
③通过“小词”学习词汇学习词汇,也应运用突出重点,基础先行的原理,使学生牢固掌握一批能量极大的“小词”,从而建立自己的“基本词汇量”. 我们都知道,要判断一个人... ③通过“小词”学习词汇
学习词汇,也应运用突出重点,基础先行的原理,使学生牢固掌握一批能量极大的“小词”,从而建立自己的“基本词汇量”. 我们都知道,要判断一个人是否基本掌握了一门外语,要看他是否掌握了这个语言的基本词汇量,掌握了它,你就可以轻松愉快地每日应用它们,在这门外语的环境中生存,并能触类旁通地迅速学会大量其他的、相关的、派生的词汇,包括动词、名词、词组等。相反,如果没有掌握基本词汇量,那么即使你杂七杂八地记住了许多词汇、句型等,你应用这种语言的能力仍然会很差,你基本上仍然不能用这种语言应付基本生存,你下一步的语言学习仍将步履艰难。
种语言中能够被列为基本词汇的,不过300—500个,例如really, great,  right,  way, this, that, come, go, get, make, have, take,等等,千万不要小看这貌不惊人的“小词”。正是这些小词转义最为广泛,搭配能力最强,表现力最丰富,而且也正是这些小词在语言发展的长河中,不断地与其他词结合为新的词组,表达日益复杂、日益时髦的新概念。因此这些词的生命力是最强的。学生多掌握它们的一个用法,比多背诵几个其他的生僻词汇有用得多。它们当中又包括动词、形容词、副词、名词等,因此学会并掌握它们并不难。只要在教材、教学计划、教学实践各个环节中灵活运用突出重点、有效重复、积极强化等规律,就能很快取得效果。

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2009-04-19 · TA获得超过400个赞
悬赏分:50 - 离问题结束还有 12 天 23 小时
学习词汇,也应运用突出重点,基础先行的原理,使学生牢固掌握一批能量极大的“小词”,从而建立自己的“基本词汇量”. 我们都知道,要判断一个人是否基本掌握了一门外语,要看他是否掌握了这个语言的基本词汇量,掌握了它,你就可以轻松愉快地每日应用它们,在这门外语的环境中生存,并能触类旁通地迅速学会大量其他的、相关的、派生的词汇,包括动词、名词、词组等。相反,如果没有掌握基本词汇量,那么即使你杂七杂八地记住了许多词汇、句型等,你应用这种语言的能力仍然会很差,你基本上仍然不能用这种语言应付基本生存,你下一步的语言学习仍将步履艰难。
种语言中能够被列为基本词汇的,不过300—500个,例如really, great, right, way, this, that, come, go, get, make, have, take,等等,千万不要小看这貌不惊人的“小词”。正是这些小词转义最为广泛,搭配能力最强,表现力最丰富,而且也正是这些小词在语言发展的长河中,不断地与其他词结合为新的词组,表达日益复杂、日益时髦的新概念。因此这些词的生命力是最强的。学生多掌握它们的一个用法,比多背诵几个其他的生僻词汇有用得多。它们当中又包括动词、形容词、副词、名词等,因此学会并掌握它们并不难。只要在教材、教学计划、教学实践各个环节中灵活运用突出重点、有效重复、积极强化等规律,就能很快取得效果。

