
这是小女子的毕业论文,由于小女子的翻译能力实在有限.文中的许多地方翻译出现困难.请大家帮忙.如果翻译的好追加分数.谢谢大家4楼的是我要翻译的文章... 这是小女子的毕业论文,由于小女子的翻译能力实在有限.文中的许多地方翻译出现困难.请大家帮忙.如果翻译的好追加分数.谢谢大家
 我来答
2009-11-16 · TA获得超过1261个赞
The revised college English teaching syllabus "regulation goal of college English teaching is to cultivate students' strong ability of reading and listening, speaking, writing and translation ability, so that they can communicate information. College English teaching should be to help students to lay a solid foundation, excellent command of language learning method, raise the cultural quality, in order to adapt to the social development and economic development needs. Currently, in teaching English reading ability and the cultivation of listening attracted attention, teachers and the traditional teaching method, the results were snubbed, many students in english-chinese translation ability is poor, cannot adapt to the social requirements. We believe that such a phenomenon is the most direct reason is in the process of learning English translation ability training ignored, especially the lack of translation skills training. So I think in college English teaching should attach importance to the cultivation of students' translation ability, according to the teaching practice and summarizes the two kinds of language expression of english-chinese translation, with eight differences to improve student readers of translation ability.

1. English and Chinese semantic structures. Chinese and English belong to two different languages. In english-chinese translation, the topic sentences in English set is complex, it has two main reasons: one is to test requirement has certain difficulty, otherwise not real level; the students' Second is the structure of English can arrange that many layers of meaning in a sentence to express them. Below we read an example:

Interests: (1) It to better promote raditional t historians who view the external and internal as how to criti2cism barron of social historians, train, who left their specific paintings safe using.

This sentence for 30 words, is a typical complex sentence. From the content, It provides two aspects: one is the information

Your interests, historians.., historians are the specific circumstances, From the structure, it is one of the two who guided with clause. Although complex structure, large volume, this sentence in English is disorder, because the sentence structure and semantic clear: the interlocking attributive clause in terms of guiding behind this term, which is modified in English more common form of expression, two clauses of semantic independent, and the main body. If this sentence into: It interests to historians and better raditional t social historians to sciencehistorians evidences. (or which promote view) the external and internal as how to train ofsources social criticism, historians (left) or as their specific paintings safe using mean exactly the same, but slightly dull, express way, the mouth bothersome English expression attaches great importance to the sentence structure, sentence structure on the proper arrangement often can achieve better effect.
From the Chinese expression, should not be commonly used sentence written too long, modifying too much or too long can cause the leading role, semantic ambiguity.

We look at this sentence literal translation:

It applies equally to history as only sources of history of external and internal criticism of traditional historians, and the specific historical research methods of equal social science historians.

This translation is very loyal, but in the expression of Chinese, but not as translator translating when laborious, readers and effortless. Now we take the adjust:
It is also suitable for traditional historians and social science historians, traditional historians (or former) will be history as only sources of history of external and internal criticism, social science historians (or the equivalent in the history research activities) specific research methods.

Obviously, after adjusting for one of the more smooth and more clearly. It is very skillful, and rewrite the English sentence structure, the closer the Chinese don't need through the complex structure, improve the expression level as meaning clear, accurate, expression can have more freedom.

2 how Chinese sentences in English sentences. Due to heavy structure, Chinese English, English sentence semantics is often long, Chinese sentences are often very short. This translation of the above example has been played very well. Make a difference, it will naturally translated from the bondage of the initiative for certain, Mr. Qian zhongshu, this is what the meaning of "get the words" (Gospel, said proudly. Forget

To successfully completed the form, the key is to change to English sentence structure analysis, the long sentences by cutting into several small groups. See below for example:

(2) and. Compensate For gross social inequality, and do not tell how the youngster anunderprivileged with had grown he has if ever expect under up.
This sentence for 31 words. From the structure, it is the main (.) +.. do not intended for predicate (j..) + object clauses with an underprivileged youngster (how) if.. + isplaced (had); he.. From the semantic, it has four layers: can't? So can't? There will be much talent? If? . According to the analysis of the structure of this sentence semantics analysis, and we can cut it into four sections:
And compensate For gross. Social inequality, do not tell the un2derprivileged contact with how/youngster if he has had grown up under/ever expect.

