
专业名称:软件技术专业描述:1、在校期间所学课程有:a:C,C++,C#,JAVA,ASP.NET等程序开发语言;b:软件测试;c:UML,软件工程等软件规划课程;d:企... 专业名称:软件技术专业描述:1、在校期间所学课程有:


公司名称:浙江跃华电讯有限公司职位名称:软件测试QC & 计算机故障维修员所在部门:工作时间:2008年2月 - 2008年7月工作地点:浙江省乐清市宁康西路337号工作职责:
(业绩) 从事本公司软件(C/S)及网站(www.yaowa.com)的测试与维护:





有接近一年的软件测试员+网络管理员经验(实习),工作期间一丝不苟,严谨务实,有很强的责任心,和较强的团队合作意识,实习结束得到了领导的一致好评。职业目标:谋 软件测试员 或 软测工程师 职位,以充分发挥自己接近1年的软件测试工作经验所积累下的专业知识和技能,包括:软件测试,软件工程,软件开发,以及较强的文档撰写能力。




描 述 :对软件测试有着浓厚的兴趣,课余时间,广泛涉猎相关书籍,还利用实习机会进入浙江跃华电讯有限公司信息部实习(主要工作是参与测试用例的编写,对测试用例的执行,以及初步的性能测试),获得了大量关于软件测试的实践经验。
 我来答
2008-07-29 · TA获得超过7358个赞
a: C, C + +, C #, JAVA, ASP.NET, such as program development language;

b: software testing;

c: UML, software engineering courses, such as planning software;

d: enterprise management;

2, graduated from design and papers as "equipment management system" (C / S structure);

Work experience

Company Name: Zhejiang Yuehua Telecommunications Limited jobs: computer software testing QC & Maintenance of members of the sector: working hours: 2008 2 month - July 2008 Location: Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province Ningkang Xi Road 337, work duties :

(Performance) in the company's software (C / S) and website (www.yaowa.com) testing and maintenance of:

1. Dynamic Black Box Testing methods, data and models of the products tested and checked, test case design and implementation, using QTP set the parameters of the test site background data input and output functions, found deficiencies and proposed amendments;

2. LR use of the site conducting a preliminary performance test (pressure, load), estimated the site of the largest possible number of concurrent users and the maximum load capacity, during the ongoing project manager to report results;

3. Analysis of the test results, the associated outsourcing companies modify and improve;

4. Software program entities of the testing and electronic records of proof-reading, study and use their final design document templates to test the preparation and filing documents, upload.

PS: In his spare time, free of charge to help university students to participate in testing the company produced a large optician portal, the site data huge, complex sub-page, testing quite difficult. My main function is to participate in the test, designed to prepare a good test case, the use of the parameters QTP function and found that many BUG; also with their own carefully and find a lot of shortcomings on the page, such as poor page, leak-page blank Page layout interface improper and invalid, and so on the button, has been leading the company for the message.

In addition to the tests, but also the company's local area network and computer management, maintenance, common fault I can independently solve the problem or use network resources for processing.

Self-evaluation / career goals

Self-evaluation: hard-working hard in school during the period, professional Jichuzhashi, the repair of professional skills.

Nearly a year of software testers + network administrator experience (internship), meticulous work, strict pragmatic, and has a strong sense of responsibility, teamwork and strong sense of attachment by the end of the leadership of praise. Career goals: seeking software test engineer or soft measuring posts to give full play to their nearly one year of software testing experience accumulated by the professional knowledge and skills, including: software testing, software engineering, software development, and stronger document Ability to write.

Hope to apply what they have learned, for the team and enterprises to create more value and wealth.

Vocational skills and expertise

I master the basic software testing processes, independent design and preparation and implementation of test case, the test results for analysis, can handle QTP, LR, and other automated testing tools, pay attention to the preparation of documents, and has a strong ability to learn.

Familiar with the functional testing (black box), in the company during the internship, complete WEB done many times and procedures for functional testing; initial contact performance test (automatic); believe that the future work will be helpful.