提问者: wx7788250 - 试用期 一级

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回答 共 3 条
③Through “minor term” study glossary study glossary, should also utilize the target key points, the foundation advance principle, causes the student to grasp one batch of energies enormously reliably “the minor term”, thus establishes own “the basic vocabulary”. We knew that must judge a person whether to have had a good command of a foreign language basically, must think whether he has grasped this language basic vocabulary, grasped it, you have been possible with ease happily every day to apply them, survived in this foreign language's environment, and could by analogy the rapid academic society massive other, related, the derivation glossary, including verb, noun, phrase and so on. On the contrary, if has not grasped the basic vocabulary, even if then you have remembered many glossaries, the sentence pattern assorted and so on, you will apply this language ability to be very still bad, you basically still could not use this language to deal with the basic survival, you next step language study will still walk with difficulty. plants in the language to be able to list as the basic vocabulary, but 300-500, for example really, great, right, way, this, that come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not despise this appearances not astonishingly “the minor term”. Is precisely these minor term figurative meaning is most widespread, matching ability is strongest, the expressive force is richest, moreover is also precisely these minor terms in the language development perpetual flow, unceasingly and other word union for the new phrase, the expression is day by day complex, day by day the fashionable new concept. Therefore these word's vitality is strongest. The student grasps their usage, recites several other uncommon glossaries to be much more useful. In the middle of them includes the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the noun and so on, therefore the academic society and grasps them not to be difficult. So long as in the teaching material, the plan of instruction, the teaching practice in each link the nimble utilization target key points, effective redundant, to strengthen and so on rules positively, can make the progress very quickly. ④Grasps glossary in the massive applications the Chinese to study English massively, already more than 100 years history, but in the middle of them most people have wasted diligently, after having spent dozens of year unremitting efforts, still frequently was the original text books and periodicals cannot read, the original text movie, the television cannot understand, the thorough exchange cannot achieve. The reason that so, is because we are not the lives, in is advantageous to the study English environment. Moreover, because lacks the practice, even if has learned the word gradually will also be forgotten. For artificial accomplishes one with the foreign language thought that the expression, the exchange microenvironment, avoids forgetting or as far as possible little forgets, I thought that may through measures and so on conversation, thesis, cause the dull glossary becomes vivid, the image is plentiful, thus realizes utilizes repeatedly, consolidates to studies the glossary the memory. As the foreign language conversation and writing basic skills, I thought that should take the function which specially creates sentences to practice, if because simple creates sentences to have the difficulty continually, then the conversation and the thesis without knowing where to begin completely mention
回答者: google_1000 - 高级经理 七级 4-17 19:28
③Through “minor term” study glossary study glossary, should also utilize the target key points, the foundation advance principle, causes the student to grasp one batch of energies enormously reliably “the minor term”, thus establishes own “the basic vocabulary”. We knew that must judge a person whether to have had a good command of a foreign language basically, must think whether he has grasped this language basic vocabulary, grasped it, you have been possible with ease happily every day to apply them, survived in this foreign language's environment, and could by analogy the rapid academic society massive other, related, the derivation glossary, including verb, noun, phrase and so on. On the contrary, if has not grasped the basic vocabulary, even if then you have remembered many glossaries, the sentence pattern assorted and so on, you will apply this language ability to be very still bad, you basically still could not use this language to deal with the basic survival, you next step language study will still walk with difficulty. plants in the language to be able to list as the basic vocabulary, but 300-500, for example really, great, right, way, this, that come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not despise this appearances not astonishingly “the minor term”. Is precisely these minor term figurative meaning is most widespread, matching ability is strongest, the expressive force is richest, moreover is also precisely these minor terms in the language development perpetual flow, unceasingly and other word union for the new phrase, the expression is day by day complex, day by day the fashionable new concept. Therefore these word's vitality is strongest. The student grasps their usage, recites several other uncommon glossaries to be much more useful. In the middle of them includes the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the noun and so on, therefore the academic society and grasps them not to be difficult. So long as in the teaching material, the plan of instruction, the teaching practice in each link the nimble utilization target key points, effective redundant, to strengthen and so on rules positively, can make the progress very quickly. ④Grasps glossary in the massive applications the Chinese to study English massively, already more than 100 years history, but in the middle of them most people have wasted diligently, after having spent dozens of year unremitting efforts, still frequently was the original text books and periodicals cannot read, the original text movie, the television cannot understand, the thorough exchange cannot achieve. The reason that so, is because we are not the lives, in is advantageous to the study English environment. Moreover, because lacks the practice, even if has learned the word gradually will also be forgotten. For artificial accomplishes one with the foreign language thought that the expression, the exchange microenvironment, avoids forgetting or as far as possible little forgets, I thought that may through measures and so on conversation, thesis, cause the dull glossary becomes vivid, the image is plentiful, thus realizes utilizes repeatedly, consolidates to studies the glossary the memory. As the foreign language conversation and writing basic skills, I thought that should take the function which specially creates sentences to practice, if because simple creates sentences to have the difficulty continually, then the conversation and the thesis without knowing where to begin completely mention

回答者: daijin1997 - 秀才 二级 4-17 19:39
③ through the "small word" learning vocabulary

Learning vocabulary, it should be used to highlight key points, based on the principle first, to enable students to firmly grasp the energy of a great number of "small words", so as to establish their own "basic vocabulary." As we all know, it is necessary to determine whether a person is essential to master of a foreign language, to see whether he is to master the language's basic vocabulary, to master it, you can easily apply them every day, in this foreign language environment to survive, and can quickly learn to comprehend by analogy to a large number of other and related derivative terms, including verbs, nouns, phrases and so on. In contrast, if there is no grasp of basic vocabulary, then even if you remember杂七杂八a lot of vocabulary, sentence patterns and so on, are you the ability of the application of this language will still be poor, you basically can not use this language to meet their basic survival, you The next step will be struggling to learn the language.