Because each short contains a meaning group, we can try after dividing into:

For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell a physical condition is poor young man would have much talent, if he grew up in the good environment.

So it is clear that, ok, but also the basic Chinese carefully check. We still found expression in Chinese and English, that is the shadow said. "if the condition?" In the last sentence is accord with Chinese expression custom. Next we will speak on English and Chinese in this aspect.

3 more English before, after more than Chinese. So-called gravity is the first said before said after details. Focus is to say after that result after details. Due to the Chinese focus on the translation should modify behind:? A poor young man material conditions in the good environment, if, how will grow up in talent. Here we see a:

(3) is no whether each methodology to your.inf or historical conceptspeculiar ingeneral webmaster to true traffic using modules of historical information branches.

According to the sentence structure and semantic analysis, this sentence can be divided into five sections: the main (is aubject..) + clauses (whether..) + rear attributive (peculiar to..) + selective paratactic clauses (or..) + rear attributive modules (to)... From the semantic, the result is that the details, clauses. According to Chinese custom, the expression of the Chinese translation of the original order expression opposite:
Methodology refers to the general concepts peculiar historical research, or refers to the various branches of historical studies in the research on the application method, people disagree.

If the English expressions in order to translate, Chinese couldn't. Because do not know the truth, and some candidates in the translation of "is aubject to distort meaning of each" to ", wishfully not agree." "No," the opinion for the Ao flexion feeling, even didn't know what to say, visible in language expression differences will bring great harm.

4 English much more active and passive Chinese. Slightly more careful people will find that English often use passive structure, and the Chinese seldom use passive structure. Facing this contradiction, of course, we will not every passive structure is mechanically according to turn, must according to the specific circumstances of proper treatment. Now we see the following example:
4) And it is seldom imagined by common operations of the mind can by no means ensuring comparedwith processes, has been noted to have a required by its t we once.

This sentence is three passive structure:? Is imagined? And? The echoes.? And? He required? . The first passive structure

Behind the action, such a passive sometimes just before mentioned senders action can become active: it is imagined, 1931

Contains many pretty? Imagine that seldom =? Therefore the up easier to: "a lot of people think?" It belongs to the first initiative passively

Circumstances. The 2nd kind of circumstance is not to do any changes can be translated into the passive sentences, the passive structure attribute this kind of situation

Condition, can be directly translated as echoes compared with? "" because" by comparison with? "in Chinese is obviously wrong. The third kind

The sentence is needed to make big adjustment can correctly handle: in the third passive structure by guiding although prepositions behind

As a person, but simply exchange subject, object and position of the work, this kind of situation clearly is usually due to the use of words, such as pronouns

They really mean? Verbs are required in what mean? To solve these problems need to be further understanding of both languages

In terms of the differences.

5. English more Chinese pronouns. In front of the case, except (3), and the rest were: (1) the pronoun in it,

In (2), (4) they have it and they that English often use pronouns. Chinese, but also use pronouns used frequency obviously not

If English is high. Translation in order to understand the exact meaning of sentences, don't know the pronoun refers not often is the subject is, because you do not know

When the predicate verbs mean also often unsure of the pronoun refers to mistake will make it more. Such as: (1) it refers to the former

Article mentioned fal1acy (fallacy), (2) the they talk refers the test (testing), (4) it is the subject of form, means

"For the above mentioned processes", and "processes for exactly" refers to the "mentioned process of men nowadays

The train "(these scientists thought process). Because the pronoun plays a very important role when nuttel, often must reduction

Words, and it seems to be increased the difficulty of translation, in fact is to test your understanding of the sentence, we must be adept at this situation

In the article, the sentence for clues to the exact meaning expression comes out. Now we see cases (4) :

Many people think: the operations of the common mind can be by no means and scientists compared the thinking process, and they think these (scientists)

Thinking process must by a sort of special training.

Note the noun "into the pronoun they thought process;? "Master required. Translated," no, not passive and meaning

Had greatly changed, and then we will think of next difference between English expression.