Familiar with the C language, C + +, C #, JAVA, ASP.NET, and other commonly used programming languages and UML, software engineering, and other planning software knowledge.

Other information


Description: The software testing has a keen interest in after-school time, widely covered books, also used the opportunity to practice Yue Hua, Zhejiang Telecom to enter the Ministry of Information attachment (main task is to participate in the preparation of the test case, the test case of the implementation, and preliminary The performance test), was on a lot of practical experience in software testing.

Loving the game, but not excessive. The game tests, the same is very interested. After the game, will find its dominant self-BUG, thinking their game theory and creativity, implementation, the lack of interface, a more constructive recommendations for game companies hope to provide more good idea!
2008-07-29 · 超过26用户采纳过TA的回答
Professional title: Software Technology Description: 1, in school during the course are:
a: C, C + +, C #, JAVA, ASP.NET, such as program development language;
b: software testing;
c: UML, software engineering courses, such as planning software;
d: enterprise management;

2, graduated from design and papers as "equipment management system" (C / S structure);

Work experience
Company Name: Zhejiang Yuehua Telecommunications Limited jobs: computer software testing QC & Maintenance of members of the sector: working hours: 2008 2 month - July 2008 Location: Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province Ningkang Xi Road 337, work duties :
(Performance) in the company's software (C / S) and website (www.yaowa.com) testing and maintenance of:

1. Dynamic Black Box Testing methods, data and models of the products tested and checked, test case design and implementation, using QTP set the parameters of the test site background data input and output functions, found deficiencies and proposed amendments;
2. LR use of the site conducting a preliminary performance test (pressure, load), estimated the site of the largest possible number of concurrent users and the maximum load capacity, during the ongoing project manager to report results;
3. Analysis of the test results, the associated outsourcing companies modify and improve;
4. Software program entities of the testing and electronic records of proof-reading, study and use their final design document templates to test the preparation and filing documents, upload.

PS: In his spare time, free of charge to help university students to participate in testing the company produced a large optician portal, the site data huge, complex sub-page, testing quite difficult. My main function is to participate in the test, designed to prepare a good test case, the use of the parameters QTP function and found that many BUG; also with their own carefully and find a lot of shortcomings on the page, such as poor page, leak-page blank Page layout interface improper and invalid, and so on the button, has been leading the company for the message.

In addition to the tests, but also the company's local area network and computer management, maintenance, common fault I can independently solve the problem or use network resources for processing.

Self-evaluation / career goals
Self-evaluation: hard-working hard in school during the period, professional Jichuzhashi, the repair of professional skills.

Nearly a year of software testers + network administrator experience (internship), meticulous work, strict pragmatic, and has a strong sense of responsibility, teamwork and strong sense of attachment by the end of the leadership of praise. Career goals: seeking software test engineer or soft measuring posts to give full play to their nearly one year of software testing experience accumulated by the professional knowledge and skills, including: software testing, software engineering, software development, and stronger document Ability to write.
Hope to apply what they have learned, for the team and enterprises to create more value and wealth.

Vocational skills and expertise
I master the basic software testing processes, independent design and preparation and implementation of test case, the test results for analysis, can handle QTP, LR, and other automated testing tools, pay attention to the preparation of documents, and has a strong ability to learn.

Familiar with the functional testing (black box), in the company during the internship, complete WEB done many times and procedures for functional testing; initial contact performance test (automatic); believe that the future work will be helpful.

Familiar with the C language, C + +, C #, JAVA, ASP.NET, and other commonly used programming languages and UML, software engineering, and other planning software knowledge.

Other information
Description: The software has a strong interest in testing, after-school time, widely covered books, also used the opportunity to practice Yue Hua, Zhejiang Telecom to enter the Ministry of Information attachment (main task is to participate in the preparation of the test case, the test case of the implementation, and preliminary The performance test), was on a lot of practical experience in software testing.
Loving the game, but not excessive. The game tests, the same is very interested. After the game, will find its dominant self-BUG, thinking their game theory and creativity, implementation, the lack of interface, a more constructive recommendations for game companies hope to provide more good idea!
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