紧急!!求帮忙翻译以下这段文字。翻译成英文演讲稿。内容如下:团结就是力量 的确。团结就一股强大... 20

紧急!!求帮忙翻译以下这段文字。翻译成英文演讲稿。内容如下:团结就是力量的确。团结就一股强大的力量。我们每个人都要团结。团结就是成功,有了团结,才有我们今天幸福美好的生活... 紧急!!求帮忙翻译以下这段文字。翻译成英文演讲稿。内容如下:团结就是力量

 我来答
2012-10-16 · 超过19用户采纳过TA的回答
Indeed.Unityona powerful force.Each of usmust beunited.Unity issuccessful,withunity,onlytodaywelive a happy life.Ifeveryone is notunity,cares their own interests,can not dogreat things.Each of ustogether,to do thingswholeheartedly.Evenbeatingthedifficultiescan be overcome.Forexample,family membersofthemouth:lips, teeth,tongue,saliva, theyunite as one,a happyfamily.Haveyounoticed?They have beeninsilenceforourservices.Redlips, itisourfaceto add brilliance,sowefacered.TeethWhileinside, butit willfoodchew,sent toour stomach.Tongueit?Itis generally notseen,butit willget thefoodover and over again.Tohelpthe teeth.Saliva,it is alsoquietlyserving the people.Itcan makethelipsbecomewetWet.They are alwayssounitedin silencefor the people.Not onlymouthonepeople,serve the people,thereis alsoa brick.Bricksaretogetherthesiegethe shapeofa house,the service of humanity.When it rains,whenthecoldweather,especially whenyoudid not expect, bricksvery, verycolddayincold,brickwithunity,adhereto ourservices.Not onlythey areunited as one,wehavetothemhumanunity.Help each other.Lookatthem,Ifeel,share bliss,have difficulty with when.How about you?!
Emergency!!Seeking help translate this text. Translated into English speech. The contents are as follows: Unity is strength
Indeed. Unity on a powerful force. Each of us must be united. Unity is successful, with unity, only today we live a happy life. If everyone is not unity, their own interests, can not do great things. Each of us together, to do things wholeheartedly. Even beating the difficulties can be overcome. For example, family members of the mouth: lips, teeth, tongue, saliva, they unite as one, a happy family. Have you noticed? They have been in silence for our services. Red lips, it is our face to add brilliance, so we face red. Teeth While inside, but it will food chew, sent to our stomach. Tongue it? It is generally not seen, but it will get the food over and over again. To help the teeth. Saliva, it is also quietly serving the people. It can make the lips become wet Wet. They are always so united in silence for the people. Not only mouth one people, serve the people, there is also a brick. Bricks are together the siege the shape of a house, the service of humanity. When it rains, when the cold weather, especially when you did not expect, bricks very, very cold day in cold, brick with unity, adhere to our services. Not only they are united as one, we have to them human unity. Help each other. Look at them, I feel, share bliss, have difficulty with when. How about you? !
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Yea, sure. Unity is powerful. We must all be united. Unity
means success and it brings happiness to our life. We cannot accomplish
anything if everybody only cares about themselves rather than working as a team
together. We must work together and put in all of our effort to complete our
tasks and if we are all working together for each other and not just for
themselves we can definitely overcome all the difficulties. Did you notice, our
mouth including our lips, our teeth, our tongue and our saliva, they work
together, and they are a happy family. They have been working for us without us
even noticing them. Our lips bring out the pinkish red colour on our face that
makes our face look less dull and colourless. The teeth in our mouth chews up
the food that we put into our mouth and transfers all the food we ate and the
drinks we drank to our stomach. What about our tongue? Even though we don’t
think that our tongue plays a big role when we are eating but it actually moves
the food in our mouth to make it easy for the teeth to chew the food. Saliva
works without us being aware of it. Our saliva moisturizes our lips. They all
work together without us knowing it. It is not only the mouth, bricks work the
same way as the mouth as well, they both are thinks that most of us take it for
granted just like teamwork. Bricks are stacked up together to form the shape of
a house. When it’s raining and when the weather is cold, did you ever think of
the brick may feel cold but they still work together for us. Not only the
non-living things work together, as a human we should work together as them and
help each other. It might sound easy just by saying the work ‘teamwork’ but
everyone has to put in their effort to actually make it work. Seeing them
working together, I can feel the quote ‘share weal and woe; stand together
through thick and think’ strongly. What about you?

希望这能帮到你,我也替你修改了一些句子。 :)
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unity is strength
You bet. Unity is strength. Each of us must unite. Unity is successful, have together, we have happy wonderful life today. If everyone does not unite, only myself, couldn't do great things. Each of us unite, undivided attention to do something. Even if you take the taxi can overcome difficulties. For example, the mouth of the family members are : the lips, teeth, tongue, saliva, they unite as one, is a happy family. Did you notice it? They have been in service for us silently. Red lips, his face adds luster to us, so that we face is red. Although the teeth while in it, but it will take food from, to our stomach. The tongue? It generally doesn't show up, but it will take food to toss about. To help the teeth. Saliva, it also silently for the people service. It can make lips wet wet wet. They're always together, silently for the people service. Not only the mouth of one family, serving the people and the brick is also. The bricks are together and a house shape, at the service of humanity. When it rains, especially when in cold weather, you have not thought of, the brick on a cold day to freeze up bricks together, United, adhere to our service. Not only they unite as one, we humans to their unity. Help each other. Looking at them, I felt, friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs. How about You?!
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