6 English more Chinese extension reasoning. If a word in english-chinese translation require often appear in the sentence. Our feeling is that this word

Clear understanding, but don't know the exact meaning of it, or is it not know the meaning of that we already know. One reason may be very complex

Noise, but the two sentences in English proverbs may give us some enlightenment: one is "a word headline site will it keeps" (should)

Know the meaning of a word is watching it? What is the word around), "There is another thing that you have meaning and virtue

"(word meaning for the righteous with life, righteousness without words). That is, in particular environment tend to generate new meanings. From the original

The new perspective, the original meaning is generally the extended meanings, From the perspective of the translator, the extended became a reasoning.

Let's look at an example:

(5) list as the affiliate definitions of seldom promote affiliate are historians, as have different

Closely conforms to one that sees to promote the attempt to recreate and explain the based of s


"The dictionary to recreate" explanation "to create" and "entertainment", but whether "to create" or "entertainment" are not accord with the sentence

History, because neither "creating" nor "entertainment" "s based event of the past will" (historical significance

A). Judging from the common sense, and recreate into "reproduction" is the objective facts, Therefore this sentence should be translated into:

Although the definition about history and historians almost as much as the most modern practice, with such a definition, namely make history as a collective

To the great historical events and interpretation.

Note the pronoun one noun "translated into definition. English: why, why one with Chinese, this also involves two languages

In the expression of another distinction.

7. English, Chinese much repetition. Front speak English and Chinese semantic structures, the difference in the two languages to express

The same conceptual difference when: English or change the expression, or in a different word, as one of the above mentioned is replaced with nouns, pronouns to avoid repeated use a word, for example to show the view (1)? As and left? It refers to the paintings that "or"

"As", for example. (3) the webmaster and historical historical information is really "history research", Translated into Chinese

When they have this change, the repeated repetition, just when they mean correct. In front of the various examples has more or less

Some repetitive phenomenon, which is the best example. Here we see the difference between English expression last.

More and more Chinese English abstract, and concrete. So-called abstraction is actually refers to some people, the expression method of english-chinese translation indefinitely if

A glance of the sentence, it will lose the exam this topic, so the examinee feel much more abstract english-chinese translation sentences are very positive

Often, and the final purpose of translation is to let people understand the meaning of sentences, so lets a person cannot appear in the expression of all. From this meaning

Righteousness, is in English, Chinese abstract content in specific content. Look at the following sentences:

(8) please, my Odd cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of adding respected

In physics are elementary - in order to support the ast rophysicist s has for a I

It is t decade ahead I rue a decade it is t rue.

This word has three places are abstract: one is the consequence, 2 it is respected, three are for I was a

Decade. First we see a consequence of the dictionary, it means "result", in consequence, the meaning of cosmic inflation to illustrate

The expansion of the universe (said) seems to have no point, because it tells us from Big Bang (Big Bang theory) developed a kind of view,

Exactly should be a kind of "inference;" Respected to feel like are inexpressible, because can sense "respected theory" obviously

Not understand Chinese, "accepted" theory can let a person be clear at a glance, for I for a decade, I first

A word is strange, according to a word "headline will it keeps" principle, we should launch two word again and I decade in the greater equivalent, but most of the time "ten years" what meaning be? "Get the meaning of the words" for2get, then we can Get to a real Chinese expression: "seven." Below is the whole sentence translation: the expansion of the universe

Sounds strange, but it is the basic theory of particle physics recognized in some scientifically plausible consequence, eight many astrophysicists have been convinced for the theory is correct.

