中翻英 禁止翻译软体 请会英语的帮我翻译一下我的几个句子 拜托了 恳求和紧急呀!!

以下是我想翻的句子请帮我翻英语拜托了><非常紧急呀-友情是指人类或动物间的情谊或是指亲切的交谊、交情。友情涉及到相互的瞭解、尊重和喜欢。存在友情的两人,互称朋友。-友谊是... 以下 是我想翻的句子 请帮我翻英语拜托了 >< 非常紧急呀

- 友情是指人类或动物间的情谊或是指亲切的交谊、交情。友情涉及到相互的瞭解、尊重和喜欢。存在友情的两人,互称朋友。

- 友谊是人们在交往活动中产生的一种特殊情感,。友谊是一种来自双向(或交互)关系的情感,即双方共同凝结的情感,任何单方面的示好,不能称为友谊。友谊是能够向朋友表露自己的思想感情和内心秘密能够对朋友充分信任,不会被轻易外泄秘密或反对自己;(3)限於被特殊评价的友谊关系中,即限於少数的密友或知己之间。

我选择这个主题的原因是因为我觉得友谊是个很重要的课题在每个人的人生当中和朋友的关系是很密切的 友谊会影响每个人的价值观每个人对友谊的看法都不同我也是我认为友谊可以是负面的也可以是正面的负面的友谊会让你不相信朋友会认为朋友是现实的只是互相利用对方而已正面的友谊会让你感觉很舒服很轻松没有压力

当我有课业上的问题时她有时候会帮助我但有时候不会有时候当我问她成绩的时候或者如何提高成绩如何读书什麼的她都不太愿意告诉我 几句话打发我感觉她对我有所隐瞒 让我觉得不舒服

发展一段友谊关系 信任和会为对方著想是很重要的


1. 真正的友谊是你开心的时候,对方会陪你一起笑,和你一起分享;
2. 真正的友谊是你伤心的时候,对方陪你一起哭,和你一起分担!
3. 真正的友谊是你烦恼的时候,对方做你的聆听者,细心的开导你;
4. 真正的友谊是你失落的时候,对方做你的开心果,把你带动起来!
5. 真正的友谊不存在所谓的妒嫉和猜疑,因为对方永远相信你;
6. 真正的友谊永远存在著争吵,因为彼此都会给出最真诚的建议,说出最诚实的话!
7. 真正的友谊不是每个人都会得到,因为只有真心付出的人才配拥有它!
8. 真正的友谊是经得住考验和磨练的,不管风吹雨打,它还是一样茁壮成长!
 我来答
2014-11-07 · TA获得超过7826个赞
- 友情是指人类或动物间的情谊或是指亲切的交谊、交情。友情涉及到相互的瞭解、尊重和喜欢。存在友情的两人,互称朋友。

- 友谊是人们在交往活动中产生的一种特殊情感,。友谊是一种来自双向(或交互)关系的情感,即双方共同凝结的情感,任何单方面的示好,不能称为友谊。友谊是能够向朋友表露自己的思想感情和内心秘密能够对朋友充分信任,不会被轻易外泄秘密或反对自己;(3)限於被特殊评价的友谊关系中,即限於少数的密友或知己之间。

- Friendship refers to the friendly sentiments between humans or animals or means of an affectionate companionship and friendly relationship. Friendship involves mutual understanding,respect and love. If a friendship exists between two people, they call each other friends.

- Friendship is a special kind of emotion, which people created in their communicative activities. Friendship is a relationship come from a two-way interaction, namely the mutual condensation of their feelings, any unilateral showing of friendliness cannot be called a friendship. A friendship can expressyour thoughts and feelings and of your inner secret to someone, whom you can completely trust and your secret will not be easily exposed nor he/she would be against you;
(3) It’s limited to a special evaluation of friendship in the relationship, that is limited to a small group of close friends or confidants.


The reason why I have chosen this topic, because I think that is a very important subject and friendship in everybody's life is a very close relationship.It will affect everyone’s view of values. Everyone has a different view of friendship.I also I think that friendship can be negative or positive negative. Friendship sometimes makes you distrust your friends. You would think that in reality friends are just using of each other. And a positive friendship will make you feel very comfortable, very relaxed and without any pressure.


I once had a rather impressive friendly relationship when I was in senior high school. I had a good friend. She was also an Asian. She studied quite well. Forwe have the same interests so we have become friends. When I have encountered with difficulties with my school work, she would sometimes help me but sometimes she would not. Sometimes when I asked about her school work or how I could improve my grade that she was rather reluctant to tell me and would sent me away with just a few words. I felt that she was hiding something from me, making me feeling very uncomfortable.

