近年来,石油污染日益严重,如何修复被污染的土壤及其修复技术的研究日益成为大家瞩目的焦点。而高效烃降解菌的筛选是其中的大热门之一。本文通过对实验室保藏的5种石油降解菌(Z1、Z41、Z49、Y5、Y17)的初步筛选,选出石油降解效率比较高的菌种,然后为了进一步提高该菌株的石油降解效率,对其进行紫外诱变育种,诱变时间分为5S,15S,30S,40S,60S,再通过血平板初筛和摇床复筛,挑选出降解效率高的菌株,最终获得的菌株降解率为★,与之前对照提高了★,筛选出石油降解能力比较好的菌株,以期给对石油土壤修复的研究做参考。 展开
近年来,石油污染日益严重,如何修复被污染的土壤及其修复技术的研究日益成为大家瞩目的焦点。而高效烃降解菌的筛选是其中的大热门之一。本文通过对实验室保藏的5种石油降解菌(Z1、Z41、Z49、Y5、Y17)的初步筛选,选出石油降解效率比较高的菌种,然后为了进一步提高该菌株的石油降解效率,对其进行紫外诱变育种,诱变时间分为5S,15S,30S,40S,60S,再通过血平板初筛和摇床复筛,挑选出降解效率高的菌株,最终获得的菌株降解率为★,与之前对照提高了★,筛选出石油降解能力比较好的菌株,以期给对石油土壤修复的研究做参考。 展开
Hydrocarbon of degrading bacteria ultraviolet mutation breeding research
In recent years, oil pollution is serious, how to fix the contaminated soil and repair technology research increasingly become everyone's attention. And high efficiency degradation bacterium hydrocarbon screening is one of the big popular one. This article through to the laboratory of five preservation oil degradation bacterium (Z1, Z41, Z49, Y5, Y17) preliminary screening, choose oil is high efficiency degradation strains, and then in order to further improve the efficiency of the fungus oil degradation, and carry on the uv mutation breeding, induced time is divided into 5 S, 15 S, 30 S, 40 S, 60 S, again through the blood flat screen and wave at the beginning of the bed after screen, selected high efficiency degradation of the strain, the strain of eventually get degradation rate for u, and improve the control before u, and screened oil better strains degradation ability to repair the research on oil soil for reference.
In recent years, oil pollution is serious, how to fix the contaminated soil and repair technology research increasingly become everyone's attention. And high efficiency degradation bacterium hydrocarbon screening is one of the big popular one. This article through to the laboratory of five preservation oil degradation bacterium (Z1, Z41, Z49, Y5, Y17) preliminary screening, choose oil is high efficiency degradation strains, and then in order to further improve the efficiency of the fungus oil degradation, and carry on the uv mutation breeding, induced time is divided into 5 S, 15 S, 30 S, 40 S, 60 S, again through the blood flat screen and wave at the beginning of the bed after screen, selected high efficiency degradation of the strain, the strain of eventually get degradation rate for u, and improve the control before u, and screened oil better strains degradation ability to repair the research on oil soil for reference.
Hydrocarbon of degrading bacteria ultraviolet mutation breeding research
In recent years。 oil pollution is serious, how to fix the contaminated soil and repair technology research increasingly become everyone's attention. And high efficiency degradation bacterium hydrocarbon screening is one of the big popular one. This article through to the laboratory of five preservation oil degradation bacterium (Z1, Z41, Z49, Y5, Y17) preliminary screening, choose oil is high efficiency degradation strains, and then in order to further improve the efficiency of the fungus oil degradation, and carry on the uv mutation breeding, induced time is divided into 5 S, 15 S, 30 S, 40 S, 60 S, again through the blood flat screen and wave at the beginning of the bed after screen, selected high efficiency degradation of the strain, the strain of eventually get degradation rate for u, and improve the control before u, and screened oil better strains degradation ability to repair the research on oil soil for reference.
In recent years。 oil pollution is serious, how to fix the contaminated soil and repair technology research increasingly become everyone's attention. And high efficiency degradation bacterium hydrocarbon screening is one of the big popular one. This article through to the laboratory of five preservation oil degradation bacterium (Z1, Z41, Z49, Y5, Y17) preliminary screening, choose oil is high efficiency degradation strains, and then in order to further improve the efficiency of the fungus oil degradation, and carry on the uv mutation breeding, induced time is divided into 5 S, 15 S, 30 S, 40 S, 60 S, again through the blood flat screen and wave at the beginning of the bed after screen, selected high efficiency degradation of the strain, the strain of eventually get degradation rate for u, and improve the control before u, and screened oil better strains degradation ability to repair the research on oil soil for reference.