
Inrecentyears,moreandmorecountrieshavelaiddownthelawtoprohibitsmokinginsomepublicplac... In recent years, more and more countries have laid down the law to prohibit smoking in some public places such as restaurants, netbar. Some business also say that no one can smoke cigarettes in workplaces. Whether the ban on smoking would be effective comes into a problem.

In my opinion, putting the non-smoking ban into practice is one effective way to achieve the reduction of harms to people and society which result from smoking.

No one own total freedom and everyone needs restrictions. It is the case for the smokers in the smoke-free places. The ban could force the smokers to abide by the rules and to give up the passive smoking in public. As a result, the smoke-free buildings and public places truly protect nonsmokers from the dangers of breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke, which also could encourage smokers to reduce smoking or quit altogether.

In fact, accrding to many reports,the ratio of the heart attacks related closely to the smoking in some areas dropped greatly after the a ban was enacted and the researchers atttibute the dramatic drop mainly to the ban. This fact also proves the effectiveness of the non-smoking ban.

In recent years, more and more countries have laid down the law to prohibit smoking in some public places such as restaurants, netbar. Some business also say that no one can smoke cigarettes in workplaces. Whether the ban on smoking would be effective comes into a problem.

In my opinion, putting the non-smoking ban into practice is one effective way to achieve the reduction of harms to people and society which result from smoking.

No one own total freedom and everyone needs restrictions. It is the case for the smokers in the smoke-free places. The ban could force the smokers to abide by the rules and to give up the passive smoking in public. As a result, the smoke-free buildings and public places truly protect nonsmokers from the dangers of breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke, which also could encourage smokers to reduce smoking or quit altogether.

In fact, accrding to many reports,the ratio of the heart attacks related closely to the smoking in some areas dropped greatly after the a ban was enacted and the researchers atttibute the dramatic drop mainly to the ban. This fact also proves the effectiveness of the non-smoking ban.

Therefore, i advocate the non-smoking ban for its effectiveness on the reduction of smoke pollution and dieases risks. I hope both smokers and non-smokers would be able to share public places peacefully and enjoy themselves fully outside.
2008-06-03 · TA获得超过739个赞
In recent years, more and more countries have laid down the law to prohibit smoking in some public places such as restaurants, netbar. Some business also say that no one can smoke cigarettes in workplaces. Whether the ban on smoking would be effective comes into a problem.

In my opinion, putting the non-smoking ban into practice is one effective way to achieve the reduction of harms to people and society which result from smoking.

No one own total freedom and everyone needs restrictions. It is the case for the smokers in the smoke-free places. The ban could force the smokers to abide by the rules and to give up the passive smoking in public.

As a result, the smoke-free buildings and public places truly protect nonsmokers from the dangers of breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke, which also could encourage smokers to reduce smoking or quit altogether.

In fact, accrding to many reports,the ratio of the heart attacks related closely to the smoking in some areas dropped greatly after the a ban was enacted and the researchers atttibute the dramatic drop mainly to the ban. This fact also proves the effectiveness of the non-smoking ban.

In recent years, more and more countries have laid down the law to prohibit smoking in some public places such as restaurants, netbar. Some business also say that no one can smoke cigarettes in workplaces. Whether the ban on smoking would be effective comes into a problem.

In my opinion, putting the non-smoking ban into practice is one effective way to achieve the reduction of harms to people and society which result from smoking.

No one own total freedom and everyone needs restrictions. It is the case for the smokers in the smoke-free places. The ban could force the smokers to abide by the rules and to give up the passive smoking in public. As a result, the smoke-free buildings and public places truly protect nonsmokers from the dangers of breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke, which also could encourage smokers to reduce smoking or quit altogether.

In fact, accrding to many reports,the ratio of the heart attacks related closely to the smoking in some areas dropped greatly after the a ban was enacted and the researchers atttibute the dramatic drop mainly to the ban. This fact also proves the effectiveness of the non-smoking ban.

Therefore, i advocate the non-smoking ban for its effectiveness on the reduction of smoke pollution and dieases risks. I hope both smokers and non-smokers would be able to share public places peacefully and enjoy themselves fully outside.
2008-06-03 · TA获得超过448个赞





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2008-06-03 · TA获得超过535个赞

参考资料: 百度

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