
首先非常感谢您的回信。下面我想依次回答您的问题。1.从上中学的时候开始就一直想好好学日语,参加过短暂的日语培训班,可是总是觉得没有实际到日本学习好。加上妈妈也在日本,所以... 首先非常感谢您的回信。下面我想依次回答您的问题。








 我来答
First of all thank you very much for your reply.
The next thing I'd like to answer your question in turn.
1. Since when I was at middle school, I've always wanted to learn Japanese well, took part in a short Japanese training course, but always feel to do not have the actual to the Japanese study well.
Plus mom also in Japan, so in the university after graduation, went to Japan to study abroad.
As for other countries, do you have a chance, or want to go abroad for further study.
If can have the opportunity to travel abroad, after work or reside, I will feel very honored to.
Not only can contribute to company, but also can let oneself learn a lot.
2. I was in college studying sociology major.
Majored in the social investigation method of the course.
Mainly study the investigation methods and data analysis and statistics.
Master thesis mainly "the present and future of Chinese Korean nationality" as the theme, visited China, carried out investigations on their life status.
Through the investigation, understanding and analysis of the dramatic change of the Korean people in China bring positive influence and negative influence to the Korean society.
Finally through the access to the survey data statistics and analysis, put forward about north Korean social subject and the author's policy proposals in the future.
3. At work, if some problems occur, not blindly to find solutions, one will not be discouraged.
I will first analyze what was the cause of the problem.
And then discuss with your boss or your company's predecessor, to find out the solution.
4. Because like Japan this country.
After taking office also want to stay here.
And, of course, if have the opportunity to can go to other countries, will also feel very honored to.
Can let oneself grow up, also can contribute to the communication between countries.
5.3 months after graduation, now is looking for a job chartered a visa.
Hope can help solve the work visa.
6. Because feel can take advantage of their own language.
7. I think in school about survey method and statistical aspects of professional knowledge, and their language learning ability, can for your company's overseas development assistance.
Other professional just about equipment, I think if working successfully with your company, I will as soon as possible master the relevant professional knowledge, in order to better work.
Above is the answer you question.
About English conversation ability has yet to be improved, in the future I will strengthen this ability, better job.
Thank you very much!

1 .上から高校の时からずっと、よく考えて日本语を学んで、日本语の讲习会に参加したことが一时的なものだとは思われないしましたけど、実际に日本でよかった。
2 .私は社会学を専攻し、大学院の主だった。
3 .仕事で、いくつかの问题が発生すれば、一人でない盲目の解决策を见いだすこともしない。勿论、あきれてしまった。
4 .好きだから」「日本という国だった。
5 . 3月の卒业後、今は仕事を探しの特许のビザが発给された。
6 .から感じるを発挥できる自分自身の言叶で优势を见せている。
7 .私に感じるが、学校で勉强した捜査法や统计に関する専门知识が、自分の语学能力は皆、贵社の海外の発展に役立つ。