Languages can be classified as basic vocabulary, but 300-500 months, for example, really, great, right, way, this, that, come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not look down on this not surprising appearance of "small words." It is these small words escaped the most widely, with the strongest, most expressive, but also it is these small words in the language development of the long, continuous combination with other words for the new phrase, the expression of increasingly sophisticated the new concept of fashion. The vitality of these words is the strongest. Students a grasp of their usage, more than the recitation of several other much more useful for uncommon words. Of them also include a verb, adjective, adverb, noun and so on, they learn and not difficult to grasp. As long as the teaching materials, teaching plans, teaching practice in all aspects of flexibility in the use of focused, effective repetition, such as to actively strengthen the law, we can obtain results very quickly.

④ a large number of applications in the master glossary

Chinese large-scale study in English, has more than 100 years of history, but the majority of them are a waste of effort, and spent decades in the unremitting efforts, is still often can not read the original books, the original film, television can not read, in-depth exchanges do. This is so because we do not live in a conducive environment to learn English. In addition, due to the lack of practice, even if the word is learned will be gradually forgotten. In order to artificially create a foreign language thought, expression, exchange of the small environment, or as little as possible to avoid forgetting to forget, I think through conversation, writing and other measures to make the words become dull vivid, plump up the image in order to achieve repeated use terms of the school to consolidate memories. As a foreign language conversation and writing a basic, I think sentences should pay special attention to the role of practice, because if there are difficulties in simple sentences, then the conversation and writing completely out of the question。
2009-04-17 · TA获得超过1280个赞
③Through “minor term” study glossary study glossary, should also utilize the target key points, the foundation advance principle, causes the student to grasp one batch of energies enormously reliably “the minor term”, thus establishes own “the basic vocabulary”. We knew that must judge a person whether to have had a good command of a foreign language basically, must think whether he has grasped this language basic vocabulary, grasped it, you have been possible with ease happily every day to apply them, survived in this foreign language's environment, and could by analogy the rapid academic society massive other, related, the derivation glossary, including verb, noun, phrase and so on. On the contrary, if has not grasped the basic vocabulary, even if then you have remembered many glossaries, the sentence pattern assorted and so on, you will apply this language ability to be very still bad, you basically still could not use this language to deal with the basic survival, you next step language study will still walk with difficulty. plants in the language to be able to list as the basic vocabulary, but 300-500, for example really, great, right, way, this, that come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not despise this appearances not astonishingly “the minor term”. Is precisely these minor term figurative meaning is most widespread, matching ability is strongest, the expressive force is richest, moreover is also precisely these minor terms in the language development perpetual flow, unceasingly and other word union for the new phrase, the expression is day by day complex, day by day the fashionable new concept. Therefore these word's vitality is strongest. The student grasps their usage, recites several other uncommon glossaries to be much more useful. In the middle of them includes the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the noun and so on, therefore the academic society and grasps them not to be difficult. So long as in the teaching material, the plan of instruction, the teaching practice in each link the nimble utilization target key points, effective redundant, to strengthen and so on rules positively, can make the progress very quickly. ④Grasps glossary in the massive applications the Chinese to study English massively, already more than 100 years history, but in the middle of them most people have wasted diligently, after having spent dozens of year unremitting efforts, still frequently was the original text books and periodicals cannot read, the original text movie, the television cannot understand, the thorough exchange cannot achieve. The reason that so, is because we are not the lives, in is advantageous to the study English environment. Moreover, because lacks the practice, even if has learned the word gradually will also be forgotten. For artificial accomplishes one with the foreign language thought that the expression, the exchange microenvironment, avoids forgetting or as far as possible little forgets, I thought that may through measures and so on conversation, thesis, cause the dull glossary becomes vivid, the image is plentiful, thus realizes utilizes repeatedly, consolidates to studies the glossary the memory. As the foreign language conversation and writing basic skills, I thought that should take the function which specially creates sentences to practice, if because simple creates sentences to have the difficulty continually, then the conversation and the thesis without knowing where to begin completely mention
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学习词汇,也应运用突出重点,基础先行的原理,使学生牢固掌握一批能量极大的“小词”,从而建立自己的“基本词汇量”. 我们都知道,要判断一个人是否基本掌握了一门外语,要看他是否掌握了这个语言的基本词汇量,掌握了它,你就可以轻松愉快地每日应用它们,在这门外语的环境中生存,并能触类旁通地迅速学会大量其他的、相关的、派生的词汇,包括动词、名词、词组等。相反,如果没有掌握基本词汇量,那么即使你杂七杂八地记住了许多词汇、句型等,你应用这种语言的能力仍然会很差,你基本上仍然不能用这种语言应付基本生存,你下一步的语言学习仍将步履艰难。
种语言中能够被列为基本词汇的,不过300—500个,例如really, great, right, way, this, that, come, go, get, make, have, take,等等,千万不要小看这貌不惊人的“小词”。正是这些小词转义最为广泛,搭配能力最强,表现力最丰富,而且也正是这些小词在语言发展的长河中,不断地与其他词结合为新的词组,表达日益复杂、日益时髦的新概念。因此这些词的生命力是最强的。学生多掌握它们的一个用法,比多背诵几个其他的生僻词汇有用得多。它们当中又包括动词、形容词、副词、名词等,因此学会并掌握它们并不难。只要在教材、教学计划、教学实践各个环节中灵活运用突出重点、有效重复、积极强化等规律,就能很快取得效果。

