
强调:差不多(40%)就行了,适合高一的。。谢咯!!不要机器翻译的!!短文:十堰市位于湖北省西北部,地处鄂、豫、渝、陕交界地带,是一个美丽的山城,新兴的现代车城,又是一个... 强调:差不多(40%)就行了,适合高一的。。谢咯!!不要机器翻译的!!
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2008-07-01 · TA获得超过517个赞
Shiyan City is located in the northwest of Hubei Province and it is on board with Hubei, Henan, Chongqing, Shaanxi Pro vince. It is a beautiful mountain city and also, an emerging modern car-industry-based city. Additionally, it is the only 'Garden City' in the inner mountainous area in China.It won its title as one of the "China's excellent tourist cities."
Shiyan City is renowned for its rich resources, and high qualified, world-class tourism products. She East has the world's cultural heritage, a famous Taoist shrines Wudang Mountain, "the Han Chinese ethnic folk songs the first village", "Chinese folk story of the village" and Asia's largest artificial freshwater lake, the South-North Water Transfer Project water - the Danjiangkou Reservoir; South "Savage" mystery trace the Shennongjia primeval forest, Trinidad exile in the cultural and dual-use drink the hot spring bath; Western historians have called the "Great Wall" of the Great Wall and Chu Chi Mei, the beautiful 18-Gap and plugging River rafting Scenic Area; North has the world's rare fossils of the Cretaceous period dinosaur eggs and fossils of dinosaur bones group sites; urban area, a scenic Fulong Mountain Nature Reserve and the world's third largest truck manufacturing base - Dongfeng Motor Corporation. Here, historical and cultural monuments in ancient and modern civilized society making the other more beautiful and magnificent natural scenery and rich in endemic colorful people, constitute a beautiful tourist sites picture. Welcome to Shiyan tourism.
Shiyan is the Three Gorges - Shennongjia - Wudang Mountain - Xi'an tourism gold of a shining pearl online, the six major categories of 25 unique scenic spots across the city, a Taoist shrines in Wudang Mountain, the Chinese sensation Yun County Yuanren sites and dinosaur egg fossils Group, Asia's largest artificial lake - the Danjiangkou Reservoir, the newly discovered bird legs kind of dinosaur skeleton fossils
Following sights are some of Shiyan's major tourist attractions:……

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2008-07-01 · TA获得超过1869个赞
Shiyan City, Hubei Province in the northwest, is located in Hubei, Henan, Chongqing, Shaanxi border, is a beautiful mountain city, the emerging modern cars City, is a landlocked mountainous area of China's only national garden city, it is a The strategic importance of tourism "China's excellent tourist cities."
Shiyan City, rich and colorful tourist resources, high quality, world-class tourism products renowned Chinese and foreign. She East has the world's cultural heritage, a famous Taoist shrines Wudang Mountain, "the Han Chinese ethnic folk songs the first village", "Chinese folk story of the village" and Asia's largest artificial freshwater lake, the South-North Water Transfer Project water - the Danjiangkou Reservoir; South "Savage" mystery trace the Shennongjia primeval forest, Trinidad exile in the cultural and dual-use drink the hot spring bath; Western historians have called the "Great Wall" of the Great Wall and Chu Chi Mei, the beautiful 18-Gap and plugging River rafting Scenic Area; North has the world's rare fossils of the Cretaceous period dinosaur eggs and fossils of dinosaur bones group sites; urban area, a scenic Fulong Mountain Nature Reserve and the world's third largest truck manufacturing base - Dongfeng Motor Corporation. Here, historical and cultural monuments in ancient and modern civilized society making the other more beautiful and magnificent natural scenery and rich in endemic colorful people, constitute a beautiful tourist sites picture. Welcome to Shiyan tourism.
Shiyan is the Three Gorges - Shennongjia - Wudang Mountain - Xi'an tourism gold of a shining pearl online, the six major categories of 25 unique scenic spots across the city, a Taoist shrines in Wudang Mountain, the Chinese sensation Yun County Yuanren sites and dinosaur egg fossils Group, Asia's largest artificial lake - the Danjiangkou Reservoir, the newly discovered bird legs kind of dinosaur skeleton fossils
Shiyan major tourist attractions:……
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