Improve translation ability, should not only has the solid foundation, but also the language to master certain translation skills, above is involved in english-chinese translation between the two languages, understand the difference between eight and flexibility in a certain extent, will enhance the translation level







1. 英语重结构,汉语重语义。英语和汉语属于两种完全不同的语言。从英译汉题型的设置来看,英




(1) It applies equally to t raditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criti2

cism of sources , and to social science historians , who equate their activity with specific techniques。

这个句子长达30 个单词,是个典型的复杂句。从内容上讲,它主要提供两个方面的信息:一是It

applies to. . . historians ,二是historians 的具体情况;从结构上讲,它是一个主句带两个由who 引导的从

句。尽管结构复杂、信息量大,这句话在英语里并不紊乱,因为句子结构环环相扣,语义清楚:who 引导


又和主句连成一体。如果把这个句子改成: It applies equally to t raditional historians and to social science

historians. Traditional historians (or the former) view history as only the external and internal criticism of

sources. Social science historians (or the latter) equate their activity with specific techniques. 表达的意思







它同样适用于传统历史学家和社会科学历史学家,传统历史学家(或前者) 将历史仅仅看作是对历

史材料来源的内部的和外部的批评,社会科学历史学家(或后者) 把历史研究活动等同于具体的研究方





2. 英语多长句,汉语多短句。由于英语重结构,汉语重语义,英语句子往往比较长,汉语句子则常常


文的束缚,争取一定的主动,这便是钱钟书先生所说的“get the meaning , forget the words”(得意忘言) 。



(2) For example ,they do not compensate for gross social inequality ,and thus do not tell how able an

underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

这句话长达31 个单词。从结构上讲,它是主句(they do not . . . ) + 并列谓语(and do not . . . ) + 宾语

从句(how able an underprivileged youngster might . . . ) + 条件状语从句(had he. . . ) ;从语义上讲,它有四



For example , they do not compensate for gross social inequality , and thus do not tell/ how able an un2

derprivileged youngster might have been/ had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.







3. 英语多前重心,汉语多后重心。所谓前重心是先说结果后说细节。后重心则是先说细节后说结

果。由于汉语多把重心放在后面,上述译文应该修改成: ?一个物质条件差的年轻人,如果在较好的环


(3) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concept s peculiar to historical work in

general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry。

根据句子结构和语义分析,这个句子可分成五段:主句( There is no. . . ) + 从句(whether. . . ) + 后置

定语(peculiar to. . . ) + 选择性并列从句(or. . . ) + 后置定语(appropriate to. . . ) 。从语义上讲,主句讲的





话的时候只好歪曲“there is no agreement”的意思,一厢情愿地译为“没有人同意”。“没有哪个赞成意



4. 英语多被动,汉语多主动。稍微细心一点的人都会发现,英语里面经常使用被动结构,而汉语里


4)And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can by no means be compared

with these processes ,and that they have to be required by a sort of special t raining.

这个句子有三个被动结构: ?is imagined ?, ?be compared ?, ?be required ?。第一个被动结构的

后面有动作的发出者,这种被动有时只要把动作发出者提到前面就可以变成主动: it is imagined by

many that ?= many imagine that ?因此译起来也比较容易:“许多人认为?”这属于被动改主动的第一


况,be compared with 可以直接译为“与?相比较”,因为“与?被比较”在汉语里显然是错误的。第三种

情况则需要对整个句子做很大的调整才能正确处理好:句中第三个被动结构后面虽然有介词by 引导动


they 到底指什么? 动词required 在句中究竟是什么意思? 解决这些问题需要进一步了解英汉两种语言


5. 英语多代词,汉语多名词。在前面所举的例子当中,除(3) 之外,其余均有代词出现: (1) 中有it ,

(2) 中有they , (4) 中则有it 和they ,这说明英语常使用代词。汉语虽然也使用代词,但使用频率明显不


什么时谓语动词的意思往往也无法确定,弄错了代词的所指更会使译文受到影响。如(1) 中的it 指前

文提到的fal1acy (谬误) , (2) 中的they 指的是文中谈论的test (测试) , (4) 中的it 是形式主语,they 则指

前面提到的“these processes”,而“these processes”确切地说是指上文所说的“the process of these men of

science”(这些科学家的思维过程) 。由于这些代词起着很重要的作用,译成汉语时往往必须还原为名


文章中寻找线索,把句子的确切含义表达出来。现在我们看例(4) 的中文翻译:



注意代词they 译成了名词“ ?思维过程”;be required 译成了“掌握”,不但被动没有了,而且词义发


6. 英语多引申,汉语多推理。如require 一词在英译汉句子中经常出现。我们的感觉是,这个词明


杂,但英语中的两句俗语也许能给我们一些启迪:一句是“You know a word by the company it keeps”(要

知道一个词的意思就要看它周围是什么词) ; 另一句是“Words do not have meaning , but people have

meaning for them”(词本无义,义随人生) 。也就是说,词在特定的环境中往往会产生新的含义。从原作



(5) While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians , modern practice most

closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant event s of the

past .