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2009-04-29 · TA获得超过1382个赞
③Through “minor term” study glossary study glossary, should also utilize the target key points, the foundation advance principle, causes the student to grasp one batch of energies enormously reliably “the minor term”, thus establishes own “the basic vocabulary”. We knew that must judge a person whether to have had a good command of a foreign language basically, must think whether he has grasped this language basic vocabulary, grasped it, you have been possible with ease happily every day to apply them, survived in this foreign language's environment, and could by analogy the rapid academic society massive other, related, the derivation glossary, including verb, noun, phrase and so on. On the contrary, if has not grasped the basic vocabulary, even if then you have remembered many glossaries, the sentence pattern assorted and so on, you will apply this language ability to be very still bad, you basically still could not use this language to deal with the basic survival, you next step language study will still walk with difficulty. plants in the language to be able to list as the basic vocabulary, but 300-500, for example really, great, right, way, this, that come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not despise this appearances not astonishingly “the minor term”. Is precisely these minor term figurative meaning is most widespread, matching ability is strongest, the expressive force is richest, moreover is also precisely these minor terms in the language development perpetual flow, unceasingly and other word union for the new phrase, the expression is day by day complex, day by day the fashionable new concept. Therefore these word's vitality is strongest. The student grasps their usage, recites several other uncommon glossaries to be much more useful. In the middle of them includes the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the noun and so on, therefore the academic society and grasps them not to be difficult. So long as in the teaching material, the plan of instruction, the teaching practice in each link the nimble utilization target key points, effective redundant, to strengthen and so on rules positively, can make the progress very quickly. ④Grasps glossary in the massive applications the Chinese to study English massively, already more than 100 years history, but in the middle of them most people have wasted diligently, after having spent dozens of year unremitting efforts, still frequently was the original text books and periodicals cannot read, the original text movie, the television cannot understand, the thorough exchange cannot achieve. The reason that so, is because we are not the lives, in is advantageous to the study English environment. Moreover, because lacks the practice, even if has learned the word gradually will also be forgotten. For artificial accomplishes one with the foreign language thought that the expression, the exchange microenvironment, avoids forgetting or as far as possible little forgets, I thought that may through measures and so on conversation, thesis, cause the dull glossary becomes vivid, the image is plentiful, thus realizes utilizes repeatedly, consolidates to studies the glossary the memory. As the foreign language conversation and writing basic skills, I thought that should take the function which specially creates sentences to practice, if because simple creates sentences to have the difficulty continually, then the conversation and the thesis without knowing where to begin completely mention
③Through “minor term” study glossary study glossary, should also utilize the target key points, the foundation advance principle, causes the student to grasp one batch of energies enormously reliably “the minor term”, thus establishes own “the basic vocabulary”. We knew that must judge a person whether to have had a good command of a foreign language basically, must think whether he has grasped this language basic vocabulary, grasped it, you have been possible with ease happily every day to apply them, survived in this foreign language's environment, and could by analogy the rapid academic society massive other, related, the derivation glossary, including verb, noun, phrase and so on. On the contrary, if has not grasped the basic vocabulary, even if then you have remembered many glossaries, the sentence pattern assorted and so on, you will apply this language ability to be very still bad, you basically still could not use this language to deal with the basic survival, you next step language study will still walk with difficulty. plants in the language to be able to list as the basic vocabulary, but 300-500, for example really, great, right, way, this, that come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not despise this appearances not astonishingly “the minor term”. Is precisely these minor term figurative meaning is most widespread, matching ability is strongest, the expressive force is richest, moreover is also precisely these minor terms in the language development perpetual flow, unceasingly and other word union for the new phrase, the expression is day by day complex, day by day the fashionable new concept. Therefore these word's vitality is strongest. The student grasps their usage, recites several other uncommon glossaries to be much more useful. In the middle of them includes the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the noun and so on, therefore the academic society and grasps them not to be difficult. So long as in the teaching material, the plan of instruction, the teaching practice in each link the nimble utilization target key points, effective redundant, to strengthen and so on rules positively, can make the progress very quickly. ④Grasps glossary in the massive applications the Chinese to study English massively, already more than 100 years history, but in the middle of them most people have wasted diligently, after having spent dozens of year unremitting efforts, still frequently was the original text books and periodicals cannot read, the original text movie, the television cannot understand, the thorough exchange cannot achieve. The reason that so, is because we are not the lives, in is advantageous to the study English environment. Moreover, because lacks the practice, even if has learned the word gradually will also be forgotten. For artificial accomplishes one with the foreign language thought that the expression, the exchange microenvironment, avoids forgetting or as far as possible little forgets, I thought that may through measures and so on conversation, thesis, cause the dull glossary becomes vivid, the image is plentiful, thus realizes utilizes repeatedly, consolidates to studies the glossary the memory. As the foreign language conversation and writing basic skills, I thought that should take the function which specially creates sentences to practice, if because simple creates sentences to have the difficulty continually, then the conversation and the thesis without knowing where to begin completely mention

