
1.Tom的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。Tom_______havedoneagoodjobinthisbasketballmatch.2.她喜欢能够一起舞起来的音乐。Sh... 1. Tom的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。
Tom _______have done a good job in this basketballmatch.
2. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的音乐。
She likes music ______ _______ _______ _________ ________.
3. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚亚笔友的来信了。
I haven’t _______ ________my Australian pen pal ______a month.
4. 王叔叔教我们如何修自行车。
Uncle Wang teaches us _________ _________repair a bike.
5. 我们更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。
We _________music_______ ________ great ________
6. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。
This building _________ _________ __________my motherschool .
7. 你对这部新影片有什么看法?
What do you _________ _________ the new film?
How do you__________ the new film?
8. 无论你做什么,不要错过这次影展。
___________ __________ __________,don’t miss this exhibition .
2013-07-20 · TA获得超过4371个赞
Ⅰ. A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10分)
1. Parents should buy some e books for children to read.
2. Do you know C ? He’s an important Chinese thinker.
3. Tom often s______ the Internet on weekends.
4. I like going hiking. I can always e new places.
5. The diamond ring is really f .
6. How p it is in the countryside!
7. My brother told me a t story of ghosts.
8. W you do, you should do it well.
9. This underground doesn’t go d .
10. We shouldn’t take away others’ things without p .
B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)
11. Listen! Some of the girls (talk) about Harry Potter.
12. — Where is Mr Green now? I haven’t seen him for a few days.
—He (go) to Hong Kong.
13. You’d better ______ (not eat) too much meat. You are already overweight.
14. Titanic is a very nice film. I (see) it twice.
15. She doesn’t look like her mother. She (take) after her father.
16. I spent half an hour (finish) doing my homework.
17. The teacher told Xiao Ming (not be) late for school again.
18. Please write to me as soon as you (reach) Shanghai.
19. We have to help (clean) up the tables at the party.
20. When the headmaster came into the hall, all the students (stand) up.
C) 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。(10分)
21. 汤姆的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。
Tom __________________ in this basketball match.
22. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的音乐。
She likes music __________________.
23. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚笔友的来信了。

24. 王叔叔教我们修自行车。
Uncle Wang teaches us __________________.
25. 昨晚妈妈脸上露出了满意的笑容。
Mother __________________ on her face last night.
26. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。
This building __________________.
27. 你对这部新影片有什么看法?
What do you __________________ the new film?
28. 这顶帽子非常适合您,女士!
This hat __________________, madam!
29. 导演正在为他的新影片寻找一位女演员。
The director __________________ for his new film.
30. 快,电影已经开演约十分钟了。
Hurry up! The film __________________ for about ten minutes.
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(40分)
1. - the football match?
A. How do you think of B. What do you think
C. What do you like
2. This question is ______ easy, and all the students can answer the question.
A. too much B. too many C. much too
3. This book ______ Tom’s father’s, because his name is on the book.
A. must be B. must C. maybe
4. Who does this T-shirt belong ______?
A. in B. on C. to
5. We went to a beach a picnic.
A. on B. in C. for
6. He ______ be a history teacher.
A. used to B. be used to C. be use to
7. Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.
A. practice B. to practice C. practicing
8. We should talk in English as ______ as possible.
A. much B. many C. more
9. What does “anxious” ______?
A. mean B. means C. meaning
10. I’d like to go with you, ______, my hands are full.
A. but B. otherwise C. however
11. He doesn’t ______ to be a scientist.
A. pretends B. pretend C. pretendly
12. The monkeys escaped ______ the zoo yesterday evening.
A. out B. of C. from
13. It is ______ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.
A. more B. little C. less
14. He ______ would do great things should not attempt them all alone.
A. whom B. who C. which
15. Tonny is afraid ______, because he has experienced an aeroplane crash.
A. fly B. of flying C. flying
16. I prefer watching TV to ______ music every day.
A. listen to B. listening C. listening to
17. Look at that girl ______ name is Lucy.
A. who B. whose C. which
18. You’ll be late you leave at once.
A. or B. unless C. if
19. I hate people ______ talk much but do little.
A. who B. that C. which
20. Do you know what ______?
A. his favorite song is B. is his favorite song
C. his most favorite song is
21. I like the music that I can sing ______.
A. along and B. along with C. with D. along
22. I like this kind of music that I can dance ______.
A. to B. in C. along
23. The story reminded me ______ an experience I once had.
A. of B. to C. at
24. you do, you can’t change the situation.
A. whoever B. what ever C. whatever
25. Beijing is one of the ______ in the world today.
A. busiest city B. busiest cities C. busy cities
26. I mean ______ a class meeting on Monday afternoon.
A. have B. to have C. to having
27. Mary sings English songs well and ______.
A. Jane does too B. so does Jane C. so Jane does
28. I didn’t know ______.
A. where did he live B. where do he lives
C. where he lived
29. What the boy said sounds ______.
A. reason B. reasonable C. reasonably
30. I feel my heart ______ fast now.
A. beated B. beating C. beat
31. I’d like to trek ______ the jungle.
A. through B. across C. over
32. -Why do the people decide ______ these days?
—Because there’s not much to do.
A. not to visit B. visit C. not visiting
33. He felt doubtful about ______ the city.
A. to get around B. get around C. getting around
34. The travel agency offered him a hotel ______ 30 dollars every day.
A. / B. for C. to
35. My parents want to go ______ on vacation.
A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere
C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhere
36. They ______ all over the country. So they plan ______ some other country.
A. have traveled, visit B. traveled, to visit
C. have traveled, to travel
37. I made a around the beautiful island last summer.
A. tour B. touristy C. tourism
38. Scientists are now working ______ humanoids (类人动物), because they can help people a lot.
A. on B. against C. into
39. Some robots are ______ to do the same things ______ people.
A. enough smart; as B. enough smart; with
C. smart enough; as
40. ______ would you like to live in?
A. Where B. Which city C. When
Ⅱ. 句型转换。(10分)
41. Albert found the key. I lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)

42. She is the tallest girl in her class. She can play the violin.(合成一句)

43. Where is the beautiful picture? You bought it last week.(合成一句)

44. We are looking for the nurse. She looked after my little sister.(合成一句)

45. She was ill, but she still went on working.(改为同义句)
______ she was ill, she still went on working.
46. The mother told her son, “Don’t read in bed.”(改为简单句)
The mother ______ her son ______ ______ read in the bed.
47. They prefer this kind of fruit to that kind.(改为同义句)
They ______ this kind of fruit ______ ______ that kind.
48. They have just had some sandwiches.(对划线部分提问)

49. How about the book?(改为同义句)
What do you ______ ______ the book?
50. I didn’t know how I could repair the bike.(改为简单句)
I didn’t know ______ ______ repair the bike.
2013-07-20 · TA获得超过307个赞
  1. certainly

  2. that can be danced to

  3. received from for

  4. how to

  5. prefer which has lylics

  6.  reminded me of

  7. think of

  8. Whatever you do


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2013-07-20 · TA获得超过180个赞
2.which can be dance to
3.heard from for
4.how to
5.prefer that has lyrics
6.remind me of
7.think about
8.Whatever you do
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2013-07-20 · TA获得超过671个赞
  1. did

  2. which / that  she  can  dance  to

  3. heard  from                 for

  4. how  to

  5. prefer     that    has    lyrics

  6. reminded  me  of

  7. think  of


  8. Whatever  you  do

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