医学中文简历急求翻译成英文,在线急等!谢谢! 20

自我评价及个人优势:一、具医学专业背景,曾系统学习过基础医学和临床医学课程,毕业后即来深圳并一直从事生物医药行业至今已6年。二、英语国家六级水平,熟悉生化、免疫、药理、医... 自我评价及个人优势:
一、 具医学专业背景,曾系统学习过基础医学和临床医学课程,毕业后即来深圳并一直从事生物医药行业至今已6年。
二、 英语国家六级水平,熟悉生化、免疫、药理、医学常用术语及其对应的专业英语词汇,具备一定书面和口头交流能力,乐于参加英语角活动。
三、 熟悉欧美人文地理及欧美影视文化知识,包括熟记世界各国首都、美国各大州名及主要大城市名、欧美各主要发达国家及主要发达城市大致历史、经济特征及相对地理位置等。
四、 为人诚恳,积极上进,悟性及学习能力强,熟练运用办公软件且互联网搜索能力强,具备一定的市场商务意识。
五、 在大学期间担任过多种学生干部职务并组织过较多文娱等集体活动,愿意与不同人打交道,具备一定的沟通能力、协调能力及团队合作精神。


任“商务专员”一职,协助销售经理管理我公司所全权代理的母公司(科兴公司)主打生物制品 “干扰素”在全国内地各省市办事处的日常销售,同时负责我公司所代理的内地其他生产企业的新品种的引进及在深圳市内的配送工作,确保了公司日常核心业务正常有效地进行。主要包括:
1) 市场方面:编辑产品资料,收集整理产品市场信息及同类产品竞争对手信 息,为公司产品决策提供依据;参与公司自身产品招商广告的发布及其他内地生产企业品种的代理寻求工作,包括招商品种相关资料的配备等;
2) 商务方面:供货商及经销商的首营资料等相关资质的审核及购销合同的规范管理;管理日常发货并跟踪其销售流向,每月按质量管理规范做好进销存等数据归纳、整理及统计工作;与财务部保持有效沟通,定期核对库存及统计经销商销量,并按合同条款对经销商应收账款进行及时催收,确保公司货款安全;
3) 平时工作中有效地协助并保持与全国各省市办事处关于与渠道经销商日常各类业务问题的及时沟通,并与公司各部门协调解决,从而确保了公司与其长期友好的业务合作关系;
4) 比较熟悉生物医药销售管理流程,时时关心并了解生物医药行业相关政策法规。
 我来答
2008-07-14 · TA获得超过128个赞
Self-evaluation and personal strengths:
First, a medical background, had to systematically study the basic medical and clinical medicine courses, after graduating from Shenzhen to have been engaged in biological and pharmaceutical industry has been in six years.
Second, the level of six English-speaking countries, are familiar with chemical and biological, immunization, pharmacology, medical terminology commonly used and the corresponding English words, have a certain written and oral communication skills, happy to participate in the English Corner activities.
3, Human Geography Europe and the United States and Europe and the United States familiar with the film culture, including the master world capitals, major U.S. state and major cities of Europe and the United States all the major cities of developed countries and major developed largely history, geography and relative economic characteristics of Location.
Fourth, people sincere and positive progress, the savvy and ability to learn strong, and skilled use of office software and Internet search capability and have a certain sense of the market business.
5, the college served in a variety of student leaders and organizations have more duties, such as collective cultural activities and is willing to deal with different people, have a certain communication, coordination and team spirit

Personal subjective:
Shenzhen accounts, like Shenzhen, Shenzhen is willing to take root development, is extremely eager to succeed and is willing to combine their professional and English to join XX pharmaceutical advantage of this family! Good health, positive and progressive attitude, savvy and ability to learn strong, and very willing to work with an open mind at the same time learning to XX pharmaceutical companies in the development of the cause of China's sales force and contribute, together with the growth of the pharmaceutical XX but also individuals The higher the value of life!

Internship and work experience:
2004.01-present: Shenzhen Branch-biological engineering Co., Ltd. (GMP enterprises) subsidiary
The "Trade Commission," a post to help sales managers manage my company, the parent company of agent credentials (Division-company) main biological products, "interferon" Mainland provinces and cities in the country's daily sales offices, I am also responsible for the company by agents Mainland other production enterprises and the introduction of new varieties in Shenzhen City of distribution work to ensure that the company's core business of normal day-to-day effective manner. These mainly include:
1) Market: edit product information, compiling market information products and similar products competitors, for the company's products provide a basis for decision-making; participating companies advertising their own investment products and the release of other mainland enterprises seeking variety of agents, including China Merchants varieties With the relevant information;
2) Business: suppliers and dealers in the first camp, and other relevant information on the qualification of the audit and procurement and contract management norms; day-to-day management of shipping and tracking the flow of its sales, according to a month to standardize the quality of management data, such as Invoicing Summed up, collate and statistical work with the Ministry of Finance to maintain effective communication, regular check inventory and sales statistics dealers, distributors and the terms of the contract on the timely collection of accounts receivable to ensure that the security company money;