On top of that, this friend of mine was rather emotional. When she was moody,she not just wouldn’t talk to me but also would put on a terrible face to me.Therefore, I was also feeling unhappy too because she was taking out all of her miseries onto me. Later, I discovered that she has done some very selfish things and only would think of herself. I realized that this relationship with her wasn’t a real friendship. I felt that was a fake friendship. After graduatedfrom form senior high school, we have rarely contacted with each other. Because of this so called friend, my view on friendship has been altered a little bit, making me believe that a friend can be false at times but it can be real, which depends on what kind of friends you have made.


Before developing a real friendly relationship, I think we must first get to know each other well. You can try to explore this person's personality through some of his/her petty actions. If the person is really treating you with sincere, sharing everything even secrets with you and would hit it off with you right away, then this can be called a good friendly relationship. Friends with benefits and selfish acquaintance can be ignored. To develop a friendly relationship, trust and care for the other party is very important.

Through the way of telling stories, I will tell them by using the adaptation of animals from my own stories. And then, I will ask them questions such as what do they think of the stories, why and so on other questions just let the children to have the feeling of a real adventure. In this way, children will understand the importance of a true friendship more.

1. 真正的友谊是你开心的时候,对方会陪你一起笑,和你一起分享;
2. 真正的友谊是你伤心的时候,对方陪你一起哭,和你一起分担!
3. 真正的友谊是你烦恼的时候,对方做你的聆听者,细心的开导你;
4. 真正的友谊是你失落的时候,对方做你的开心果,把你带动起来!
5. 真正的友谊不存在所谓的妒嫉和猜疑,因为对方永远相信你;
6. 真正的友谊永远存在著争吵,因为彼此都会给出最真诚的建议,说出最诚实的话!
7. 真正的友谊不是每个人都会得到,因为只有真心付出的人才配拥有它!
8. 真正的友谊是经得住考验和磨练的,不管风吹雨打,它还是一样茁壮成长!
1. A true friendship is when you are happy, he/she will laugh with you, sharing everything with you;
2. A true friendship is when you are sad, he/she will cry with you, sharing your sorrows with you!
3. A true friendship is when you are worried, he/she will be your listener, carefully to enlighten you;
4. A true friendship is that when you are lost, he/she will be your joy, cheering you up!
5. A true friendship will have no such things as so-called jealousy and suspicion, because he/she believes in you forever;
6. A true friendship is always quarrelsome, because the most sincere advice will be given to each other, and the most honest comments will be expressed without any hesitation!
7. A true friendship cannot be obtained by everyone, because only those who are truly willing to give can have it!
8. A true friendship can stand any kind of test and knocking, it will still thrive regardless of whatever the situation is.


2014-11-06 · TA获得超过1211个赞
- friendship refers to the friendship between humans or animals or means a friendly companionship and friendship. Friendship involves mutual understanding, respect and love. There is friendship of two people, said the friend.

- friendship is people have a special kind of emotion in the communicative activities,. Friendship is a relationship of two-way interaction (or) from emotion, namely the mutual condensation emotions, any unilateral, cannot be called a friendship. Friend friendship is to express your thoughts and feelings and inner secret can fully trust of friends and not be easily leaked secret or against their own; (3) are limited to special evaluation of friendship in the relationship, that is limited to a small group of close friend or confidant.

The reason why I choose this topic because I think friendship is a very important subject in everyone's life and friendship relationship is very close friends will affect everyone values everyone different view friendship I also I think that friendship can be negative or positive negative friendship makes you don't believe that friends will think that is the reality just use each other positive friendship will make you feel very comfortable very easily without pressure

I'm impressed with I used to have a friendship relationship
Was my high school I had a good friend she is Asian his homework very good because we have the same interest so they became friends
When I have problems with your schoolwork sometimes she would help me but sometimes not sometimes when I ask her grades or how to improve the performance of how to read what she told me a few words are not very willing to send to me I feel she is hiding Let me feel uncomfortable
My this friend with other emotional when not to say a word when the mood is bad also to making a face I don't think so, let me also very happy because she had a bad mood is vented to me later and some of her to do some behavior let I think she is selfish thinks only of himself I think later I told him the relationship is not a true friendship relationship feel is false friendship later after graduating from high school we seldom contacted because the friend let me feel slightly changed my view of friendship think friendship relations can sometimes is fake but also can be really but is depend on your friends what kind of person

