
英语游戏教学,是集智力、活动和竞争于一身,是组织、课堂模拟实际活动的一种有效辅助方法,是实现趣味性以及提高课堂教学质量的一种途径。课堂上做游戏可帮助学生在轻松有趣的活动中... 英语游戏教学,是集智力、活动和竞争于一身,是组织、课堂模拟实际活动的一种有效辅助方法,是实现趣味性以及提高课堂教学质量的一种途径。课堂上做游戏可帮助学生在轻松有趣的活动中掌握一些较难掌握的单词。大多数学生喜欢上课时多做游戏,通过游戏来学习单词。例如,在学习了身体部位名称后,可做Polly says游戏。先练习已学过的知识,e.g. Put your right hand in. Take your right hand out. Put your hands on your shoulders. Put your hands on your head. Touch your nose. Touch your eyes.等。先让几个学生组合成一个小组做这个游戏,再让各小组中做得最好的同学到全班同学面前表演,看谁做得最好。每次可以从所列句子中补充新单词。教师可以边说边做动作,先让学生明白这句话的意思,然后教师发号令,先全班,再个别学生做动作。经过几次反复练习后,再让学生小组做这个游戏。句子学得越多,这个游戏就越精彩。学生对此游戏非常感兴趣。一星期下来,学生基本掌握了所有补充的新单词,此外,还可鼓励学生自己动脑筋,回忆以前学过的词汇并提供新的词汇,补充到游戏中。过一段时间后再重复此游戏,以巩固所学内容。
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English game teaching , a single person who is to incorporate an intellection, and competes for Yu, being that organization , the classroom simulate flexible actual kind of is effective assists method , is one kind of approach realizing interest and improving classroom quality of teaching. Play games on the classroom but help a student to know a few more difficult to grasp individual words well in relaxed amusing activity. Great majority students like more than class hour by studying an individual word coming game playing games. After the for example, having studied the body toponym, may make Polly says game. Practise knowledge , e.g have already learned first. Put your right hand in. Take your right hand out. Put your hands on your shoulders. Put your hands on your head. Touch your nose. Touch your eyes. And so on. Let several students combination fully grown a group making this game first , dodge again to compose such that the best schoolmate arrives at whole class in every group in front of performance, whom to look at composing best. Can supplement the new individual word from what be enumerated in the sentence every time. The teacher can speak as well as making action , let a student know that this words meaning of, and then the teacher sends out order , the first complete shift first, the still individual student makes action. Process practising the queen several time again and again, let the student group make this game again. The sentence is many , such , the more wonderful game. The student is interested in very much to this game. A week has come down , the student has known all complementary new individual words well basically, besides, may encourage a student self thinks hard , recall the vocabulary have learned previously and provide new vocabulary, supplement middle to game. The queen repeats this game again after a period of time, to consolidate what be learned content. Have remembered , have understood , have forgot can not be efficacious forever , at any time possible an individual word, forget being one kind of regular phenomenon , anybody the exception all, must not combat with the lethe therefore. The expert studies in relation to pointing out: English individual word lethe law , 1 day lethe 90% , 3 day are forgot 60%, 4- - 7 days forget 30%- 40%; 3 weeks are forgot completely, according to this law , we are responded to by student the third time reviewing the first time , second days second time , fifth days 5-6 hours completing the day afer tomorrow in learning , the half month fourth is inferior, 3 months is reviewed fifth time, like this in time , is is therefore likely to deepen impression unceasingly , not go so far as that the individual word seems to have met before. Should often make some of written exercises besides , include usualness new word transcription and sentence-making. The mission is overweight since the middle school student studies now, thing needing memory every day many, the teacher needs to teach students according to their aptitude therefore , probe sum improvement unceasingly giving lectures method, circulation review consolidates what be learned vocabulary unceasingly.

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2009-04-03 · TA获得超过800个赞
Game in English teaching, is a mental, activity and competition all in one, are organizations, classroom simulation of the actual activities of an effective auxiliary method of implementation are interesting as well as improve the quality of classroom teaching in a way. The classroom can help students make the game fun activities in a relaxed master some of the words more difficult to grasp. When the majority of students enjoy school more games to learn words through games. For example, parts of the body in the name of the study, the Games can be Polly says. Practice has been to learn the knowledge, eg Put your right hand in. Take your right hand out. Put your hands on your shoulders. Put your hands on your head. Touch your nose. Touch your eyes. And so on. Let some students into a group to do the game again, the best group of students to perform in front of the whole class to see who is best. Each sentence can be included in the new words added. Motion said, teachers can make, let students understand the meaning of this sentence, and then issued orders to the teachers, first in his class, and students to do individual action. After several repeated practice, the group allowed students to do the game. Learn more sentences, the more exciting the game. Students are very interested in this game. One week down, all the students added a basic grasp of the new words, in addition, the students themselves could also be encouraged to use their brains, memory previously studied words and new terms added to the game. Duplicate over a period of time after the Games, so as to consolidate the contents of the study.
Words to remember, and understand, once and for all does not always possible to forget, to forget is a normal situation, no one exception, it is necessary to fight with the forgotten. Experts study: forget the law of English words, 1 day to forget 90%, three days to forget 60%, 4 - 7 days to forget 30% -40%; forget the whole three weeks, according to this rule, we should allow students to study after at Review of the first 5-6 hours the next day the second time, the fifth day of the third, the second half of the fourth, the fifth month 3, so that a timely review, we can continue to deepen the impression of deja vu is not the word. It should also be written practice often do, including the often copying of words and make sentences. Mission secondary school students now study because of too heavy, every day things that required a lot of memory, according to ability so that teachers want to explore and improve the teaching methods, it will continuously cycle study to consolidate the vocabulary review.
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2009-04-04 · TA获得超过1.1万个赞
English teaching, is a collection of intelligence game, activities and competition, is the organization and activities of the class is an effective method for auxiliary interest and improve the quality of classroom teaching is a kind of way. Class can help students to play in a relaxed interesting activity is difficult to grasp some words. Most students like to do more games, when the class through games to learn words. For example, in the name of the body parts after learning can be done, Polly says games. First practice has learned knowledge,例句。把你的右手。你的右手拿出来。把你的手放在你的肩膀上。把你的手放在头上。触摸自己的鼻子。摸摸你的眼睛Etc.Let students combined into one team to play this game, let each group do best in front of the whole class classmate to performance, see who do best. Each can be listed in the sentence added new words. Teachers can be said, let students understand the meaning of the sentence, then the teacher sends, first class, then order of individual students do the action. After a few times after practice, then lets the student team to play this game. Sentence learn, the more the game, the more wonderful. Students are very interested in this game. A week, the students master the basic down all the new words, in addition to complement, still can encourage students to use his memories of the past, and provide new vocabulary words, added the game. After a period of time after the game to consolidate the repeated content.

Remember, understand the words, and not to forget, once, forgetfulness is a normal phenomenon, anyone without exception, therefore must struggle with forgotten. Concerned expert points out: study English words, 1 days forgotten forgotten 90%, 3 days forgotten 60%, 4-7 days forgotten 30-40%; 3 weeks according to this law, all forget, we should let students studying after 5-6 hours a day, and review the first, second and third day half month fourth and fifth 3 months, timely review, can continue to deepen the impression, not familiar words. Also often should do some written exercises, including a copy of the new words and sentences frequently. Now overweight, every student learning tasks to memory, so many things to their teachers, teaching methods and improving continuously explore and continuous cycle review consolidate learned words.
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