1.Come on -it's make your mind up time!嗨!你该作出决定了!
2.You're just in time。你来得正是时候。
3.Do you have the time?你知道现在几点了吗?
4.She said she will be back in a seconds。她说她马上就回来。
5.he scored late in the third quarter to cut the gapto10points。他在第3节快结束时进了一球,把分差缩小到10分。
6.Hourly output by workers declined 1.3% in the firstquarter。工人每小时的产量在第1季度下降了1.3%。
7.It was a quarter to six。当时是5:45。
8.Every minute during the hijack seemed like a week。劫持过程中,每一分钟都像一个星期似的。
9.You should save a little each week。你应该每星期存一点钱。
10.We spent a blissful week together。我们在一起度过了极为幸福的一周。
11.Let's make an early start tomorrow。咱们明天一早就出发吧。
12.What time are we starting tomorrow?我们明天什么时候出发?