我叫XH,是北京XX大学A老师的学生,现在读大学二年级。A老师应该和您说过,我想大学毕业之后到您所任教的大学读研究生。 有几个问题向您咨询一下:
大家如果有更好的表达方式请一定都说出来,这封信对我很重要,谢谢大家啊! 展开
我叫XH,是北京XX大学A老师的学生,现在读大学二年级。A老师应该和您说过,我想大学毕业之后到您所任教的大学读研究生。 有几个问题向您咨询一下:
大家如果有更好的表达方式请一定都说出来,这封信对我很重要,谢谢大家啊! 展开
Dear Professor XXX,
My name is XH. I am a student of (try to add the title of the teacher, if is a professor, so put down professor A) A in Beijing XXXXX University. I hope A has chance to mention about me. I would like to apply my master’s degree in the university you are currently teaching after my undergraduate study. Hence, I have few questions regarding the requirement for the admission:
1. What are the questions admission will ask for graduate students who specializing in piano in MXS University?
2. How many piano pieces are required? What are the requirements for the pieces?
3. What is the requirement for listening? Would you please send me the outline for the listening test if it is possible?
4. If I want to apply for the scholarship, what is the requirement?
5. Lastly, what about the requirement for English? Since English is my second language and I wonder would be a disadvantaged for me?
Please let me know if you have any questions and I can be reach by my email (put down your email or your cell # if you want). I appreciate your time in reading my questions.
(your name)
写这些的时候不要把自己的缺点全部给暴露出来, 他有可能是那个看你申请表的那个人。 所以我不说你英文不好, 而说英文是你的第二语言。 ()是叫你填上我要你填的资料, 第1个是要你补上老师的头衔, 比如 教授 professor, 老师 teacher. 通常大学的话你都称教授比较正式相对于老师。 第2 个要你填上你的email, 让他可以联络你。
My name is XH. I am a student of (try to add the title of the teacher, if is a professor, so put down professor A) A in Beijing XXXXX University. I hope A has chance to mention about me. I would like to apply my master’s degree in the university you are currently teaching after my undergraduate study. Hence, I have few questions regarding the requirement for the admission:
1. What are the questions admission will ask for graduate students who specializing in piano in MXS University?
2. How many piano pieces are required? What are the requirements for the pieces?
3. What is the requirement for listening? Would you please send me the outline for the listening test if it is possible?
4. If I want to apply for the scholarship, what is the requirement?
5. Lastly, what about the requirement for English? Since English is my second language and I wonder would be a disadvantaged for me?
Please let me know if you have any questions and I can be reach by my email (put down your email or your cell # if you want). I appreciate your time in reading my questions.
(your name)
写这些的时候不要把自己的缺点全部给暴露出来, 他有可能是那个看你申请表的那个人。 所以我不说你英文不好, 而说英文是你的第二语言。 ()是叫你填上我要你填的资料, 第1个是要你补上老师的头衔, 比如 教授 professor, 老师 teacher. 通常大学的话你都称教授比较正式相对于老师。 第2 个要你填上你的email, 让他可以联络你。
What are the questions admission will ask for graduate students who specializing in piano in MXS University?
我是问要考什么科目,为什么不用What are the subjects而用 What are the questions呢?我的英语学得不好,希望您多指教,谢谢啊!
Both subjects and questions are fine. however for my understanding is that admission are most likely will ask you questions during interview, unless is actually literacy test. (students who majoring in performing arts will sometime ask to perform during interview, I think) Also, Is the graduate school that you applying for in U.S? If yes, then most graduate schools will ask student to take GRE test, (but also depends on your major, some major doesn't require you to take GRE, so be sure to check the school website).
If the school required you to take a Entrance Examination then maybe you can add something like
What are the subjects that will covered in entrance examination for graduate students who specializing in piano in MXS University?
P.s I am more familiar with U.S. education system, so let me know if you are applying graduate school in U.S., maybe I can give you some information
2025-02-12 广告
Dear XX professor:
My name is XH, is A teacher of Beijing XX university student, now A sophomore. A teacher should and you said, I think after graduation to what you taught university graduate school. There are a few problems to ask you something about:
1 excuse me MXS university graduate admissions exams are piano test what subjects?
2. I want some songs piano? Repertoire request is anything?
3. English is what the request?
4 what is ShiChang on ear request? Could you put ShiChang practise listening exam outline hair come over?
5. If you want to apply for a scholarship is to have what condition?
My name is XH, is A teacher of Beijing XX university student, now A sophomore. A teacher should and you said, I think after graduation to what you taught university graduate school. There are a few problems to ask you something about:
1 excuse me MXS university graduate admissions exams are piano test what subjects?
2. I want some songs piano? Repertoire request is anything?
3. English is what the request?
4 what is ShiChang on ear request? Could you put ShiChang practise listening exam outline hair come over?
5. If you want to apply for a scholarship is to have what condition?
Dear Professor XXX,
My name is XH, a student of A in Beijing XXXXX University. A should have mentioned about me, I wish to pursue my mater degree education in the university you are working after I finish my undergraduate study. Hence, I have few questions:
1. What are the questions for the admission of graduate students specalized in paino for MXS university?
2. How many paino pieces are required? What are the requirements of the pieces?
3. What is the English requirement?
4. What is the requirement for listening? Would you please send me the outline of the listening test?
5. What are the requirement for scholarship application?
As you can see, I can't express myself that well in English. I don't know whether you can understand my letter or not. But, I really appreciate your time in reading it.
My name is XH, a student of A in Beijing XXXXX University. A should have mentioned about me, I wish to pursue my mater degree education in the university you are working after I finish my undergraduate study. Hence, I have few questions:
1. What are the questions for the admission of graduate students specalized in paino for MXS university?
2. How many paino pieces are required? What are the requirements of the pieces?
3. What is the English requirement?
4. What is the requirement for listening? Would you please send me the outline of the listening test?
5. What are the requirement for scholarship application?
As you can see, I can't express myself that well in English. I don't know whether you can understand my letter or not. But, I really appreciate your time in reading it.
就当是为你今后 几万字的英语的硕士毕业论文作个准备,从写好一封信开始吧。。。
就当是为你今后 几万字的英语的硕士毕业论文作个准备,从写好一封信开始吧。。。