
管理是社会组织中,为了实现预期的目标,以人为中心进行的协调活动调。管理的最基本的特征是:1:管理的载体是一个组织2:管理的基本对象是人3:在管理的资源配置中,人才是第一资... 管理是社会组织中,为了实现预期的目标,以人为中心进行的协调活动调。管理的最基本的特征是:1:管理的载体是一个组织2:管理的基本对象是人3:在管理的资源配置中,人才是第一资源。4:管理的任务:在一般意义上讲,它是通过采取某些具体的手段和措施,设计、营造、维护一种环境,包括组织内部和外部的环境,使所有管理对象在特定的环境中,做到协调而有序地进行活动。
管理的必要性 1:资源短缺将是一种长期的经济现象,如何将有限的资源进行合理的利用,则是管理必须解决的问题。2:科学技术是阻碍生产力的原因之一,实践证明只有通过有效的发展,才能使科学技术真正转化为生产力。3:高度专业划的社会分工是现代化国家和现代企业的的基础,协调各种关系需要管理。4:实现社会企业的长期发展,需要靠全体成员的共同努力。5:近几年来,以计算机技术为基础,信息网络,互联网等在中国各行各业中得到了空前迅速的应用和普及。
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2010-11-02 · 超过16用户采纳过TA的回答
Management is a social organization, in order to achieve the desired objectives, the coordination of human-centered activities for transfer. Management of basic features are: 1: Management of the carrier is an organization 2: The management of the basic object is a person 3: The allocation of resources in the management, talent is the first resource. 4: Management of the task: in the general sense, it is by taking some of the specific means and measures, design, build and maintain an environment, including internal and external environment in which all managed objects in a particular environment and ensure coordinated and orderly activity.
Many new management theory and management practice has been repeatedly demonstrated: the planning, organization, leadership, control, innovation and management functions of all the five basic functions of management activities. Plan: set goals to achieve those goals and do the actions necessary. Organization all managers must be engaged in planning activities. According to job requirements and personnel characteristics, design jobs, through the authority and division of labor, the appropriate staffing arrangements in the appropriate position, using the system functions and provides various positions up and down about the relationship between the formation of an organic organizational structure, so that coordinate operations throughout the organization - that is the functions of the organization determine the organizational goals and characteristics of specific forms of organization guiding people's behavior, through communication and enhance mutual understanding of people, unify people's thinking and action, encouraging each member to achieve the organization consciously goals together. Control is the essence of the practice meet and plan, plan is controlled standards. Innovation and various management functions and the different functions, and he is not a unique form of expression, he was always in combination with other management functions in the performance of their existence and value.
Are from each of the management plan, through the organization, leading to the control end. While the cross-cutting between the various functions of the penetration, control results may then lead to a new plan, start a new round of management cycle. Innovation in the management cycle in a position of the axis, the driving force for promoting the management cycle
The need for management 1: shortage of resources will be a long-term economic phenomena, and how resources will be limited and reasonable utilization, it is management that must be addressed. 2: Science and technology is one of the reasons impeding productivity, proved only through the effective development, to make science and technology into real productivity. 3: a highly professional program of the social division of labor is a modern country and the foundation of modern enterprises, coordination of relationships need to be managed. 4: Achieving long-term development of social enterprises need to rely on the concerted efforts of all members. 5: In recent years, computer technology, information networks, the Internet and other industries in China has been unprecedented in the rapid application and popularity.
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