and beautiful, always withstand insipid life test, if the story to continue, I will make all the people are disappointed and accident. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, with their cool enough, too impulsive, lack of life experience, will not get off the hook. If they are not so eager to love, not so eager to want the rest of my life, everything will be another ending. " Romeo and Juliet" the great drama presented to me is not only a beautiful sad love songs and a variety of exquisite artistic, also let I learned tolerance is so important. Perhaps the broad mind to develop more feasible road, and square accounts in every detail, hate have to suffer, like a thick wall along the way.
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