
Inarapidlychangingglobaleconomicenvironment,ongoingprocessofinternationaltrade,duetov... In a rapidly changing global economic environment, ongoing process of international trade, due to vigorous national policy of industrial protection and revenue policy measures for the realization began to use.

China trade policy, import and export duties as part of the policy and the fiscal revenue of China's policy has the effect of protecting domestic industry and trade policy as part of economic policy have been used.

Since 1978 reform of China's foreign trade has grown rapidly. The total import and export 20.6 billion U.S. dollars in 1978 but in 2009 total export and import two trillion 2072.7 billion. The exports of 1 trillion 201.7 billion U.S. dollars, earnings were $ 1,005,600,000,000.

This can be achieved with the development of foreign trade, the import tariff policy since.

PRC Customs Law of China's tariff system and tax administration is the basic law.

Customs Tariff Law, the domestic financial system in the short term to improve the international balance of income security and taking advantage of tariff adjustment policies and long-term protection and international competitiveness of domestic industries in a way has been used.

Competitiveness of export goods in China and exported goods included in the tax department Islanders VAT export rebates to tax refund system has been carried out.

China joined the WTO since 2001 is still not resolved, a feature regulated yireonhan had.

However, the introduction of VAT export refund system for companies with import and export management rights for export sales through the application of zero rate tax jeungchisereul and export products to produce the raw materials purchased with part of the purchase tax deductible, and you can not deduct If you schedule a refund of the purchase tax by hwangeupryul me by introducing a system of rapid development of China's foreign trade and customs revenue is also increasing along.

China's import tariff policy, the future foreign economic conditions, reflecting the appropriate timing and with a more professional system must change policy.

Looking at this import-export tariff policy and institutional future of China's tariff policy and institutional countermeasures to the international trade and economic environment, reflecting the flexible tariff policy, including the establishment of an international customs cooperation through the active utilization encourage the internationalization of domestic import tariff changes and trends in conjunction with the World Customs aggressive trade policy as a means must be able to halyonghal.
2010-12-13 · TA获得超过1305个赞
(In a rapidly changing global economic environment, ongoing process of international trade, due to vigorous national policy of industrial protection and
revenue policy measures for the realization began to use.整个句子意义有混淆:began to use 是指due to 后面的policy开始使用么?如果是这样,那整个句子没有对
ongoing process of international trade进行说明。如果理解为began to use是对ongoing process of international trade 进行说明,那这个意思更是不通顺)
China trade policy, import and export duties as part of the policy and the fiscal revenue of China's policy has the effect of protecting domestic industry and trade policy as part of economic policy have been used.(China trade policy有问题,policy的单复数也有问题)
(Since 1978 reform of China's foreign trade has grown rapidly.这个of用得不对,去掉更好)
The total import and export (这里应该加be 动词)20.6 billion U.S. dollars in 1978 but in 2009 total export and (这一块应该有表示增长的句子)import two trillion 2072.7 billion. The exports (of可能有问题,不知道你本意是什么)of 1 trillion 201.7 billion U.S. dollars, earnings were $ 1,005,600,000,000.(最后一句用个with或者什么的从句更好)
This can be achieved with(with改为by) the development of foreign trade, the import tariff policy since(句子不完整).PRC Customs Law of China's tariff system and tax administration is the basic law.Customs Tariff Law(据我所知,中国关税法是这样Customs Act(Republic of China)), the domestic financial system in the short term to improve the international balance of income security and taking advantage of tariff adjustment policies and long-term protection and international competitiveness of domestic industries in a way has been used.Competitiveness of export goods in China and exported goods included in the tax department Islanders VAT export rebates to tax refund system has been carried out.(这一句表达不清楚,很难理解)
China joined the WTO since 2001 is still not resolved, a feature regulated yireonhan had.这一句也有问题However, the introduction of VAT export refund system for companies with import and export management rights for export sales through the application of zero rate tax jeungchisereul and export products to produce the raw materials purchased with part of the purchase tax deductible, (这一句写到后边就不知所云了,the introduction of VAT...的作用就没有给出了,要不就是前边丢了东西)and you can not deduct If you schedule a refund of the purchase tax by hwangeupryul me by introducing a system of rapid development of China's foreign trade and customs revenue is also increasing along.整句到后边真的是云里雾里了。建议改为较短的几个从句。
China's import tariff policy, the future foreign economic conditions, reflecting the appropriate timing and with a more professional system must change
policy. (这个句子也是不对的,逗号在语句中不像中文一样能表达意思的,XXXX导致must change policy没有明确)
Looking at this import-export tariff policy and institutional future of China's tariff policy and institutional countermeasures to the international trade and economic environment, reflecting the flexible tariff policy, including the establishment of an international customs cooperation through the active utilization encourage the internationalization of domestic import tariff changes and trends in conjunction with the World Customs aggressive trade policy as a means must be able to halyonghal.再次出现reflecting这种情况,实际上这样表达是很不明确的。
2010-12-13 · TA获得超过158个赞
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