우선 감사하다 는 회신 을 보 냈 다.
다음 차례 로 답 고 싶 선생님 의 문제 다.
1. 은 중학교 때 부터 제대로 일본어 에 짧 은 일본어 학원 을 다니 고, 는데 자꾸 생각 하지 않 는 다 는 점 에서 일본 공부 잘 했 다.
데다 엄마 도 도 일본 에 있 어 가 대학 을 졸업 하 고) 와 함께 온 일본 유학 했 다.
다른 나라 라면 회심 을 기회 가 있 으면, 아니면 싶다...... 외국 에 나 가 한 다.
만약 일을 다 할 수 있 는 기회 가 해외 출장 에 나 서 거나 체류 하 면 주 십 시 요, 나 는 맡 게 돼 영광 이다.
수 에 기여 한 회사 들 은 들 많은 것 을 배 웠 습니다.
2. 나 는 대학원 주요 전공 사회학 이다.
전공 사회 조사 법의 과정 을 마 쳤 다.
주요 학습 조사 방 법과 데이터 분석 과 통계 다.
석사 논문 주로 ' 조선족 의 현황 과 미래 ' 란 주 제로 을 방문 해 중국 조선족 밀집 지역 에 대한 그들 의 삶 을 방문 조사 했 다.
조사 를 통 해 파악 및 분석 중국 조선족 인구 의 급격한 변화 에 조선족 사회 에 따 른 영향 과 정면 에 악영향 을 미 쳤 다.
마지막 통 해 방문 조사 는 데이터 의 통계 와 분석 을 제 기한 북한 사회 가 앞으로 의 과제 및 작가 의 정책 제안 했 다.
3. 작업 에서 발생 하 면, 일부 문제 를 하지 않 을 혼자 무분별 한 해법 을 찾기 를 하지 않 을 것 을 위 축시 켰 다.
내 가 먼저 분석 에서 발생 하는 문제 는 원인 은 무엇 일 까.
그리고 상사 와 이나 회사 선배 인 상의 해 해결 책을 찾 는 방법 이다.
4. 좋아 서 일본 이 라 는 나라 다.
취임 후 에도 생각 에 체류 중인 이곳 에서 생활 했 다.
물론 할 수 있 는 기회 가 다른 나라 를 도 맡 게 돼 영광 이다.
들 도 성장 가능성 을 할 수 있 는 국가 간 의 교류 에 기여 한 다.
5. 3 월 졸업 후 지 금은 일자리 를 구 하는 특허 비자 를 내 줬 다.
희망 해결 가능 돕 겠 다 "고 말 했 다. 취업 비자
6. 0 % 느 낄 수 있 어 발휘 된 언어 우세 를 보 였 다.
내 생각 에는 7. 학교 에서 배우 는 법 에 대한 조사 와 통계 에 대한 전문 지식 을 자신 과 의 어학 능력 은 귀 회 사의 해외 의 발전 에 도움 이 된 다 는 것 이다.
다른 관련 장비 분야 의 전문 만 생각 이 입사 와 귀 사가 있 으면 빨리 파악 에 관 한 전문 지식 이 더 좋 은 직장 이다.
이상 은 선생님 의 문제 제기 는 대답 이 었 다.
영어 회화 능력 에 관 에서 는 좀 더 높 아지 면서 앞으로 나 이 방면 의 능력 을 더 좋 은 직장 이다.
2013-07-29 · TA获得超过621个赞
1. Since when I was at middle school, I've always wanted to learn Japanese well, took part in a short Japanese training course, but always feel to do not have the actual to the Japanese study well. Plus mom also in Japan, so in the university after graduation, went to Japan to study abroad. As for other countries, do you have a chance, or want to go abroad for further study. If can have the opportunity to travel abroad, after work or reside, I will feel very honored to. Not only can contribute to company, but also can let oneself learn a lot.
2. I was in college studying sociology major. Majored in the social investigation method of the course. Mainly study the investigation methods and data analysis and statistics. Master thesis mainly "the present and future of Chinese Korean nationality" as the theme, visited China, carried out investigations on their life status. Through the investigation, understanding and analysis of the dramatic change of the Korean people in China bring positive influence and negative influence to the Korean society. Finally through the access to the survey data statistics and analysis, put forward about north Korean social subject and the author's policy proposals in the future.
3. At work, if some problems occur, not blindly to find solutions, one will not be discouraged. I will first analyze what was the cause of the problem. And then discuss with your boss or your company's predecessor, to find out the solution.
4. Because like Japan this country. After taking office also want to stay here. And, of course, if have the opportunity to can go to other countries, will also feel very honored to. Can let oneself grow up, also can contribute to the communication between countries.
5.3 months after graduation, now is looking for a job chartered a visa. Hope can help solve the work visa.
6. Because feel can take advantage of their own language.
7. I think in school about survey method and statistical aspects of professional knowledge, and their language learning ability, can for your company's overseas development assistance. Other professional just about equipment, I think if working successfully with your company, I will as soon as possible master the relevant professional knowledge, in order to better work.
Above is the answer you question. About English conversation ability has yet to be improved, in the future I will strengthen this ability, better job. Thank you very much!
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First of all thank you for your reply. I want to turn to answer your question.
1 from the beginning of high school has been trying to learn Japanese,participated in a short Japanese training class, but always feel not practical to learn Japanese. Coupled with the mother also in Japan, so after graduating from University, to study in Japan. As for the other countries, there is a chance, still want to go abroad for further study. If the work to have the opportunity to travel abroad,or the presence of words, I will feel very honored. Not only can contribute to thecompany, also can let you learn a lot of things.
2 I major in college major in sociology. The social survey course. The main studysurvey method and data analysis and statistics. Master's thesis "and the futurestatus of Korean nationality in China" as the theme, visited the accumulation areaof Korean nationality in China, visited the investigation on the state of their lives.Through the investigation, understanding and positive effects of rapid changes in Chinese Korean population brings to the Korean society and negative influence.Finally, through statistics and analysis of survey data, the author take issue on North Korea and social future policy proposals.
3, if there is some problem, find a solution not only, more will not be discouraged.What is the reason I will first analyze the problem. Then discuss with your boss or the company's predecessors, so as to find out the solutions.
4 because of this country like japan. After taking office, want to stay here. Of course, if you have a chance to travel to another country, will feel very honored.Can let oneself grow up, can also contribute to the communication between countries.
5.3 months after graduation, is now licensed visa for work. Hope may help solvethe work visa.
6 because it can play their own language advantage.
7 I think the school learning professional knowledge about the investigation andstatistics, and their language learning ability, help the development of can for your company's overseas. Other equipment professional only, I think if successfulinaugural with your company, I will master professional knowledge as soon as possible, in order to better work.
Above is your questions answered. About English, conversational ability needs improving, I will strengthen the capacity in this area in the future, while a better job.Thank you.
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