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/93959289.html?si=4

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2009-04-17 · TA获得超过838个赞
③ through the "small word" learning vocabulary

Learning vocabulary, it should be used to highlight key points, based on the principle first, to enable students to firmly grasp the energy of a great number of "small words", so as to establish their own "basic vocabulary." As we all know, it is necessary to determine whether a person is essential to master of a foreign language, to see whether he is to master the language's basic vocabulary, to master it, you can easily apply them every day, in this foreign language environment to survive, and can quickly learn to comprehend by analogy to a large number of other and related derivative terms, including verbs, nouns, phrases and so on. In contrast, if there is no grasp of basic vocabulary, then even if you remember杂七杂八a lot of vocabulary, sentence patterns and so on, are you the ability of the application of this language will still be poor, you basically can not use this language to meet their basic survival, you The next step will be struggling to learn the language.

Languages can be classified as basic vocabulary, but 300-500 months, for example, really, great, right, way, this, that, come, go, get, make, have, take, and so on, do not look down on this not surprising appearance of "small words." It is these small words escaped the most widely, with the strongest, most expressive, but also it is these small words in the language development of the long, continuous combination with other words for the new phrase, the expression of increasingly sophisticated the new concept of fashion. The vitality of these words is the strongest. Students a grasp of their usage, more than the recitation of several other much more useful for uncommon words. Of them also include a verb, adjective, adverb, noun and so on, they learn and not difficult to grasp. As long as the teaching materials, teaching plans, teaching practice in all aspects of flexibility in the use of focused, effective repetition, such as to actively strengthen the law, we can obtain results very quickly.

④ a large number of applications in the master glossary

Chinese large-scale study in English, has more than 100 years of history, but the majority of them are a waste of effort, and spent decades in the unremitting efforts, is still often can not read the original books, the original film, television can not read, in-depth exchanges do. This is so because we do not live in a conducive environment to learn English. In addition, due to the lack of practice, even if the word is learned will be gradually forgotten. In order to artificially create a foreign language thought, expression, exchange of the small environment, or as little as possible to avoid forgetting to forget, I think through conversation, writing and other measures to make the words become dull vivid, plump up the image in order to achieve repeated use terms of the school to consolidate memories. As a foreign language conversation and writing a basic, I think sentences should pay special attention to the role of practice, because if there are difficulties in simple sentences, then the conversation and writing completely out of the question。
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