3) usually work in the effective assistance and to maintain the national and provincial and municipal offices on the various channels of day-to-day operational issues distributor of timely communication and coordination with the company to resolve various departments, thus ensuring the company and its long-term friendly cooperation between the business;
4) who are more familiar with biomedical sales management processes, always concerned with and understanding of the pharmaceutical industry-related policies and regulations.
2002.07-2003.12: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Institute for Drug Research Institute in Shenzhen
The "research assistant" position, mainly in pharmacology sterile laboratory to assist in the drug laboratory in charge of pre-clinical pharmacology experiments based drug research and development work, analysis and filter out certain types of hypolipidemic and anticancer drugs through animals The experiment showed some pharmacological effect.
2001.03 - 2002.06: Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University (internship)
Internship period had been "outstanding trainee" honor.
2008-07-14 · TA获得超过1326个赞
Self-assessment and individual advantage: One, medical science special field background, once systematic the course have studied preclinical medicine and clinical medicine , the queen who graduates are to come to Shenzhen and always to be engaged in living things medicine industry so far already 6 years. Two, sextupole English country level, know biochemistry , immunity , pharmacology , technical term of medical science in common use and their corresponding Specialty English vocabulary very well , have the activity definitely in written form and in words, exchanging an ability , being happy to participate in an English corner. Three, know Europe and America humanity geographical feature and Europe and America movie and TV culture very well knowledge, history , economy characteristic and relative geographic location wait basically including the learn all the countries in the world capital , every big USA prefecture names by heart and main big city name , the respectively main developed country of Europe and America and main developed city. Four, conduct oneself sincerely , make progress actively, comprehension and the learning ability are strong , the skilled the office software applying and Internet reconnaissance ability are strong , have certain marketplace business affairs mental consciousness. Five, group activity such as have held the post of various student cadre post and have organized more entertainment during the period of university, hope that person comes into contact with with diversity , have certain link an ability up , harmonize the ability and the team cooperation spirit. Subjective wish of individual: Shen Zhen City registered permanent residence , delighted Shenzhen, be ready take root Shenzhen develops , is eager for success extremely, hope that pharmacy is such adding XX combining with oneself special field and English advantage big family! Good health , psychology make progress actively , comprehension and the learning ability are strong , are ready to learn modestly while working very, the company also realizes higher value of life of individual for XX pharmacy while Chinese marketing cause develops but a portion accompanies at the furthest end of strenuously , thereby XX pharmacy to grow up commonly! The job and practice are experienced: 2004.01- so far: Shenzhen Kexing bioengineering incorporated company (GMP enterprise) subcompany assumes a post of "a commercial attache " one duty, daily helping a sales manager to manage the parent company (section encourages a company) host that my company institute full powers acts for since biological product "interferon" is in every whole nation inland province city office sells , the business producing new enterprise breed introducing to inland other and giving the company who has worked , ensured that daily core in Shenzhen city being qualified for acted for by my company who is responsible at the same time is on the march regularly effectively. Include mainly: 1) marketplace aspect: Information editing the product data , collecting the arrange product market information and of the same kind product competitor, product decision-making provides a basis to the company; Participate in a company oneself product confess that explore a job discussing the advertisement announcing and their his inland manufacturing enterprises breed agency, the equipment including the move commodity kind of relevance data waits; 2) business affairs aspect: The quality examining and verifying and the contracts for purchase and marketing of the products norm manage relevances such as supply of material business and dealer's camp data; Manage daily delivery and track the person selling flow direction, every month be ready for receive a pin existing waiting for a data induction , arrange and count a job according to quality control norm; With financial affairs headquarter keep effective communicate with, check stock at the regular intervals and count a dealer selling amounts, and the account receivable is in progress in time to the dealer according to contract terms speed up collect, ensure company money for buying or selling goods safety; And 3) assists and keeps with the whole nation every province city office in the job effectively in the ordinary time about communicating with daily channel dealer business of all kinds problem timeliness, every branch coordination solves with the company, have ensured a company thereby than amicable business of long range concerns in cooperation; Living things medicine sells 4) comparison at home managing technological process , from time to time, cares for and knows living things medicine industry relevance policy law and regulation. 2002.07-2003.12: The Hong Kong university of science and engineering Shenzhen research institute medicine research institute assumes a post of one duty "studying an assistant " , the sterile laboratory helps a laboratory to be in charge of mainly in the pharmacology being engaged in the medicine research comparing with develop job giving first place to clinical medicine front pharmacology experiment , the kind having analysed and sifting out some conquers the blood grease and resists the part pharmacology effect that tumour medicine shows by the animal experiment. 2001.03- - 2002.06: Wuhan University once obtained "excellent probationer " honour south central during hospital (practice) practice.
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