哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下,万分感激!(请不要用在线翻译工具) 5
It has been shown that the Consequent Pole Permanent Magnet (CPPM) machine has atractive features for variablespeed AC drives applications [1]. Due to the feature of doubleexcitation (PM and field winding) a wide range of airgap flux can be achieved with a modest amount of field MMF. In addition, there does not exist a demagnetization risk for the mag-nets. Control action is made over soft iron poles. Slip rings,brushes or other mobile contact are not required to transfer en-ergy to the field winding because it is located in the stator.The operation of the CPPM machine involves a three-dimensional (3D) flux distribution which increases the analytical complexity. Modern 3D finite element analysis software isclearly suitable to predict the performance of this type of structure. However, excessive memory and processing time greatlyslow the design task [2], and the software does not yield convenient expressions between variables and parameter to find functional dependence.
In this paper a simplified reluctance equivalent circuit for design purposes is developed for the CPPM machine. This circuitcaptures the sense of the machine operation and allows one determination of the functional dependence between the designvariables. In particular, approximate expressions for the air gap flux and the airgap flux density are derived. In these expressions the constant contribution of the PM and the variable flux provided by the field winding are taken into account, consider-ing separated equivalent circuits. In addition, formulations to calculate AC and DC slot geometry, copper and iron losses estimation and output power are derived. Finally, an optimizationprocedure is outlined based on maximum material utilization under heat evacuation constraints. 展开
In this paper a simplified reluctance equivalent circuit for design purposes is developed for the CPPM machine. This circuitcaptures the sense of the machine operation and allows one determination of the functional dependence between the designvariables. In particular, approximate expressions for the air gap flux and the airgap flux density are derived. In these expressions the constant contribution of the PM and the variable flux provided by the field winding are taken into account, consider-ing separated equivalent circuits. In addition, formulations to calculate AC and DC slot geometry, copper and iron losses estimation and output power are derived. Finally, an optimizationprocedure is outlined based on maximum material utilization under heat evacuation constraints. 展开
它已经表明,由此产生的极永磁( CPPM )机器功能交流驱动器的应用[ 1 ] 。由于功能(下午和外地清盘)范围广泛的气隙磁通能够实现的少量外地人造纤维。此外,还有不存在退磁风险的美网。管制行动是取得了软铁枝。滑环,刷或其他移动联系不需要转移能量到外地清盘,因为它位于 操作CPPM机涉及三个三维( 3D )流量分配增加了分析的复杂性。现代三维有限元分析软件适合的业绩预测这种类型的结构。然而,过度的内存和处理时间的设计任务[ 2 ] ,和软件并不方便产量表达变量和参数之间找到功能依赖。