思,因为历史既不能“重新创造”也不能“娱乐”“the significant event s of the past”(过去的重大历史事

件) 。从常识上判断,recreate 译成“再现”比较符合客观事实;因此这句话应译成:



注意代词one 译成了名词“定义”。英语为什么用one ,汉语为什么用“定义”,这又涉及到两种语言


7. 英语多变化,汉语多重复。前面讲过英语重结构、汉语重语义,这一差别导致了两种语言在表达

相同概念时的差异:英语要么改变表达方式,要么换一个不同的词,如上面刚刚提到的one 便是用代词代替名词,以避免重复使用definition 一词,例(1) 中的view ?as 和equate ?with 其实都是指“认为”或

“把?看作是”,例(3) 中的historical work 和historical inquiry 实际上都是“历史研究”的意思;译成汉语



8. 英语多抽象,汉语多具体。所谓抽象实际上是指一些让人似懂非懂的表达方法,英译汉如果都是




(8) Odd though it sounds , cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected

ideas in elementary - particle physics ,and many ast rophysicist s have been convinced for the better part of a

decade that it is t rue the better part of a decade that it is t rue.

这句话有三个地方比较抽象:一是consequence ,二是respected ideas ,三是for the better part of a

decade。首先我们看一看consequence ,它的词典意思是“后果、结果”,用这个词义来说明cosmic inflation

(宇宙膨胀说) 似乎没有切中要害,因为文章告诉我们它是从Big Bang (大爆炸论) 发展起来的一种观点,

确切地说应该是一种“推论”;respected ideas 给人感觉好象可意会不可言传,因为“受尊敬的理论”显然

不是清楚明白的中文“, 公认的理论”才会让人一目了然:至于for the better part of a decade ,首先better

一词用得比较怪,根据“you know a word by the company it keeps”原则,我们应该从part 和decade 两个

词推出better 在此相当于greater ,而“十年中的大部分时间”又是什么意思呢? 用“Get the meaning ,for2

get the words”的办法我们便可以得到一个地道的中文表达:“七八年”。下面是整句话的翻译:宇宙膨胀





译汉翻译这个堡垒。 就是这个文章`忘贴了`不过我挺聪明吧
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2009-11-13 · TA获得超过284个赞
The revised "College English Syllabus" stipulates that The purpose of the provisions of College English teaching is to develop students with strong reading ability and a certain listening,speaking ,reading , writing ability and make them communicate with each other in English.
College English teaching should help students lay a solid foundation of language, master good learning methods,improve cultural attainments, in order to adapt to social development and economic construction.At present, in the English teaching, reading ability and
the listening and speaking ability have aroused the concern of the majority of teachers and students.while the traditional translation method of teaching being ignored, as a result, many students ' translating ability is poor and they're unable to adapt to society. We think that the most direct reason for this phenomenon is they omitted translating Capacity-building, particularly the lack of translation skills in the process of learning English.So In my opinion, in the college English teaching teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of translation capacity of students.
According to the teaching and practice The author of those who summed up the English-Chinese translation of the expression of the eight differences between the two languages to readers, so as to improve the translation ability of students.
1. English re-structure, Chinese re-semantics. English and Chinese belong to two completely different languages. Questions in settings from English to Chinese point of view, United Kingdom
Statement that the child is generally more complex, there are two main reasons: First, the examination requirement for the sentence to have a certain degree of difficulty, or not test students
The real level; two in English by the structural arrangement allows many layers of meaning expressed in one sentence. Let us look at a

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It's a graducation essay from a little girl.Since her translation ability is rather limitted,there're some problems.Please give her a hand. If translated well, you will reward more score.Thanks.
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2009-11-16 · TA获得超过256个赞
不过分 再加高点 我是英专的 english major

QQ 554987696
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