Make friends in the real development a friendship relationship I think must first get to know each other well through some little tricks to try this person's personality
If you really willing to share her anything and there is no secret to you
You and she hit it off so you can also be regarded as a good friendship relations
Fair-weather friends can't pay the selfish people don't have to pay
Develop a relationship of trust and friendship for each other is very important to the

I will use my story through the way of the story but adapted into animal story read to them and asking them questions such as: how do you like the feeling of the protagonist in the story is why and so on issues such as let children a little illustrates its feeling
So the children will learn the importance of true friendship

1. True friendship is when you are happy, they will laugh with you, share it with you;
2. True friendship is when you are sad, accompany you cry together, to share with you!
3. True friendship is when you worry, the other party to be your listener, careful teach you;
4. True friendship is when you are lost, the other party to be your happy fruit, you drive up!
5. Real friendship does not exist the so-called jealousy and suspicion, because someone believe you forever;
6. Real friendship there are always quarrel, because will give each other the most sincere advice, the most honest comments!
7. True friendship is not everyone can get, because only a person really pay to have it!
8.Is a true friendship can stand the test and hone, regardless of wind and rain, it is still the same thrive!

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2014-11-07 · TA获得超过2180个赞
Friendship is refers to the human or animal relationship or friendship friendship, affectionately refers to. Friendship involves the mutual understanding, respect and love. There are two people friendship, referred to each other as friends. Friendship is a kind of special emotion of people in communication activities generated in,. Friendship is a two-way from (or interaction) relations of the emotion, which is the common setting both emotions, any unilateral affection, can be called a friendship. Friendship is to ask a friend to express your thoughts and feelings and inner secrets to the full trust of friends, is not easily leak secrets or against himself; (3) to be special evaluation friendship relations, that is limited to a few close friends or between friends. 我选择这个主题的原因是因为我觉得友谊是个很重要的课题在每个人的人生当中和朋友的关系是很密切的 友谊会影响每个人的价值观每个人对友谊的看法都不同我也是我认为友谊可以是负面的也可以是正面的负面的友谊会让你不相信朋友会认为朋友是现实的只是互相利用对方而已正面的友谊会让你感觉很舒服很轻松没有压力我曾经有过一段令我印象深刻的友谊关系是发生在我高中时我当时有一个好朋友她也是亚洲人他功课很好因为我们有相同的兴趣所以就变成朋友了当我有课业上的问题时她有时候会帮助我但有时候不会有时候当我问她成绩的时候或者如何提高成绩如何读书什麼的她都不太愿意告诉我 几句话打发我感觉她对我有所隐瞒 让我觉得不舒服另外我的这个朋友满情绪化的当心情不好的时候一句话都不会跟说还会摆臭脸给我看所以让我也很不高兴因为她 把不好的心情发洩在我身上後来还有一些她做的一些行为让我觉得她很自私只想到自己我後来认为我跟他的这段关系其实不算是真正的友谊关系感觉是假的友谊後来高中毕业後我们就很少联络了因为这个朋友让我觉得对友谊的看法稍微改变了我认为友谊的关系有时候可以是假的但也可以是真的但取决在於你交到的朋友是怎麼样的人在真正的交朋友发展一段友谊关系之前我认为必须要先好好了解对方可以通过一些小动作去试探这个人的个性如果对方真的乐於对你分享她的任何事情并且没有秘密你也和她合得来的话这样就可以算是一段好的友谊关系酒肉朋友可以不必交自私的人也不必交发展一段友谊关系 信任和会为对方著想是很重要的我会通过说故事的方式用我的故事但改编成动物的故事读给他们听然後问他们问题例如你觉得故事中的主角的感觉会是如何为什麼等等 Such questions to give the baby a little immersive feeling so that children will learn that 1 important real friendship real friendship is when you are happy, the other person will accompany you laugh together, share together with you; 2. True friendship when you are sad, the other with you weep and sharing together you! 3 true friendship is your worry time, do your listener, carefully teach you; 4. True friendship is when you lost, the other party do you happy, make you drive up! 5 true friendship does not exist the so-called jealousy and suspicion, because someone believe in you forever; 6 real friendship exists forever the quarrel, because each other will give the most sincere advice, to name the most honest! 7 true friendship is not everyone can get, because only the truly pay talents with it! 8 true friendship can stand the test and hone, regardless of wind and rain, it still thrive!
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