
在人类语言中,颜色词语表现出的独特魅力,令人刮目相看。在汉英语言中,表示各种不同颜色或色彩的词都很丰富。我们不仅要注意观察它们本身的基本意义,更要留心它们含义深广的象征意... 在人类语言中,颜色词语表现出的独特魅力,令人刮目相看。在汉英语言中,表示各种不同颜色或色彩的词都很丰富。我们不仅要注意观察它们本身的基本意义,更要留心它们含义深广的象征意义,因为颜色的象征意义在不同民族语言中往往有不同的特点,有些特点甚至构成了人们对经过引伸、转义以后颜色的崇尚和禁忌。由于我国与绝大部分英语国家相隔万里,地理位置、自然现象、历史背景、审美心理等千差万别,人们对于颜色的感受和表达不尽相同。这样,颜色的象征意义在中西文化之间自然又会产生很大的差异。下面我们就中西文化中颜色的不同象征意义进行具体描述。


在中国文化中,白色与红色相反,是一个基本禁忌词,体现了中国人在物质 和精神上的摈弃和厌恶。所以白色是枯竭而无血色、无生命的表现,象征死亡、凶兆。又象征腐朽、反动、落后,也象征失败、愚蠢、无利可得,它还象征奸邪、阴 险,如"唱白脸"、"白脸"奸雄;最后,它还象征知识浅薄、没有功名.
西方文化中的白色象征意义主要着眼于其本身色彩,如新下的雪、新鲜牛奶及百合花的颜色。西方人认为 白色高雅纯洁,所以它是西方文化中的崇尚色。它象征纯真无邪,

在中国文化里只有沉重的神秘之感,是一种庄重而严肃的色调,它的象征意义由于 受西方文化的影响而显得较为复杂。一方面它象 征严肃、正义,另一方面它又由于其本身的黑暗无光给人以阴险、毒辣和恐怖的感 觉。它象征邪 恶、反动,它又表示犯罪、违法,
2008-06-08 · TA获得超过12.7万个赞
In the human language, the unique charm which the color words and expressions display, impressive. In the Chinese-English language, indicated that each kind of different color or the color word is very rich. We not only need pay attention observe they basic meaning, must pay attention their meaning deep and broad symbolic significance, because the color symbolic significance often has the different characteristic in the different national language, some characteristics even constituted the people to extend, the figurative meaning later color advocation and the taboo to the process. Because our country and the major part English-speaking country is separated by ten thousand miles, infinite varieties and so on geographical position, natural phenomenon, historical perspective, esthetic psychology, the people are different regarding the color feeling and the expression. Thus, the color symbolic significance will have naturally the very big difference between China and the West culture. Below we the color different symbolic significance carry on the concrete description on China and the West culture.
1, red
Red is in our country culture basic advocation color, it has manifested the Chinese on the spiritual and the material pursue. It is symbolizing, the jubilation propitiously, in the Western culture red is censures the Italian quite strong word, is " the fire ", “the blood " the association, it symbolizes cruelly, is bleeding.
In the Chinese culture, white and red opposite, is a basic taboo word, has manifested the Chinese and loathes in material and spiritual abandoning. Therefore the white is the depletion does not have the scarlet, the lifeless performance, symbolic death, ill omen. Also symbolizes decayed, is reactionary, is backward, also symbolizes the defeat, stupidly, not to have the advantage to be possible to result, it also symbolizes the grafty and evil person, sinisterly, like " sings the white face ", “the white face " the greatvillain; Finally, it also symbolizes the knowledge superficially, not to have the academic honor.
In the western culture's white symbolic significance mainly focuses on itself color, like new under snow, fresh milk and lily's color. The westerner thinks the white loftily chaste, therefore it is in the Western culture advocation color. It symbolizes innocently.
In the Chinese culture only then the serious mystical feeling, is one kind grave and the serious tone, its symbolic significance as a result of appears more complex the Western culture's influence. On the one hand it symbolizes is serious, is just, on the other hand it because its darkness does not have the light to the human by sinister, sinister and the terror feeling. It symbolizes is evil, is reactionary, it also expresses the crime, illegally,
The black is in the Western culture basic taboo color, has manifested in westerner spirit abandoning and loathes. It drafts the death, the ill omen, the disaster likely
2008-06-08 · TA获得超过122个赞
恩 有点难
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2008-06-08 · TA获得超过102个赞
In human language, the color of the words show's unique charm and impressive. In Chinese and English languages, all kinds of different color or that color the words are very rich. We not only need to pay attention to their own observation of the basic meaning, they must carefully Shenguang meaning of the symbolic meaning, because the symbolic meaning of color in different ethnic languages often have different characteristics, some of the characteristics of a people even after the extension, escaped after The color of advocating and taboos. As China and the vast majority of English-speaking countries separated by thousands of miles, geographical location, natural phenomena, historical backgrounds, different aesthetic psychology, and other people of color to express feelings and not the same. In this way, the symbolic meaning of color in between Chinese and Western cultures will naturally have a lot of difference. Below we have Chinese and Western cultures in different colors of symbolic significance to the specific description.

1, red

Red is the culture in our country in upholding the basic color, it embodies the spirit of the Chinese people and material pursuits. It symbolizes good fortune, joy, Western culture in the red Bian Yi is a very strong word, "Fire" and "blood" of Lenovo, it symbolizes a brutal, bloody.
2, white
In Chinese culture, white and red contrast, is a basic taboo words, it reflects the Chinese people in material and spiritual abandon and disgusting. So white is exhausted without blood, without the performance of life, symbol of death, Xiong Zhao. Another symbol of corrupt, reactionary, backward, also symbolized the failure, stupid, no profits available, it also symbolizes Jianxie, insidious, such as the "singing Bailian", "Bai Lian" Jianxiong; Finally, it also symbolizes shallow knowledge, no Gongming.
Western culture in the white symbolic significance of its main focus on their own colors, such as the new under the snow, fresh milk and lily of color. Westerners think elegant pure white, so it is in respect of Western culture color. It symbolizes pure innocent,
3, black

In Chinese culture, only a heavy sense of mystery, is a solemn and serious tone, and its symbolic significance due to the influence of Western culture is more complex. On the one hand, it symbolizes a serious, justice, on the other hand it also because of its own people in the dark matt insidious, sinister and terrifying feeling. It symbolizes evil, reactionary, it said that crime, illegal,
Black (black) is Western culture in the basic taboo color, embodies the spirit of the rejection of the West and obnoxious. It symbolizes the death, Xiong Zhao, disaster
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