
下面是翻译内容:随着互联网的发展和普及以及高等学校信息化步伐的加快,网络正在逐渐改变人们的学习和生活方式。然而,网络是一把双刃剑,使用者如果过度或不当使用网络,不仅使其身... 下面是翻译内容:

本研究采用随机分层抽样的问卷调查方式,针对江西师范大学一到四年级的学生的网络成瘾与适应能力的特点及关系进行了初步研究。通过对所获得的数据采用SPSS17.0统计软件进行处理后,结果发现: 1.大学生网络成瘾者与不同类型成瘾倾向者在人口统计学因素上呈现显著差异;2.大学生网络成瘾倾向、类型与适应性具有明显的负相关;3.大学生网络成瘾高倾向者与低倾向者在适应性层面的差异,网络成瘾倾向低者明显比成瘾倾向高者在适应性上表现较好;4.身心症状表现、生活自理适应性、环境的总体认同和角色适应性对网络成瘾倾向具有一定的预测性。

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2011-05-04 · TA获得超过740个赞
With the development of the Internet and popularization of higher school informative and speed up the pace of, the Internet is gradually changing people's study and way of life. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword, users if excessive or inappropriate use network, make not only the physical and mental health, and make the individual affected with real life disenchanted, even give up studying and other normal social activities. Network as a kind of new typed information dissemination and communication tool for college students, and study, life, and mental health has more and more positive influence of the widely and negative influences. Therefore, how to correctly guide college students' Internet behavior also increasingly shows its importance and urgency. In recent years, researchers from the network more characteristics and functions of or Internet itself is a easy to addiction aspects of personality traits, and little to find an answer is studied and discussed the different network addiction type special about the symptoms and the existing differences, and were less to the undergraduates' iad tendency of adaptability specific discussion.

This study adopts the random sampling stratification of questionnaire for jiangxi normal university, one to four grade students with iad ability to adapt to the characteristics and relationship is studied. Based on the data obtained by SPSS17.0 statistical software, found that after processing: 1. The university students' network addiction with different types of addiction in the demographic factors tend to present significant differences on; 2. College students' iad tendency, type and adaptability has obvious negative correlation; 3. The university students' network addiction with low tendency of high tendency of the differences in adaptability, Internet addiction levels lower than addiction tendency obvious tendency in fitness the better; 4. Physical symptoms, self-care adaptability, the overall identity and role environment of Internet addiction tendency adaptability has certain predictability.
2011-05-04 · TA获得超过329个赞
With the development of the Internet and popularization of higher school informative and speed up the pace of, the Internet is gradually changing people's study and way of life. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword, users if excessive or inappropriate use network, make not only the physical and mental health, and make the individual affected with real life disenchanted, even give up studying and other normal social activities. Network as a kind of new typed information dissemination and communication tool for college students, and study, life, and mental health has more and more positive influence of the widely and negative influences. Therefore, how to correctly guide college students' Internet behavior also increasingly shows its importance and urgency. In recent years, researchers from the network more characteristics and functions of or Internet itself is a easy to addiction aspects of personality traits, and little to find an answer is studied and discussed the different network addiction type special about the symptoms and the existing differences, and were less to the undergraduates' iad tendency of adaptability specific discussion.
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2011-05-04 · TA获得超过882个赞
With the development and popularity of the Internet as well as colleges and universities to accelerate the pace of information technology, the network is gradually changing the way people learn and live. However, the network is a double-edged sword, the user if excessive or improper use of the network, not only to physical and mental health be affected, but also the alienation of the individual and the real life, and even give up learning and other normal social activities. Network as a new type of information dissemination and communication tools, the learning of college students, living, and mental health have a growing number and range of positive and negative impacts. Therefore, how to guide students for online behavior is also increasingly showing the importance and urgency. In recent years, researchers and more features and functions from the network or Internet users with a easy-to-own personality traits and other aspects of addiction to find the answer, but little research and explore different types of Internet addiction and the presence of those symptoms so special Differences, and little tendency of Internet Addiction Disorder of those specific adaptability.
This study used stratified random sampling questionnaire, Jiangxi Normal University for students in grades one to four and adaptability of the network characteristics of addiction and the relationship between the preliminary study. The data obtained through the use of statistical software SPSS17.0 treatment, results showed that: 1. Students of different types of Internet Addiction and Addiction in the demographic factors showed significant differences; 2. Students Internet Addiction , Type and adaptability has obvious negative correlation; 3. tendency of Internet Addiction high and low tendencies are adaptive level, the difference in the network were significantly lower than addiction addiction to high performance than in the adaptability Good; 4. physical and psychological symptoms, adaptive self-care, environmental adaptability of the overall identity and role of Internet Addiction has a certain predictability.
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2011-05-05 · TA获得超过115个赞
With the development of the Internet and popularization of higher school informative and speed up the pace of, the Internet is gradually changing people's study and way of life. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword, users if excessive or inappropriate use network, make not only the physical and mental health, and make the individual affected with real life disenchanted, even give up studying and other normal social activities. Network as a kind of new typed information dissemination and communication tool for college students, and study, life, and mental health has more and more positive influence of the widely and negative influences. Therefore, how to correctly guide college students' Internet behavior also increasingly shows its importance and urgency. In recent years, researchers from the network more characteristics and functions of or Internet itself is a easy to addiction aspects of personality traits, and little to find an answer is studied and discussed the different network addiction type special about the symptoms and the existing differences, and were less to the undergraduates' iad tendency of adaptability specific discussion.

This study adopts the random sampling stratification of questionnaire for jiangxi normal university, one to four grade students with iad ability to adapt to the characteristics and relationship is studied. Based on the data obtained by SPSS17.0 statistical software, found that after processing: 1. The university students' network addiction with different types of addiction in the demographic factors tend to present significant differences on; 2. College students' iad tendency, type and adaptability has obvious negative correlation; 3. The university students' network addiction with low tendency of high tendency of the differences in adaptability, Internet addiction levels lower than addiction tendency obvious tendency in fitness the better; 4. Physical symptoms, self-care adaptability, the overall identity and role environment of Internet addiction tendency adaptability has certain
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