
我们相互抚摸了最隐蔽的地方,但是没**,但我想第一次要保持在中国发生。这时,时间也差不多了,因为我姐姐请客,我们要赶回去,晚餐后他回家了,我送他到家门外,我们的深深接吻,... 我们相互抚摸了最隐蔽的地方,但是没**,但我想第一次要保持在中国发生。这时,时间也差不多了,因为我姐姐请客,我们要赶回去,晚餐后他回家了,我送他到家门外,我们的深深接吻,都依依不舍,难舍难分,没办法,时间太晚了,我让他回家了。 8月20日是我离开阿德莱德的日子,这天我的心情一点不好,好像有什么东拿掉了一样,我和他约好上午11:00在机场见面,这天机场的人很多,换登机牌但过了很多时间,他来时,也顾不上和他谈话,已换好登机牌,就该去安检,在安检门口他给我照了一张照片,给了我一封信,这时我也顾不周围有人没有,我上前紧紧的抱着他,吻了他,然后含着眼泪走去安检,这时他的眼睛湿湿的,用失望的眼神目送着我,我恨不得扔下东西扑到他怀里,但是不行,就这样遗憾的离开阿德莱德。 今天是我期盼已久的日子9月1日我们全家人10:00钟从家里出发去机场迎接我的爱人,我为他准备了红玫瑰等待在候机厅门口,他一走出来,我上前去拥抱了,并献上玫瑰,他很激动,没想到我们这么多人去迎接他,然后我们开车去吃午饭,在车上我们紧紧握着对方的手谁也不想松开,这就是我们深深爱着对方和相互吸引,谁也不能把我们分开。我们吃完饭后,我带他去见了我的母亲,征得他老人家的同意,我母亲见了面,她老人家觉得他不错。我们全家人通过了几天的观察,觉得他有文化,有修养,脾又好,是一个较好的男人值得信赖。 在这短短的15天里我们做了很多次爱,那种感觉,会令我很满足。9月5日是一个特别的日子,我们在太平洋百货珠宝店,他为我买了订婚戒指,手提包和化妆品,为了庆祝,记住一辈子的日子,我们在大都会楼上吃了西式午餐,回到家里我的爱人跪着向我求婚了,我接受了他,但是,我们没有订婚宴,因为我们都是再婚,我们不想要其他人来打扰我们两的欢乐和我能们的喜悦。当晚,在晚餐时,我向全家人宣告,我们订婚,全家人拍手恭喜我们,他在这里我们进行了很多的谈话,证明了我们彼此的爱一次比一次爱得更深,我的愿望和计划是,我们将在在澳大利亚,阿德莱德结婚,让我们的晚年过得开心快乐,度过我们的后半辈子。 展开
2010-11-04 · TA获得超过1万个赞
We are touching the most hidden place, but no * *, but I think first islandwide keep happen in China. At this time, to have much time left, because my sister invited us to go back to, after supper he went home, I sent him home outside, we deeply kiss, all ready, 96, can't, too late, I let him go home. On August 20, I left the Adelaide is, all the days of the day my mood point not good, seem what east taking away the same, he and I invite good morning 11am cet before leaving to meet at the airport, the airport lots of people, get my boarding pass but passed many time, when he comes, also forgot to talk with him, already changing the boarding card, you should go to the security check at security door he gave me took a photo, gave me a letter, then I also gu not someone nearby: no, I stepped forward tightly embrace him, and kissed him, and then walked tears, when his eyes security wet, with disappointment eyes watching me, I couldn't dropped down to his bosom things, but no, so regret leaving Adelaide. Today is my long-awaited day on September 1, our family 10 clock leave home to the airport to meet my lover, I prepared for his red rose waiting in the lounge at the door, he stepped out of the car, I to embrace, and offer rose, he was excited, but we so many people go to meet him, then we'll drive to have lunch in the bus we clung to each other's hand who don't want to loosen, this is our deeply love each other and mutual attraction, nobody can separate us. After we had finished eating, I took him to see my mother, ask for his old man's house to agree, my mother met her old man think he's fine. Our family through several days of observation, that he is a culture, cultivated, spleen and good, to be a better man is trustworthy. In the short of 15 days we did a lot of times love, that kind of feeling, can make me very satisfied. On September 5, was a special day, we in the Pacific department store jewelry store, he bought me an engagement ring, handbag and cosmetics, in order to celebrate, remember a lifetime of day, we in the metropolitan upstairs ate western-style lunch he returned home, my lover kneel popped the question, I accepted him, but we haven't reserved wedding banquet, because we are married, we don't want others to disturb our two of joy and I can have joy. That night, at dinner, I declare to the family, we're engaged, the whole family hand-slaps congratulations to us, he here we have made much conversation, proved that we are each other's love a deeper than love once, my wish and a plan, we will be in in Australia, Adelaide married, let our old age had a happy and happy, through our after the rest of my life.
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