求翻译成英语! 15

一下一段新闻求翻译不用完全一致大意差不多就行~4月12日晚开始出现越是风大浪高荧光越明显系鞭毛藻发光所致奇景引众多市民前往观看市民争看传说中的荧光海4月16日20时30分... 一下一段新闻求翻译 不用完全一致 大意差不多就行~

4月12日晚开始出现 越是风大浪高荧光越明显 系鞭毛藻发光所致奇景引众多市民前往观看
  市民争看传说中的荧光海 4月16日20时30分左右, 大黑石浴场长约500米的海滩边上, 已经聚集了数百人。
  大连海洋大学大二学生小刘说:“这片海从12号晚上开始就有淡淡的蓝、 绿色荧光, 我曾把海水捧在手掌里, 除了有荧光, 其他感觉跟普通海水没什么区别, 真是太神奇了。”
  记者发现海面上泛起的荧光主要有两种颜色:一种是比较持久的绿光, 一种是溅起的短暂蓝色亮光。
  蓝光极暗, 肉眼可辨, 但是用普通的照相机却无法拍摄下来。小刘说:“前几天晚上风大浪高, 海水里的蓝光明显,现在雾有点大,又风平浪静, 看起来就不太明显。”
  小刘说, 往海里扔大石块, 激起浪花就能看见蓝色海水。 记者依言尝试, 海水果然泛起蓝光, 但时间很短。
  梦幻般的荧光海,还让这里成了情侣求爱圣地。前两天, 附近居民李先生在这里求婚成功,他说: “那天我就是和女朋友出来随便逛逛,突然发现海水里有荧光在闪,女朋友连说太漂亮了, 太浪漫了。之前我就在苦恼用什么方式向她求婚, 一看如此景色, 赶紧跪地求婚。虽然我还没来得及买钻戒,但她心情特别好, 一下就答应了。”
  海滩边有很多情侣漫步, 一位女士在海滩上画出心形, 而残留的海水正泛着淡蓝色的荧光, 美不胜收。
  赏海人 群中, 一名男士推着轮椅, 这名男士姓赵。 轮椅上坐着的是他的爱人。赵先生说: “我爱人前些年因车祸落下残疾, 我带她去看过少年派,她就说那里面的荧光海漂亮,现在这现象能发生在我们大连, 实在是个奇迹, 也成全了她想看见荧光海的愿望。”
  专家解释 荧光海现象是鞭毛藻发光所致 证明近期海域清洁度较高
  “大连海域出现这种现象极有可能是因为海水中出现了某种特殊的营养成分,使得发光微生物在这种适宜的环境中持续地发光。当然,海洋中的气候、 海流、 营养源等都是促成这种现象的原因。比如说今年大连海域的水温相对较高,而且现在是这些藻类进行繁殖的时间。” 蔡恒江进一步解释, 更关键的是, 这片海域的污染状况改善很多,而且现在这个季节,到海滩游玩的游客比较少,海水清洁度相对高, “鞭毛藻对污染很敏感, 海水一旦有污染, 它们便会死亡。另外, 这附近的光污染比较差,也是出现荧光海现象的重要原因。”

  据了解,之前被称为生物荧光海湾的地方全世界只有六个,三个在波多黎各, 两个在澳大利亚, 一个在马尔代夫。其中,位于波多黎各别克斯岛的蚊子湾最为著名,那里的鞭毛藻浓度是世界之最,一加仑水中大约有72万颗鞭毛藻。
  是浅湾, 有很小的和海洋相接的入水口。这样, 鞭毛藻几乎只进不出,浓度聚集到一定程度, 才能肉眼可见。海湾要有尽量少的污染, 鞭毛藻对污染很敏感。四周有红树林, 红树的根可以释放丰富的维生素和各种营养元素,这些都是鞭毛藻产生光亮必备的元素。
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2014-04-21 · TA获得超过1144个赞
On the evening of April 12, began to appear, the more the wind waves high fluorescence, the more obvious Is due to dinoflagellates luminous wonders led many people to watch
People watch the legendary fluorescent sea around April 16, 20, a big black stone baths of about 500 meters long beach, has brought together hundreds of people.
Dalian ocean university sophomore liu said: "the sea from the 12th evening began the fluorescent light blue, green, I have put the water holding in the palm of your hand, in addition to the fluorescence, other feeling same with the sea, is really amazing."
Reporter found on the surface of the sea there are two main types of fluorescent color: one is to be permanent green, blue light is a kind of splashing is short.
Blue light is very dark, discernible to the naked eye, but cannot be captured by ordinary camera.Liu said: "the other night wind waves, the sea of blue, now the fog is a bit big, and calm, doesn't look too obvious."
Liu said, threw rocks, sea waves could see the blue sea.Reporters in accordance with the said try, and seawater were flush blu-ray, but time is short.
Nearby residents, big black Shi Haiyu did not appear before the fluorescent sea phenomenon.
Fluorescent romantic beach to marry him success
Fantastic fluorescent sea, also let here became lovers love the holy land.Two days before, nearby residents li proposed here, he said: "the day I was out with his girlfriend browsing, suddenly found a fluorescence in the sea, girlfriend even that is too beautiful, too romantic. I was upset before asking her to marry him, in what way a look at the scenery, hurriedly knelt to marry him. Though I haven't had time to buy a diamond ring, but she was very good, just agreed."
The beach there are a lot of couples stroll, draw a heart, a woman in a beach and residual water is suffused with light blue fluorescence, beautiful.
In a sea peeper group, a man pushed the wheelchair, the man surnamed zhao.Sitting in a wheelchair is his lover.Mr. Zhao said: "I love a few years ago because of accident disabled, I took her to saw young, she said the fluorescence in the sea beautiful, this phenomenon can occur in our dalian now, it's a miracle, also fulfill her desire to see the fluorescent sea."
Experts explain Fluorescent sea phenomenon is caused by the dinoflagellates glow Prove that the recent sea high cleanliness
"Dalian sea appear this kind of phenomenon is likely because the water there was some kind of special nutrients, makes light-emitting microbes in the appropriate environment continues to glow. Of course, the ocean climate, ocean currents, nitrogen, etc are all contribute to the cause of the phenomenon. Such as dalian sea water temperature is relatively high this year, and now is the time to reproduce these algae."Cai Hengjiang further explanation, crucially, the sea pollution condition improved a lot, and now this season, visitors to the beach is relatively small, cleanness of the water is relatively high, "dinoflagellates is sensitive to pollution, once water pollution, they will die. In addition, near the light pollution is poorer, also is the main reason that appear fluorescence sea phenomenon."
Luminescent Marine biological growth and development regularity of seasonal changes, as the seasons change, a big black Shi Haiyu fluorescent sea phenomenon may disappear.

It is understood that before known as bioluminescence places around the world, only six of the bay, three in Puerto Rico, two in Australia, one in the maldives.Among them, the mosquitoes in Puerto Rico vieques bay is the most famous, where the dinoflagellates concentration is the world's largest, a gallon of water about 720000 dinoflagellates.
There are three elements of bioluminescent bay to produce
Is a shallow bay, there are very small and the ocean and water entry.So, dinoflagellates almost exclusively in not out, concentration gathered to a certain extent, can be visible to the naked eye.The gulf should have less pollution, dinoflagellates are sensitive to pollution.Surrounded by a mangrove forest, the root of mangrove can release rich vitamins and a variety of nutrition elements, these are the dinoflagellates and brightening essential elements.

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