
合作期限本协议自甲、乙、丙三方签字之日起生效,有效期**年。协议到期前三个月,如三方一致认为可以继续合作,可正式续签书面协议。协议的变更本协议未尽事宜,或需变更,以书面形... 合作期限
1、 本协议有效期满时,自动终止。
2、 因不可抗力致使本协议中止时,签约三方应共同对参加本项目学习的学生做出妥善安排,并将学生的损失降到最低限度。
3、 本协议执行期间,任何一方如有不规范操作,违背协议约定,在对方提出整改要求后仍未改正的情况下,对方有权提出解除本协议。但甲、乙、丙三方应继续履行各自职责,完成已在校学生的教学工作,确保已入学学生顺利毕业,不得侵犯已入学学生的合法权益。
1、 签约的任何一方,不能按约定的时间、方式和要求履行本协议应承担的责任、义务,均视为违约。
2、 违约方因其违约行为造成本协议目标不能实现或给签约对方造成经济损失,均应承担相应的赔偿责任。
3、 违约方因其违约行为或因已方不当行为侵害了教育项目的学生合法权益,或社会相关方面合法权益,或违反了中国法律及政府法令,均应独自承担相应的法律责任。
1、 本协议在执行过程中如发生争议时,先由甲、乙、丙三方友好协商解决。
2、 不能协商解决的争议,甲、乙、丙三方可向有管辖权的人民法院起诉仲裁。
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Cooperation term
This agreement by party a, b, and c the date of signing of three parties shall be valid * * years. Before the expiry of the three months, such as the three parties agreed that can continue to cooperate, can renew formal written agreement.
Agreement changes
Matters not this agreement, or need to change, put forward in written form, by party a, b, and c three party consensus, make written supplement agreement; The supplementary agreement and this agreement which have the equal legal effect.
The agreement terminated and force majeure
1 this agreement expires, effective, automatically terminate.
2, due to the force majeure to cause this agreement ceases, signing three party should work together to participate in this project learning of the students make appropriate is arranged, and the loss of students to the minimum.
3, during the execution of this agreement, any one party if there is not standardized operation, violated the agreement, in the other side puts forward improvement request is not correct after the case, the other party shall have the right to put forward to remove this agreement. But a, b, and c three party shall continue to perform their duty, complete already in the school student's teaching work and ensure the already entrance students graduate, and shall not be infringed upon already entrance students' legal rights.
The responsibility of breach of the determination and compensation
1, signing any one party, not as agreed time, way and requirements of the performance of this agreement shall bear responsibility, liability, shall be deemed to be a breach of contract.
2, the defaulting party for its breach of this agreement by goal should not realize or to sign each other economic losses, all should assume corresponding responsibility for compensation.
3, the defaulting party for its breach or have the improper behaviors infringing party education project of students' lawful rights, or social related legal rights, or in violation of the Chinese law and government laws, shall be alone bear corresponding legal responsibilities.
Settlement of the disputes
1 this agreement in the execution process like the disputes, first by a, b, and c three parties settled through friendly consultations.
2, no settlement of the dispute, a, b, and c three party may to the people's court has jurisdiction to arbitration
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Duration of cooperation
This Agreement shall take effect on the date of signature of A, B, C tripartite valid for ** years. Agreement before the expiration of three months, the three parties agreed that you can continue to cooperate, to be formally renewed the written agreement.
Changes of the agreement
Matters of this Agreement, or need to change to be made in writing, by A, B, C tripartite consultations, make a written supplementary agreement; Supplemental Agreement and this Agreement have the same legal effect.
Termination of the agreement and force majeure
1, upon expiration of this Agreement is automatically terminated.
2, due to force majeure termination of this Agreement, signed the tripartite should work together on to participate in this project students learn to make proper arrangements, and the loss of students to a minimum.
3, during the execution of this Agreement, either party, if any non-standard operation, contrary to the agreement, the other not yet corrected the situation after the rectification requirements, the other party the right to terminate this Agreement. A, B, C tripartite should continue to fulfill their respective responsibilities, complete student teaching in the school to ensure that students graduate enrollment, shall not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the students enrolled.
Liability for breach of the identification and compensation
1, signed by either party, not according to the agreed time, methods and requirements to fulfill this Agreement shall bear the responsibilities, obligations, are regarded as a breach of contract.
2, the defaulting party for its breach of contract caused by the goal of this Agreement can not be achieved or to the contract cause of economic loss, shall bear the corresponding liability.
3, the breaching party for its breach of contract or misconduct has side against the students' legitimate rights and interests of the educational projects, or the legitimate rights and interests of the relevant aspects of the community, or in violation of Chinese laws and government decrees, should alone bear the corresponding legal responsibility.
Settlement of Disputes
This Agreement in the implementation process, such as a dispute through friendly consultations, first A, B, C tripartite solution.
2, can not resolve the dispute, A, B, C be prosecuted to the People's Court have jurisdiction over the arbitration.
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2012-05-12 · TA获得超过152个赞
Cooperation period
Three a, b and c of this agreement with effect from the date of signature, valid ** years. Three months before the expiry of the agreement, such as the three parties agreed to continue cooperation, formally renewed in writing.
Protocol changes
This Protocol is not completely matters concerned, or you want to change, in writing, through tripartite consultations a, b, c, make a written supplementary agreements; supplementary agreement and this Agreement shall have the same legal effect.
Termination of the agreement and force majeure
1, when the expiration of this agreement automatically terminates.
2, as a result of force majeure resulting in termination of this agreement, Contracting Parties shall students together to participate in this project to make proper arrangements for and minimize the loss of students.
3, during the execution of this agreement, any party who has not standardized operation, contrary to the agreement, in the case of each other upon request for rectification and reform is still not correct, each other's right to move the disarmament agreement. But a, b, and c the Parties shall continue to perform their respective duties, completing student teaching in the work, ensuring a smooth graduated students, shall not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the students.
Determination of the liability and compensation
1, any party to the contract, cannot be and perform at the agreed time, should assume the responsibilities and obligations of this agreement, is considered to be the default.
2, caused by its breach of default targets cannot be implemented or signed up to the other side of this agreement caused economic losses, should bear corresponding liability.
3, the defaulting party's breach or misconduct against the education projects of the legitimate rights and interests of students, or the legitimate rights and interests of the community, or in violation of Chinese laws and Government decrees shall bear corresponding legal responsibility on their own.
Settlement of disputes
1, the agreement for the implementation process in the event of dispute, by the a, b, c three-party friendly consultation.
2, the dispute cannot be settled, three parties a, b and c to the jurisdiction of the people's Court of arbitration.
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